Конспект уроку з англійської мови"Майбутні перспективи випускника школи"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку, що містить матеріал для активізації вживання тематичної лексики, практики учнів в усному та писемному мовленні, тренування у вживанні умовних речень і герундія, сприяння розвитку самостійного креативного мислення учнів, надання можливості висловлення власних думок, виховання свідомого ставлення до вибору майбутньої професії.
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Тема: Майбутні перспективи випускника школи

Цілі: активізувати вживання тематичної лексики, практикувати учнів в усному та писемному мовленні, тренувати у вживанні умовних речень і герундія; сприяти розвитку самостійного креативного мислення учнів, надати можливість висловлювати власні думки, розширювати їх кругозір; виховувати свідоме ставлення до вибору майбутньої професії.

Обладнання: роздавальний матеріал для роботи в парах та групах, плакат.


Introductory talk.

 T: You know time flies and it won’t be long when you finish school. There will be some roads open before you to continue your education, to find a job, to join the army. It’s up to you to decide. Is it easy to choose future careers? Give your opinions.

( Pupils’ answers:

  • it is not easy because there are so many professions.
  •  When choosing a profession we must think whether we are seriously interested in it.
  • We must realize that not only one’s wishes and interests must be considered, but one’s health abilities, features of character and knowledge as well.
  •  We must make ourselves comfort in it.

T: You’re right. The limerick says:

                          If we could know which road to take,

                          If we were told which choice to make,

                          We wouldn’t need to hurry,

                          And nobody would worry,

                           Life would be just a piece of cake.


Warming up. Let’s revise the names of professions. Choose the job from the box and say who you will contact if:


you want to have a picture of yourself

  • fireman

your house is on fire

  • photographer

you want to have a new suit

  • dressmaker

you want to do your hair

  • stewardess

you want to know more about laws

  • beach lifeguard

you’re on board a plane and want smth.

  • librarian

your father’s car has been broken

  • hairdresser

you’ve lost your friend on the beach

  • mechanic

you don’t know which book to  choose

  • lawyer


II Speaking. After school you’ll have to choose a place to study. Put these factors in order of priority from 1 to 8 (1 is the most important). Which ones would influence you most in making your decision?

  • friends (your friends are going to study there)
  • boyfriend/girlfriend (you want to be together)
  • buildings and facilities (modern, new)
  • social life (lots of parties, discos, clubs)
  • teachers (qualified, friendly)
  • subjects offered (you like the timetable)
  • the location (you want to live near/away from home)
  • the reputation (they say it is a good university)

Presentation of the multi-part verbs.

2.1 Match these verbs with the underlined multi-part verbs in ‘Advice for interviews’:

 think of, talk clearly, invent, relax, arrive, make yourself comfortable, make a list, pretend, communicate, observe everything in a place, talk a lot about, put on good clothes, find information, write

Advice for interviews’

1. Dress up for the interview to get across a responsible attitude.

2. Calm down before the interview by having a coffee.

3.Think about the job and write down your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Look things up about the company on the internet.

5. Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes earlier.

6. Settle down in your chair and look around the room.

7. Take down notes during the interview.

8. Make up information about yourself.

9. Make out you understand something when you don’t.

10. Go on about your personal life

11. Speak up and express yourself clearly.

12. Come up with a couple of questions about the job.

Answers:  dress up - , put on good clothes; to get across – communicate;  calm down – relax; write down -  make a list; look up - , find information; turn up -  arrive; settle down - make yourself comfortable; look around - observe everything in a place; take down – write; make up-, invent; make out -  pretend; go on about - talk a lot about; speak up - talk clearly; come up with- think of

Find the right name of profession

Charlie Chaplin – an actor

Lewis Carroll – a writer

Michelangelo – an artist

Gagarin – a spaceman

Archimedes – a scientist

Kasparov – a sportsman

Shevchenko – a poet

Mozart – a composer

Merlin Monroe – an actress

Writing. Choosing a profession is a serious test. You should listen to your parents’ and teachers’ advice, read some literature, learn one’s experience. Say if the following statements are true or false. Comment on your ideas.

  1. Many people have their career choices on their interests.
  2. It is not important to you to share your thoughts with parents.
  3. Parents rarely support the creative ideas of their children.
  4. To succeed in teaching it’s enough to be well-educated.
  5.  Teens can run their business successfully
  6. Being a farmer is great.

Reading. Group work. Looking For a Job. During the lifetime people have to change their jobs in some reasons.

Read the advertisements and choose a person from the table below for this job. Give your opinions to the others in your group.

           1.     Have you ever considered teaching as a career?

                        Think you’re too old?

                         Not qualified enough?

If you have experience with children, and other work experience, you can still re-train.   Maths  and French teachers are particularly needed.


            2.                                 As a tour guide you can earn £17,000

and travel abroad, or work in the UK. Full or part-time jobs are available.

 Much better if you can speak French or German.



3. Many organizations nowadays have entertainment officers

If you are a good organizer, this could be the job for you.

Training is necessary but pay can be high.



4. By taking an Open University course, you can become a qualified social worker.

It is a responsible and rewarding job, full of variety,

and pay starts at over £11,000 when you are fully qualified.













Present job

Now a housewife

Bookshop manager


Library assistant

Qualifications, skills

Trained secretary

Speak French

Good with people

Degree in History


Gets on with people

Can drive

Good at sports


Good organizer






Other experience

Has worked with young children

Has travelled a lot

Sings in clubs

Has worked in youth clubs as a leader

Has worked as a hairdresser

Reasons for changing

To begin a new career

Wants to do a useful job

Wants to earn more

Wants to train for a new career

Will study

Wants a lively job

with more money


Preferably part-time

Not at an office

Not teaching

No travelling

 Summing-up. T: Do you agree that choosing a road in your life is a very serious task? All trades and professions are needed and important, aren’t they/? What sort of job would you like to do? Why? ( your abilities, interests, knowledge) What should you write if you want to apply for a job?

Home Assignment. Prepare your project about the job




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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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