Конспект уроку з англійської мови ": The ecological problems of the planet"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови ": The ecological problems of the planet"
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Тема: The ecological problems of the planet

Мета: розвивати вміння монологічного, діалогічного та писемного мовлення; формувати ерудицію учнів; виховувати дбайливе ставлення до природи та усвідомлення важливості охорони довкілля.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Форма уроку: урок-бесіда.

Обладнання: підручник, презентація природних катаклізмів, роздруківки з завданнями.


1. Evans V. ClickOn 2. Student's book / V. Evans, N. O'Sullivan. – N: Express Publishing, 2001. – 166 с.

2. Evans V. ClickOn 3. Student's book / V. Evans, N. O'Sullivan. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001. – 165 с.

3. Карп’юк О. Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 10 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль: «Видавництво Астон», 2011. – 224 с.


План уроку


1. Організація класу.

2. Мовленнєва зарядка.


1. Перевірка знань тематичної лексики.

2. Оголошення теми уроку.

3. Слово вчителя.

4. Словникова робота.

5. Опис картин з екологічними проблемами.

6. Робота з діалогами.

7. Робота з підручником.


1. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

2. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання досягнень учнів.


Хід уроку


1. Організація класу.

2. Мовленнєва зарядка:

Слово вчителя: Let’s have a practice minute for training yours speech. I want you to repeat after me the tongue-twister:

Betty Botta bought some butter,

“But she said, this butter’s bitter,

But a bit of better butter will make my

batter better”.

So, she bought a bit of butter better than

The bitter butter,

And it made her batter better.



1. Перевірка знань тематичної лексики:

Слово вчителя: Today we’re finishing to learn the topic about natural disasters. For making our lesson successful, I would like you to remind topical vocabulary.

On the screen you will see same pictures of nature disasters, please, name them:

  • Лавина, обвал снігу – avalanche
  • Землетрус – earthquake
  • Повінь – flood
  • Цунамі – tsunami
  • Злива, гроза – hailstorm
  • Спека – heat wave
  • Зсув ґрунту – land slide
  • Виверження вулкану – volcanic eruption
  • Снігова буря – blizzard
  • Засуха – draught

2. Оголошення теми уроку:

Слово вчителя: Today we will speak about the ecological problems of the planet, so open your copybooks, write-down the date and the theme of our lesson.

All nature disasters affecting the ecological condition of the planet. Air pollution, drying up rivers, global warning – all these are ecological problems. If the cause of volcanic eruption is nature, then the cause of water pollution is a human activity.

  What kind of disasters caused by people do you know? (Students’ answers).


4. Словников робот:

Слово вчителя: Let's find out what other types of ecological problems we have on Earth. Look at your Study-books.  There you can see some pictures, try to match them with the definitions:

  • Acid rains – кислотні дощі
  • Industrial wasteпромислові відходи
  • Deforestationвирубка лісу
  • Overfishingвідлов риби
  • Rising water levelsпідвищення рівню води
  • Hole in ozone layerдіра в озоновому шарі
  • Rubbish - сміття
  • Oil spillsвитік нафти
  • Air pollutionзабруднення повітря
  • Water pollutionзабруднення води
  • Noise pollutionшум
  • Land pollutionзабруднення ґрунту
  • Ultraviolet radiation ультрафіолетове випромінювання
  • Smog – смог


Слово вчителя: Which of the accidents from the list occurred in the Kherson region?


5. Опис картин з екологічними проблемами:

Слово вчителя: Every ecological problem has its cause. What do you think, what is the cause of these problems in Kherson? (Students’ answers). So now, look at the pictures of ecological disasters that happened in other countries. Name them and specify the reason for their appearance, for example: in the photo we can see a forest fire. The cause of it – the human carelessness.


6. Робота з діалогами:

Слово вчителя: We know that environmental problems are found across the all planet. Once discarded candy wrapper can create a big problem. Let's read the dialogue about how little human habits can lead to global problems.



Lisa: Look at the beach! How awful!

Mary: Oh, what a shame! I was looking forward to a day by the sea.

Lisa: It looks like the rest of the world had the same idea – look at all that rubbish!

Mary: It’s disgusting. People shouldn’t leave there rubbish behind. They should take it home in a bag.

Lisa: Yes, or the council should provide bins.

Mary: I know! Let’s get some rubbish bags from the supermarket and clean this lot up.

Lisa: Oh, do we have to?

Mary: No, we don’t have to, but I think we should.

Lisa: That’s right. You know what they say – if you’re not a part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem.




Слово вчителя: What ecological problem is showed in the dialogue? What people can do for keeping the beaches clean? (rubbish, land pollution)



Dave: Oh, this is a waste of time! We’ve been fishing all morning and we haven’t caught a thing.

Sam: Well, I’m not really surprised. I mean, look at the lake. It’s a total mess. The only thing you’re likely to catch in this water is a disease.

Dave: I just don’t understand how it got so dirty.

Sam: Well, I suppose that local factories have been pumping their industrial waste into it.

Dave: I hate that! Look! Someone has been dumping rubbish! What sort of person would do that in such a beautiful spot?

Sam: Well, I wouldn’t, but a lot of people simply don’t care about environment.


Слово вчителя: What ecological problem is showed in the dialogue? What people can do for keeping the lakes, rivers clean? (rubbish, industrial waste, water pollution)

 Every problem can be solved. If ordinary people can’t patch the hole in the ozone layer, they can even throw garbage into specific bins.

 What people must or mustn’t do in relation to the ecology we can find out doing exercise on your Task-papers:

Fill in what we must or mustn’t do in relation to the ecology:

  1. We mustn’t pollute rivers.
  2. We must use only unleaded petrol.
  3. We must recycle paper, glass, etc.
  4. We mustn’t protect wildlife.
  5. We mustn’t destroy rainforests.
  6. We must protect wildlife.
  7. We mustn’t drop letter on beaches.
  8. We mustn’t let factories pollute the air.


 7. Робота з підручником:

 Слово вчителя: Also what people must do – is to worry about the state of the environment. We have to be careful what we do with nature. What people can do if something bad has already happened?

 Let’s read the text given on your Task-paper, and then we will understand our purpose as a human:

 We, humans, now dominate the Earth - and our planet is in grave danger of suffering from our activities. But from time to time the Earth threatens us, warns of the danger of killing the planet and ourselves. We have to be very careful what we do with nature, provoking to some extent natural disasters like drought, sandstorm and famine in Africa, flood in Netherlands, hurricanes in the USA, volcanoes and earthquakes in Turkey, Japan, Mexico, Italy, Armenia, typhoons and tidal wakes, landslide and fire. Natural disasters make big problems and people all over the world come to help regions where the catastrophe has happened. Different countries send to the area of the natural disaster food and medical supplies, as well as doctors, nurses, blankets, tents and clothes.

  Natural catastrophes, being great tragedies, teach us to be merciful to the other people and to our planet — the Earth.


Слово вчителя: We can see that doing such little things, we can save in some way our planet.

 Open your books at p.109, ex. 3. Let’s do some conclusions about natural disasters, the place of the human in nature, and our role on the planet.


Keys: https://www.euroki.org/books/gdzs/1647/764678.png



1. Пояснення домашнього завдання: р. 110, ex. 4 – reading, translating, writing out the unfamiliar words.

2. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання досягнень учнів:

Слово вчителя: So, we have just finished learning about natural disasters, ecological problems. What did you remember the most from this topic?


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 вересня 2020
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