Конспект уроку з англійської мови за темою "Ukraine" для 5 класу

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Конспект уроку на тему "Україна." для 5 класу має на меті : розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення; розвивати навички читання; повторити дієслово “to be" та присвійні займенники;

Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку

Клас: 5-А


Тема: Рідне місто(село)

     -навчальна:   ознайомити з новою лексикою теми

                           - розвивати  навички діалогічного  мовлення;

                            - розвивати навички читання;

                            - повторити дієслово to be та присвійні займенники;

                            - практикувати учнів в письмі

     -розвивальна: розвивати увагу, пам'ять, мислення, комунікативні здібності учнів

     - виховна: виховати любов до своєї країни, поважати її символи, розширити кругозір

                      учнів , виховати       почуття відповідальності

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань.

Методи: бесіда, пояснення, ситуативне мовлення

Засоби: підручник, РЗ.

                                                      Хід уроку


1.Оргмомент                                               Good morning, Good morning

                                                                      Good morning to you

                                                                      Good morning my children

                                                                      I’m glad to see you!


                                                                     - Who is on duty today?          

                                                                     - Who is absent today?

                                                                     -What homework have you done?

                                                                     - What is the weather like today?



2. Повідомлення теми, мети уроку              Today well speak about  Ukraine, its territory

                                                                         and emblem, flag. You learn a lot of interesting facts

                                                                         about our country. We’ll repeat the verb “to be”. We’ll do

                                                                         quiz and complete the sentences.

3. Мовленнєва розминка

(учні поділені на 2 команди)                          What do you know about Ukraine?

                                                                           1. What is the capital of Ukraine?

                                                                           2. What is the official language in our country?

                                                                           3. What is the main river?

                                                                           4. What is the emblem and flag of Ukraine?

                                                                           5. What is the population of the country?

                                                                           6. What large cities in Ukraine do you know?

                                                                           7. What seas are there in Ukraine?

                                                                           8. What mountains in Ukraine do you know?

                                                                            9. What animals live in the woods of our country?

                                                                           10.Who was the founder of Kyiv?

                                                                            11.What famous people in Ukraine do you know?

                                                                            12.  What countries does Ukraine border on?


4. Ознайомлення з новою лексикою

population – населення

border on – межувати з

Area – територія, пощадь

To be proud of – пишатися  (чимось)

famous for – відомий (чимось)

native –рідний

emblem –Герб , емблема

Trident  Тризубець

Mountain - гора

regions  - область, регіон

occupу– займати, охоплювати


mild -  помірний

soft – мякий


5. Читання тексту                                      

     Ukraine is one of the largest countries of Eastern Europe. It occupies an area of 603 700 km2. Its territory stretches for 893 kilometres from north to south and for 1316 kilometres from east to west. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus Moldova,  Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.   In the south it is washed by the Black and the Azov Seas. The major rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Donets and others.

 The major part of Ukraine is flat and only 5% of it is mountainous. The two mountainous areas in Ukraine are the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains.

    Ukraine has deposits of iron, manganese, coal, natural gas, oil and other mineral resources.

    The main branches of industry are: coal and ore mining, iron and steel engineering, machine and ship building. Besides, Ukraine has always been an agrarian country. Traditionally crop-growing and cattlebreeding are being developed.

      The population of Ukraine is about 47 million people. The biggest cities are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Lviv, Mykolaiv and others. Ukraine has an ancient history. It has its own original culture and arts.

 The climate is mild and soft in the west and in the centre , warm and dry in the east and hot in the south.


6  .Доповнення речень             Fill in the words (climate, cities, population, flag, area,  regions  


                                                                          1.The Ukrainian _________ is blue and yellow.

                                                                          2.There are 26 ________________in Ukraine

                                                                          3. The _____________is 48 million people.

                                                                          4. The _______________is 603,700 km2

                                                                          5. The ___________is mild and soft.

                                                                           6. The biggest ___________are Kyiv, Kharkiv


 7 . Постановка запитань                                  Учні ставлять запитання в режимі P1-P2-P3



8. Дієслово to be , присвійні займенники

1. I _________ proud of _________ native town.

2. We _________proud of _______ country.

3. Lesya  Ukrainka _______ famous for_______ poems.

4. Zaporizhian Kozaks _________heroes who fought for ________native land.

5. Kyiv ________ famous for ________ sights.

6. Taras Shevchenko _________ famous for__________ “Kobzar”


9.  Узагальнення знань                                   гра «Чайнворд»


10.  Д./з                                                                 вивч слова, чит. Текст, постав.8 запит. ,

                                                                              скласти 7 реч. З новими словами


11 .Підсумок уроку                                           What have we learnt today?

                                                                              Гра «Вгадати слово»

12. Мотивація оцінок




18 січня 2019
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