Урок - гра з англійської мови на тему "Books in our life"

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Конспект містить цікаві завдання для командної гри: цікаві загадки, запитання, завдання на знання творів та їх авторів.
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Тема:   Books. Famous writers”

Клас: 5-А


  -навчальна -     - повторити лексику з теми   “Books. Famous writers”

        - перевірити навички аудіювання;

        - розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення:

        - розвивати творчі здібності ( скадання віршів)

        - перевірити знання учнями творів художньої культури  

          зарубіжних письменників

                          -  ознайомити учнів з правилами користування книг;

                          - ознайомити з висловлюваннями відомих людей.

- розвивальна: - розвинути увагу, логічне мислення, розширити кругозір учнів;                           

- виховна: виховати любов до іноземних мов, вміння працювати в команді.

Тип уроку: вікторина (Брейн- ринг)

Засоби: мультимедійна дошка, текст для читання, завдання для вікторини.

Хід уроку


Teacher: Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. My best wishes to you. It’s time to begin our lesson. Our topic is “ Books. Famous writers”. We’ll organize a competition. For the competition you should make three teams.

Task 1 (розминка)


Puzzle 1 Слайд 2


На лівій половинці книжної шафи – шифр. Коли ви заміните значки літерами, що на правій половинці, то зможете прочитати речення.



Puzzle 2 Слайд 3


Причитайте зашифроване питання на книзі. Звертайте увагу на розміри книг..



Task 2 Riddles  (Загадки)


Here are some riddles for fun. Try and guess.

1.I know everything,

 I teach everybody.

 But to make friends with mei

 You must first learn. (a book)


2. The field is white,

 Black is the seed,

 The man who sows it

 Is clever indeed.(a page of a book)


3. I’m neither a rhyme nor a song,

 I can be short or very long,

 I can be funny or quite sad,

 But to read me you’ll be glad (a story)


4. It is not a tree, but has leaves;

It is not a dress, but is sewn together;

It has no tongue, but can tell you a story. ( A book)


5. He writes a book ( an author)


6. . This little traveler is very strong.

He can run a thousand miles.

Before he starts, he takes off his hat.

When he rests, he puts it on. (A pen)


Task 3 Literary game (Слайд 4)


Match the following works and their authors


.1.Treasure Island                                                  a. Mark Twain

2.Gulliver’s Travels                                                  b. Alan Alexander Milne

3. Winnie-the Pooh                                             c. J.K Rowling

4. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes               d. R.S. Stevenson

5. Alice in Wonderland                                      e. Jonathan Swift

6.Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s  stone              f. Daniel Defoe

7.Robinson Crusoe                                                  g. Lewis Carol

8. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer                           h. Arthur Conan Doyle


1.d,   2e,  3b   4h    5 g     6c    7f   8a 



Task 4 Test -Foreign literature

Choose the correct variant.

1. This writer began to write detective stories in 1920.

a. Jack London

b. Mark Twain

c. Agatha Christie


2. “Treasure island” is an adventure story about... looking for buried treasure.

a. pirates

b. children

c. policemen


3. In this town the tourists can see the house where Shakespeare lived with his family.

a. London

b. Edinburg

c. Stratford- on –Avon


4.What was the aunt’s name of Tom Sawyer?

a. Molly

b. Polly

c. Maggie


5. “The Prince and the Pauper” was written by this writer

a. Mark Twain

b. Jack London

c. Conan Doyle


6  Who is the ‘father’ of ‘Sherlock Holmes’?

 a) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

 b) Agatha Christie

 c) George Orwell


7. Who said ‘To be or not to be’?

 a) Lord Byron

 b) Charles Dickens

 c) William Shakespeare


8. Who wrote the ‘Lord of the Rings’?

 a)  J.R.R. Tolkien

 b)   J.K. Rowling

 c)  Lewis Carroll


Task 5 «Скласти діалог» (слайд 5)


- What books do you like to read?


- I prefer …. books. And  What about you? –


- I like….. because …… And who is your favourite character?


- My favourite character is …. because….


  • I agree with you. Books play а  big role in our life.


Task 6 . Аудіювання ( слайд 16)  Beatrix Potter (1866- 1943)  (слайд 6)

True/ false.

  1. Beatrix lived in England.(+)
  2. Many boys and girls came to Beatrix to play. (-)
  3. Beatrix played with her animals and talked to them. (+)
  4.  Beatrix wrote stories about her animal friends and told those stories to her little sister. (-)
  5. She didn’t draw pictures for her stories. (-)
  6. The title of the first book was “The Tale of Robert Rabbit”  (-)
  7. Children like to read  Beatrix Potter’s books. (+)
  8. Beatrix Potter had an interesting profession (+)

7. Фізкультхвилинка.


Task 8 «Конкурс капітанів»  Скласти вірш  (будь-яка тема) поки капітани склад. вірш у нас 8 конкурс ( bookcook,   Benpen)


Task 9 “ Guess the character and name the work and the author” (слайд 7-17)


7 – Cinderella (Sharl Perro)

8 – Little Red Riding Hood (Sharl Perro)

9 – Rapunzel (Brothers Grimm)

10 Three Little Pigs (Джоэль Харрис) (Сергей Михалков)

11. Aladdin (Antuan Hallan)

12. the wolf and the seven kids  (Brothers Grimm)

13. Mowgli (R. Kipling)

14. Winnie the Pooh (Alan Alexander Milne)

15. The Princess on the Pea (Hans Christian Andersen)

16. Gulliver’s Travels  (Jonathan Swift )


  1.  Намалювати картину.

It’s a monster. It has got a round  blue body, 4 grey hands, 3 green legs and 2 long yellow tails. It has got a small square white head with long green nose  5 orange eyes and black angry mouth. Its hair is  short, curly and pink. Its has got  green donkey ears. In its right hand is a big orange book.    


Let,s  say how we must treat books.  (слайд 17)


1. Love books. Books are our best friends.

2. Wash your hands before you begin to read.

3. Do not make dog’s ears in your book.

4. Do not read books in bed. It is bad for your eyes.

5. Do not mark marks on the pages of a library book with a pen or pencil.

6. Do not tear the pages of a book.








Task 9 «Висловлювання відомих людей» ( слайд 18)


«Love books, they are the source of knowledge».


«Boors, I believed, may be divided into three groups: books to read, books to re-read, books not to be read at all» (O.Wilde).


«Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body» (Richard Steele).


«All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, the books of all time» (John Ruskin).


«Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all»  (Henry David Thoreau)




Task 10. Answer the questions.

1.Who was born in Stratford-on-Avon? (Wil­liam Shakespeare)

  1. What village was Taras Shevchenko born in? (Kyrylivka)

3. What is the real name of Lesia Ukrayinka? (Larysa Petrivna Kosach-Kvitka)

4. The Russian writer who wrote the poems "Poltava", "Ruslan and Liudmyla?" (A. S. Pushkin)

5. One of the most famous writers who wrote detective stories? (Conan Doyle)

6. The author of "Robinson Crusoe"? (Daniel Defoe)

7. He wrote the book' "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"? (Conan Doyle)  

8.A novel for children about a little boy from a small American town and his friends by Mark Twain? ("The adventures of Tom Saw­yer")



Підведення підсумків


Well, our competition comes to the end. It’s time to count the score. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your wonderful work. You’ll get good marks. Good-bye.


18 січня 2019
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