Конспект уроку за темою "Харчування"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку містить лексико - граматичне завдання (some / any). а також спрямований на розвиток навичок аудіювання та писемного мовлення.
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Конспект уроку

Клас: 5-А


Тема: Харчування


     -навчальна:   активізувати лексику теми

                            - вчити учнів працювати в групах;

                            - розвивати навички читання;

                            - тренувати учнів у граматиці some/ any;

                            - розвивати навички письма.

                            -  розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення

                            - розвивати навички аудіювання

                            - перевірити навички читання


     -розвивальна: розвивати увагу, пам'ять, мислення, комунікативні здібності учнів

     - виховна: залучити учнів до здорового способу життя, привчити учні до здорового

                       харчування, виховати  почуття  відповідальності.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Методи: бесіда, пояснення, ситуативне мовлення

Засоби: підручник, РЗ, текст для читання

                                                      Хід уроку


1.Оргмомент                                               Good morning, Good morning

                                                                      Good morning to you

                                                                      Good morning my children

                                                                      I’m glad to see you!


                                                                     - Who is on duty today?          

                                                                     - Who is absent today?

                                                                     -What homework have you done?

                                                                     - What is the weather like today?


2. Мовленнєва розминка                           1. What food do you like?

                                                                        2. What is your favoutite dish?

                                                                        3. What do you like to drink?

                                                                        4   Do you like strong tea?

                                                                        5.What can you cook ?

                                                                        6.  Can you fry potatoes?

                                                                        7/Why is fruits healthy for us?


3..Перевірка Д./з 


4. Повідомлення теми, мети уроку              Today we are going to speak about  food and

                                                                         drinks. We’ll work in group, read and translate the

                                                                         text , practice grammar rule some/any and make

                                                                         dialogues. And do listening comprehension.

                                                                         We check your Reading Comprehension


 5. Знайти  зайве слово                                  Find the odd one out.

                                                                        cucumber, tomato, pepper, bread.

                                                                        cheese, salt, banana, water.

                                                                        chocolate, onion, ice cream.

                                                                        juice, coffee, tea, ice cream.

                                                                        Chicken, milk, meat, steak



6. Діалогічне мовлення                               -What food do you like to eat?

                                                                       -  I like…

                                                                      -  What is your favourite dish?

                                                                       -  My favourite dish is….

                                                                       -  Can you cook salad?

                                                                        - Can you give a recipe of your favourite dish?

7. Граматика some/ any;

1. I need ____________  meat for soup.

2. We haven’t got ___________ butter..

4. I don’t want __________ oranges.

5. Have you got _____________ice-cream?.

6. We haven’t got __________ coffee .

7 Have we got ____________ apples?

8. I want __________ cheese.

9. They have ... milk.

10. We need ... eggs and ... milk.

11.He doesn’ t have ... water.

13.Have we got … juice?


8. Аудіювання тексту.

     Scientists say that we eat about 5 hundred kilogrammes of food a year – not counting drinks. America is the world’s leader in obesity. Americans eat all the time. They eat in their cars, at the cinema, during college lectures, at the hairdressers, on the way to school. The favorite foods among children in the USA are hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, pizzas, ice – cream. A lot of American children are fat, because they spend a lot of time watching TV, sitting in front of their computers. They don’t like to do sports. What will they look like when they grow up? Imagine them as a lazy fat old man or woman with eyes glued to the TV, hands in a packet of chips, munch – munch.

Complete the sentences

1. We eat…….

2.America is the world” leader in….

3.Americans eat……

4.American children like……

5.A lot of them  are…..


9.Работа в групі .

«What to do to be healthy. Give some advices»

Потрібно скласти карточки так, щоб отримати поради, як бути здоровим.

-       Fresh  vegetables and fruit  /  make you intelligent, optimistic, energetic.

-       Eat / healthy food

-       Don’t/ eat fast food

-       Every day eat fresh fruit and vegetables/ because they have a lot of vitamins

-       Don’t eat/ watching TV or playing on the computer

-       Wash your hands/ before you eat

Дати відповідь: Which of these advice do you follow?


10.Письмо. Диктант

Dear…. ( What is the name of the person you write to)

You asked me what I like to eat. Usually I have breakfast at … (when). I eat … (with\ whom). In the morning I eat … and drink … (What do you  usually eat and drink) I Ilike to drink it with … (with what). For breakfast I don’t like … (what  don’ you like for breakfast). For dinner I usually have …( name 3 things)  I like typical Russian food … (name it). It is ( describe it)  I never eat … (What do you never eat)

And what do you usually eat in…. ( what country is your friend from





  1. Узагальнення знань                                         Гра

Потрібно назвати своє імя і продукт, який починається з тієї ж літери.  Кожен наступний учень повторює чуже і називає своє імя.P1-P2


I am Anya. I like apples.

 She is Anya. Anya likes apples. I am Boris. I like bananas.



10   Д./з                                                           повтор. слова, Голиц. Ст. 77 впр.97, 98


15 .Підсумок уроку                                           What have we learnt today?

                                                                              Гра «Вгадати слово»


Вкуснотища – Very good! Пищу называют – food.

       Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем – cheese.

       Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски – meat.

       Арбуз предпочитаю сливам, арбуз иначе – water-melon.

       Узнали все впервые, что груша – это pear

       Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски – butter.

      Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английски – просто salt.

      Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет – water.

       Слива тут и слива – там. Слива по-английски – plum.

 Виноград мы съели весь. Виноград – иначе grape.


16. Мотивація оцінок




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