Конспект відкритого уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу "Шкільне життя"

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Цю розробку можна використовувати як узагальнюючий урок по темі "Школа". Урок сприяє розвитку усного мовлення, читання та вихованню шанобливого ставлення до однокласників, вчителів та друзів.

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Конспект уроку

School Life

(10 клас)



вчитель англійської мови

Уличненської СЗШ І – ІІІ ст.

Локоть Г.Р.



















          Тема уроку:  School life.(Шкільне життя)


Мета уроку:

навчальна: узагальнити й систематизувати вивчений матеріал з теми, перевірити рівень засвоєння;


розвиваюча: розвивати навички говоріння, читання та розуміння мови   на слух;  розвивати креативне та логічне мислення;


виховна: виховувати повагу до вчителів, однокласників;

                  підвищувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови


Обладнання: учнівські постери,  картки із завданням, прислів’я та вислови відомих людей про школу та навчання.


Тип уроку: урок узагальнення знань



Хід уроку.

  1. Introduction.

T. Hi, everybody I hope you are well and full of energy and enthusiasm, and in a good mood to start our lesson. Today we have unusual lesson. As you see we have many guests today.  They are teachers of our school. But don’t be afraid to speak English, don’t be afraid to do mistakes. You are only pupils.

So today’s lesson will be devoted to the topic, which is closely related to you. But before speaking about it tell me what influences one’s mood?

Suggestion answers: (health, success in life, weather, parents, teachers, friends, school)

         Among the factors that influence your mood you mentioned school: this is a place you    spend most of your time in. “ School life and school problems”  – the topic of our lesson. Your homework for today was to prepare some posters to this topic and present them to our guests. These posters should be interesting, attractive, reader-friendly and informative.


II. Warm-up.

  1. Vocabulary.

 «Асоціативний кущ» (розвиток творчої уяви учнів)

Name the words to the topic “School” Every word must to begin with the specific letter.








(Suggestion answers:)

S subject; science; success;


C class-room; computer; chemistry; classmates;



H history; headmaster; hard-worker;


O order; outstanding;


O organized; opinion;


L lesson,  library.



  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. I hated ___ in school. I find learning about the past boring. I could never remember the years that things happened.
  1. geography
  2. drama
  3. history
  4. biology


  1. My favourite subject is ___. I'm very good with numbers.
  1. physical education
  2. biology
  3. geography
  4. mathematics


  1. We learned how rivers are formed today in ___.
  1. physics
  2. science
  3. drama
  4. geography


  1. In ___ we had to wear special glasses because we were using dangerous chemicals.
  1. economics
  2. business studies
  3. chemistry
  4. history


5.The subjects that are taught by school or the things that are studied in a particular subject is a … .

  1. curriculum
  2. knowledge
  3. skill
  4. opportunity


  1. You should spend at least 2 hours a day ___ for your test.
  1. retaking
  2. boarding
  3. enrolling
  4. revising





  1. works with  pupils, parents and teachers to test and understand how to help children study better.
  1. School Nurses
  2. Headmaster
  3. Psychologist
  4. Secretaries


  1. … runs the school during the year.
  1. Librarian
  2. Teacher
  3. Psychologist
  4. Headmaster



T. Name some reasons why we go to school.

  • To learn and to read and write:
  • To learn about science;
  • To learn different subjects;
  • To prepare for our future education;
  • To understand other people;
  • To learn to respect each other;
  • To learn foreign languages.
  • To study History;


T. Of course , we go to school to get knowledge, because without them we can’t get success in life, we can’t be good specialists. And we should always remember that “Education is knowledge, knowledge is power, power is respect and respect is happiness ”.

       And what another proverbs and quotes about education and schools do you know?

Proverbs about knowledge, education and schools.

  • Live and learn
  • Knowledge is power. Knowledge is wealth
  • It’s never too late to learn
  • Repetition is the mother of learning
  • A child without education, is like a bird without wings”
  • He who has knowledge, rules the word
  • Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
  1. There is one Chinese proverb

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.

When we only hear we may forget, but when we see we remember and when we do we understand. So, a school improves the skills.






III. The main part of the lesson

1. Reading.

T. Now we are going to read the letter and our task will be to discuss about it.


          Hi, everybody!

My name is David. And I’m a pupil of the tenth form of one school in Kyiv. I’m not a good pupil and I would be happy to be out of the school system at last and want to have some time to do something interesting or crazy.

Many adults like to say that school years were the best years in their lives. But I suspect that most of them have just forgotten the details, and kept only pleasant recollection in their minds. As for me, I study at school now, and I can see many aspects of school life from inside. And I want to express my point of view on the problems, which most pupils have to face sooner or later. Maybe you’ll be surprised, but schoolchildren’s life often turns out to be not much easier and even harder than their parents’ life.

The first problem in my personal rating is absence of freedom of choice. What does it mean? For example, if an adult person doesn’t want to work as a teacher, he can try hand in something else. If he doesn’t like working in this particular company, nobody will make him do that. Yes, sometimes adult people have to do boring and unpleasant work, but, firstly, it’s their own choice, and, secondly, they get money for this. As for pupils at school, they cannot choose what subjects to study. They cannot choose teachers as well. They just have to do what everyone does. And that is not fair. For instance, I know for sure that I will never need Geometry in my life. I am going to be an interpreter or a tour guide, and dedicate my life to travelling and communicating with people.

The second big problem for me is a constant lack of time because of excessive homework. Every teacher thinks that his subject is the most important one, and tries to give us a full load of homework. On the average, I need an hour to do the tasks for one subject. And we have at least five or six lessons a day. Just imagine: after school I have to learn by heart two poems on Literature, do several sums on Math, fill a chart on Biology, get prepared for a test on English, and learn several pages on History. All in all, it takes me about five hours. So, I study six hours at school and five hours at home, having, as a result, an eleven-hour working day. Do you know many adults, who are involved in intellectual activity for eleven hours a day? I think, no. Most adults, when they come home from their work, either have a rest, or just change the type of activity. And we have to study all day long, from morning till night. Don’t think that I am lazy, but I think that secondary school pupils today are really overloaded. It’s no surprise that many of them have poor health, suffer from obesity, scoliosis and weak sight.

The third problem for me is an attitude of some teachers to their pupils. For example, my English teacher is really great. Apart from being a born teacher, she is very gentle, polite and intelligent. She respects every pupil regardless of his academic progress and achievements. And we respect her too.




Of course, school life consists not only of problems. There are many positive moments: friends, favourite teachers, school holidays and vacations, sports events and games, and so on. Maybe when I grow up, I’ll forget all

negative things, and will recall my school years with a sense of nostalgia, like my parents. Who knows?

Your sincerely




Answer the questions.

  1. Who wrote this letter?
  2. What is this letter about?
  3. What is the main David’s school problem? What does it mean?
  4. What is another problem? Why?
  5. What is the third problem?
  6. What are positive moments of David’s school life?


2. Speaking . Discussion and presentation pupils’ posters.

T. As you see children spend a large part of their life at school. Some of them really like going to school, others go to school because it’s a necessity. What school is for you? What do you think about this problem?

(Suggestion answers:)

P1 School is everything for me. I like my school very much. I can’t imagine my life without it. I think that education important for me. I like studying because I learn something new, useful about the usual things. I’ve never heard before.


P2.Well, I like to go to school, but not only to study. I like to meet my friends and to take part in different out –of –class activities.


P3.Personally I like school because it is associated with my friends. I have a lot of them at school. We spend much time together not only at home but after classes as well. I am proud of my friends, because they are clever, kind and always ready to give a helping hand.


P4. My parents keep telling me that I should study hard to become an educated person. But I think school isn’t for me. It’s rather difficult for me to listen to the teachers. I am too active, energetic. I don’t know what to do during the lessons. I draw, play jokes, make faces and what not to make classmates laugh.   


Poster “My impression of the school”



T. Sometime many pupils have problems with their teachers. Many of you talking that they don’t understand you.  And what is the reason of that? What you like and don’t like in your teachers?





(Suggestion answers:)

P1. I don’t like when the teachers are very strict.


P2. Sometimes the teachers often shout and become angry.


P3. I don’t like when the teachers demand too much.


P4. I understand that many pupils don’t pay attention to their behavior. We become noisy, talkative and good pupils can’t get good knowledge and teaches become nervous, still more strict.


T. I agree with you that sometimes we are not right but I would like to know what a good teacher is like.

(Suggestion answers:)

P1.My feeling is that the teacher should love children first of all.

P2. Teacher should understand pupils, be attentive to them.

P3. A good teacher should be intelligent, devoted to his profession

P4. I would say that a good teacher should explain material well, introduce some new activities. Personally, I am sure that all teachers working in our school a just the same. They are ready to lend a helping hand, to find the way out. I am proud of our school and our teachers.


Poster “ Best Subjects – Best Teachers


T. You see, we spoke about school, about teachers, what they should be like. But we didn’t touch upon the pupils, their role in the process of studying. It’s very important. Do you know your school rules?


Poster “School Rules”


Pupils must

 be polite with teachers

 arrive at school in time

 listen to the teachers attentively

 work hard with their lessons

 be quiet in the corridor

 have all school belongings

 wear school uniform.


Pupils mustn’t

 chew a chewing gum


 stand on their heads in the corridor

 wear make-up and decorated at school

 laugh at the lesson






T. School is not only lessons, tests and homework. School is happy days, school parties and school is fun. And now let’s see how creative are you? You had to prepare fun posters about school and school life.



Poster (School is Fun)


T. I would like that today we’ll speak about one of the most problem of school life it is school bullying. What does it mean?

School Bullying is classified as follows:

Verbal: excessive and malicious teasing, insulting remarks, name calling, embarrassing jokes and revealing intimate information, cursing, crude and inappropriate sexual comments, threats and taunting.

Physical: hitting, tripping, kicking, pushing and shoving.

Social: ignoring a certain person, casting them out of a group, making them feel left out, spreading rumors about them and telling other kids not to be friends with them.



PosterSchool Bullying

(кожна група малює постери про застереження оулінгу у школі)


T. Our lesson is over but I would like to present  my poster to my pupils.

Картинки по запросу poster school WISHES FOR TEACHERS


IV. Заключна частина уроку.

T. We discussed today a very important and useful problems .  All the pupils were very attentive and active during our lesson. I think our guests liked your work at our lesson. Thanks a lot for your work





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