Конспект відкритого уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі на тему "World of books"..

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Відкритий урок для 8 класу за темою "World of books "за підручником О.Карпюк, мета - узагальнити та систематизувати знання по темі.
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Тема:  World of books.

Мета:  активізувати лексику по темі "Книги. Читання.", розвивати іншомовну комунікативну компетенцію учнів;

вдосконалювати лексико – граматичні навички говоріння;закріпити знання учнів непрямої мови (прохання та накази);

розвивати мовну культуру учнів;

виховувати потребу розширяти свій кругозір; развивати інтерес до читання.

Обладнання: презентація, мультимедійний проектор, роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

   І. Привітання.

T.:  Good morning, children!  I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you getting on?

What is the date today?   And what season it is now?  Who can recite the poem about  autumn?...Who is the author of this poem?

  2 Оголошення теми уроку.

 Today we are going to continue to speak about books and reading in general.

The topic of our today’s lesson is “World of books”.(слайд 1)   By the end of the lesson you should be able  to identify  different genres and types of books and discuss why reading is so important.

Flowers and butterflies are considered  to be the embodiment of beauty, so your correct answers will be prized with these flower and  butterflies cards.

3  Бесіда по темі.

T.  ---  Ps.  

--Do you read books? How often?
- Are you fond of reading?  Why?
- How do you choose a book? Who can give you a piece of advice? 
- Do you read for pleasure or for knowledge? 
- What tуреs of books do you know?

4  Перегляд відео.

Let’s compare your opinions with the people’s  attitude to the reading. Later I would like to hear which of them impressed you the most  (відео)

Ps. Answers…(I liked…    I was impressed by the words…)

5  Цитати відомих людей.

 T.:  I’ve prepared some quotations of famous people about reading. But they are mixed. Please unscramble them and make up sentences   (слайдшоу) .

T. Do you agree with the opinions of famous people?   Express your own points  of view about reading.

Ps.   answers…

 6  Перевірка слів.

 T.:  Thank you. Expressing your opinion you’ve mentioned some kinds of books. Let’s check up how well you know the words. Look at the screen. (слайдшоу)2)

T. And now read the definition and try to guess  what book is meant in one word.

a) It is extremely useful in our work; it gives information about every branch of knowledge. The articles in it are arranged in alphabetical order.


b) It shows the order in which the topics in the book are discussed; it gives the title of each chapter and the page on which it begins.

 (Table of contents)

c) A learner of a foreign language use it to find the meaning of a word he doesn't know and find out how to pronounce it, spell it and also how it is used.


d) These books contain made-up stories.

 (Fiction books)

e) You can find an interesting recipe


f) You can read about a famous person in his own words.


Well done!

7  Matching

T.: T: Now I want to know if you can be an expert in literature,  We’ll have a reading task.
. Can you indentify genres easily? Match the genres given in the left column with the suitable fragment from the second column. .  

1. Fairy tale 

a) Bjorn’s father Olaf was always away at sea. Olaf was a real Viking: handsome, strong and merciless. Viking men didn’t spend much time with their families; they went to sea and raided other countries. They always came home with a lot of gold and silver. Vikings were the kings of the sea; their ships were big and fast. 

2. Biography 

b) The first time Tom saw Helen, he fell in love with her. It was love at first sight. The problem was how to win her love for him. First he tried to impress her. He asked her to fly to Cannes with him for the Film Festival. She refused. Then he asked her to come toRome with him. But she said no. 

3. Horror story 

c) “Move! Faster! I can’t stop now!” Over the man’s head the night sky was black and cold, and in front of him there were the trees…”I can hide there”,-the man thought. He looked behind him. He could see the light. There were five or six men. Then he heard the dogs. 

4. Detective story 

d) Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess who didn’t love anybody. The only thing that she liked was a beautiful golden ball. A lot of kings from different lands wanted to marry her, but she turned everybody down. 

5. Adventure 

e) Britney Spears is one of the world’s famous pop princesses. She was born in Kentwood, Louisiana, the USA. Even when she was very young, she loved music and singing. The first person who asked Britney to sing for other people was her mum. For a year she lived in New York. She studied singing at a school for talented children. 

6. History book 

f) That night we went back to the house. When we saw Helen Stonor’s lights, Holmes and I got in quietly through the window. Then we waited silently in the middle bedroom. We waited for three hours and did not move. Suddenly we saw a light and heard a sound… 

7. Romance 

g) He was very frightened now. He got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He looked in the mirror and screamed. In front of him, in the mirror, there was the head of a dead man. There were no eyes, and no nose, just deep black holes. Then suddenly the head came alive, and it began to laugh. 


8  Діалоги.

T.: People often speak about their reading habits and preferences.  I want you to arrange the dialogue phrases in the logical order. (діалоги).

9  Зарядка.

T.:  I think your eyes are tired and need some rest.  (зарядка)

10  Робота з текстом.

Т.: Now open your books  on  p.51

11  Граматична вправа.

T.:  We can’t  speak  English without knowledge of grammar.  Let’s review reported speech. How can we report a command?   And how can we report a request?  Now we’ll have a playtime.

It’s a game “Giving instructions”.  Say what your friend has to do,

12Складання вірша.

 T.:  Reading poems makes you feel better.  I know that each of you is a creative personality. Imagine that you are the poets. You will be given separated lines of poem. Your task is to make-up it.  (роздатковий матеріал)

13  Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T.:   So, is reading important? Are you going to read some book?   Today you have learned a lot of new things. Tell me, please what can you do now.

Ps answers.

15  Оцінювання.

14  Homework.

Write a mini-composition “Books in my life.”

16  Прощання.

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. I am pleased with your work today. Thank you. 





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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
6 березня 2020
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