Конспект відкритого уроку з теми «Транспорт» (11 клас)

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Конспект відкритого уроку з теми «Транспорт» (11 клас). Підручник "Enterprise 4". Практичні цілі: Удосконалювати мовні здібності учнів, розвиваючи навички сприйняття на слух під час перегляду документального фільму «10 самих відомих фактів про Убер», практикуючи учнів у читанні, обговорюванні тексту «Дорога до руйнування», за допомогою технологій кооперативного навчання.
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КЗ «Дніпрорудненська спеціалізована школа I – III ступенів «Світоч» ВРРЗО

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Конспект відкритого уроку


з теми «Транспорт»


 (11 клас)









Олійник О. І.,

учитель англійської мови

Кваліфікаційна категорія

«спеціаліст вищої категорії»,

педагогічне звання








Практичні цілі:

Удосконалювати мовні здібності учнів, розвиваючи навички сприйняття на слух під час перегляду документального фільму «10 самих відомих фактів про Убер», практикуючи учнів у читанні, обговорюванні тексту «Дорога до руйнування», за допомогою технологій кооперативного навчання.

Провести презентацію індивідуального проекту «Плани Ілона Маска щодо колонізації Марсу», провести дискусію про майбутнє транспорту.

Розвиваючі цілі:

Розвивати критичне мислення учнів, вміння аналізувати та передбачати майбутнє, робити особисті висновки та висловлювати власні думки. Формувати уважність та активність учнів, виховувати в них культуру спілкування; спонукати учнів до дискусії.

Освітні цілі:

Познайомити учнів з підприємницькою діяльністю Травіса Каланіка, одного з засновників найуспішнішого стартапа Убер. Познайомити учнів з планами Ілона Маска щодо колонізації Марса і його практичних наробків.

Виховні цілі:

Виховувати у учнів відчуття відповідального ставлення до щоденних рішень, які впливають на екологічний стан планети.

Обладнання: проектор, відеофільми, текст для читання, дидактичний матеріал.








План уроку.

1 Goals of the lesson.

I am very glad to see you at our lesson and hope that we will work very productively. You know that our topic is ‘ Transport’. We have done a lot of work on this topic. We spoke about different means of transport, about public transport, about exotic taxis around the world. Today we will speak about its future and different visions of this future.

2 Introductory talk.

2.1 To start our conversation I would like you to answer this question:

Why is transport important for any country?

Possible answers:

 Transportation provides access to natural resources and promotes trade, allowing a nation to accumulate wealth and power.

Reliable transportation allows a population to expand throughout a country's territory and to live comfortably in remote areas far from factories and farms.

Transportation is vital to a nation's economy.

The transportation industry is the largest industry in the world. It includes the manufacture and distribution of vehicles, the production and distribution of fuel, and the provision of transportation services

The same transportation systems that link a nation can also be used in the nation's war efforts. The rapid movement of troops, equipment, and supplies can be a deciding factor in winning a battle or a war.

2.2 Look at these quotations, which one do you like most of all? Why? Do you agree with the idea?

“You can't understand a city without using its public transportation system.” 
 Erol Ozan

“Bicycles are the most efficient vehicles on the planet, 50 times more efficient than cars, and twice as efficient as walking.” 
 Godo Stoyke,

 “I want all transportation out of the city shut down. No boats leave, no planes take off and shoot a bus driver or two to show that we’re serious.” 
 Larry Gent

"An advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one where even the rich use public transport,"

Enrique Peñalosa.

3 I have prepared a short quiz for you about some interesting fact from the history of transport. I hope you will be able to deal with these questions.

Transport Quiz

1 Which shortened name is given to the North American intercity bus carrier which began life in Hibbing, Minnesota in 1914?    Grey Hound

2 Which Czech car manufacturer was founded in 1895 as Laurin and Klement?


3 Which form of personal transport was launched by inventor Dean Kamen in 2001?

Segway PT

4 The slogan for which auto brand is 'the best or nothing'?


5 The Beetle was the world's best-selling vehicle of all time until the late 1990s, when it was overtaken by which car?    Toyota Corolla

6 What informal name is given to the specially designed vehicles used by the Pope during outdoor public appearances?  Popemobiles

7 In which European country is The Volvo Group headquarters?  Sweden


8 The headquarters of Fiat are in which Italian city?  Turin

9 Which automobile manufacturer was the first to produce more than 10 million vehicles per year?  Toyota (in 2012)

10 Kia Motors Corporation is South Korea's second-largest automobile manufacturer, which is the 1st?   Hyundai

11 How many rings are in the Audi logo?   four

4 Reading the text ‘The road To Distruction’ in 3 groups, using Jigsaw Technique.

Now we are going to read the text in 3 groups. Each group will read a short paragraph in 2 minutes and then retell its fragment to other students. Later we will discuss the text.


What are the A10, the M11 and the M25?

What effect does transport have on people?

Why do people make excuses?

What does Jenny Trowe think about car adverts on TV?

How does she think we should change our lifestyles?

Now you see that reading in groups can save our time, but we understood the text and managed to discuss it.

5 Watching a video film ‘Top Ten Uber Facts’.

5.1Before watching. Prediction: What will the video be about? What information will be included into 10 top facts about Uber?

New vocabulary

Middle men

Target market- цільовий ринок

5.2 Group work. One group will answer the questions printed in black, the second group will take red questions, while the third one will consider blue questions. But you may help your friends from other groups, if they miss some facts.

 Top 10 UBER Facts.

Group work. 1st group answers black questions, 2nd takes red ones, 3rd group answers blue ones. The last 2 black questions are for all groups.


What is Uber?  How does it work? How does it cut off the middle men?


Who created Uber? When? Where are the headquarters of the company? How much did the company earn during the first year?

What is the principle question of a tech company as Travis Kalanick says?


How much does the company cost? In what period are they doubling? What was the difficulty in 2014?


Where is Uber active? When did it move abroad? How many countries and cities is it represented at nowadays?


How does Uber make money? Why was Uber criticized in 2014 in Sydney?

Why was it criticized severely in 2016 in New York?


What are the benefits of Uber for consumers?  …for drivers?


Who is Uber competition?


Who is against Uber? What arguments do they have? Where was Uber banned?


Why has the company generated controversy?


What is the future of Uber?


5.3 Comprehension test.


After Listening Test. T/F

1 Uber is an alternative to taxi service.

2 Consumers and drivers communicate through middle men.

3 During the first year they earned more than $1mln.

4 Uber is the first Kalanick’s project.

5The company doubles every year.

6 The company lost $ 15mln in 2013.

7 In 2015 Uber was called the fastest ever start-up.

8 Uber is active in all European countries.

9 Uber makes money by employing drivers.

10 Uber is often criticized for not paying taxes.

11 The main benefit for Uber drivers is flexibility.

12 The target market of the company is Japan.



1T 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T 7T 8F 9F 10T 11T 12F

5.4 Critical thinking questions:

Why do you think this startup is successful? What is needed for a success? What is Uber’s future?

6 Individual project ‘Elon Musk’s Plans to Colonize Mars’

The success story of Uber is a matter of short-term future.

Establishing a permanent colony of humans on Mars is not an option. It's a necessity.

At least, that's what some of the most innovative, intelligent minds of our age — Buzz Aldrin, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Bill Nye, andNeil deGrasse Tyson— are saying.

Now let’s listen to our student’s presentation about Elon Musk’s ideas and plans to colonize Mars.

New vocabulary:

A fuel tank- топливный бак

Propellant- ракетное топливо

Booster- стартовый двигатель

A payload-  полезная нагрузка

Methane- метан

ISRU- International Scientific Space Station

ISS- International Space Station

Cargo- груз

To dock- стыковаться

Launch mount- пусковая установка


7 Discussing the video with the help of critical thinking questions.

Would you like to join the expedition to Mars?

If you decided to join the mission, what would you like to be responsible for: work of the rocket, fuel tank and boosters, laboratory work, be a member of medical team, be a psychologist, a constructor?

Do you think it is necessary to work on Mars colonization?

Possible answers:

Of course, it's extremely difficult to foresee how manned missions to Mars that would cost hundreds of billions of dollars each, could benefit mankind. It's easier to imagine how that kind of money could immediately help in the fight against cancer or world hunger. That's because humans tend to be short-sighted. We're focused on what's happening tomorrow instead of 100 years from now.

"If the human race is to continue for another million years, we will have to boldly go where no one has gone before," Hawking said in 2008 

The only home humans have ever known is Earth. But history shows that surviving as a species on this tiny blue dot in the vacuum of space is tough and by no means guaranteed.

The dinosaurs are a classic example: They roamed the planet for 165 million years, but the only trace of them today are their fossilized remains. A colossal asteroid wiped them out.

Putting humans on more than one planet would better ensure our existence thousands if not millions of years from now.

"Humans need to be a multiplanet species," Musk recently said.

nother reason we should go to Mars is to inspire the next generation of space explorers.

8 Summary of the lesson.

As you remember, at the beginning of the lesson we set a goal of discussing the future of the Earth’s transport. Do you think we have managed to do it?

9 Home task will be to revise all vocabulary on the topic using Mind Maps.



















‘Opportunities’ intermediate, Longman, p.40-41












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