Контроль навичок аудіювання "Love"

Про матеріал

Test of Listening.

Контрольна робота з аудіювання складається з самого тексту і 4 завдань різної складності.

P. S. Намагалася додати аудіо запис та формат mp3 не підтримується.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Test of Listening

Мета: виявити та оцінити рівень сформованості навичок аудіювання (розуміння іншомовного

            спілкування на слух), вчити учнів здогадуватись про значення незнайомих слів з контексту;


            активізувати вивчену лексику по тексту в усному та письмовому мовленні учнів, реалізувати

            свідомий пошук та інтерпретацію прослуханої інформації,


            розвивати логічне мислення, мовну здогадку, спостережливість, уміння використовувати 

            почуту інформацію, висловлювати власну думку;


            формувати самокорекцію та самоконтроль, виховувати культуру почуттів.


Обладнання: аудіо запис, роздатковий матеріал із завданнями, ілюстрації




Greeting. Aim.

Good afternoon, children. Today we are going to have a test of listening. You will listen to a short but very interesting text and do some exercises.


Warm up.

Therefore, at first I would like you to answer a simple question:



Write the possible answers on the blackboard and then choose the best definitions (2-3) to describe this wonderful state

 (a great feeling, a strong emotion, the most important thing in life, the kind of relationship, something big and exciting etc.)

Love is …                                It can be…                  Sometimes it is …




Pre-listening activity

Look at these two pictures and say how do you understand them?


I think …                      In my opinion ….


To my mind…            As far as I have understand …

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "love"          Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "love"


While-listening activity

Listen to the text “Love”


Love is the most important thing in the world. We all need to love and be loved. Love is the glue that makes us one big happy family. It is perhaps the most powerful emotion we feel. It is certainly the one that makes us happiest. Falling in love has to be the greatest feeling ever. It is also the one that makes us saddest. When we lose someone we love it can take forever to get over. Sometimes we never get over it. You can fall in love in an instant. We use the expression “fall in love at first sight” for this. We can also be “head over heels in love,” which is a strange expression. We don’t just love each other. We can love cars, chocolate, holidays, singing in the rain… anything. And, of course, you can also love studying English.



Post-listening activities

  1.    Fill in the missing gaps


Love ________________ important thing in the world. We all need to love and be loved. Love ________________ makes us one big happy family. It is perhaps the most powerful ________________. It is certainly the one that makes us happiest. Falling in love has to be the ________________. It is also the one that makes us saddest. When ________________ we love it can take forever to get over. Sometimes we never get over it. You can fall in love ________________. We use the expression “fall in love at first sight” for this. We can also be “________________ in love,” which is a strange expression. We don’t just love each other. We can love cars, chocolate, holidays, ________________ … anything. And, of course, you can also love studying English.

  1. Correct the spelling of the underlined words


Love is the most important thing in the world. We all need to love and be elodv. Love is the glue that makes us one big happy lfmyai. It is perhaps the most powerful nomieto we feel. It is certainly the one that makes us happiest. Falling in love has to be the esettrag feeling ever. It is also the one that makes us saddest. When we lose someone we love it can take vrreeof to get over. Sometimes we never get over it. You can fall in love in an atnitns. We use the expression “fall in love at first thsig” for this. We can also be “head over heels in love,” which is a ngsatre expression. We don’t just love each other. We can love cars, chocolate, holidays, sgining in the rain… anything. And, of crsueo, you can also love studying English.


  1. Tick the sentences true or false


Love is one of the most important feelings in the world. (+)

Love cannot unite different people to make them happy. (-)

Life is possible without love, but then it is dull and boring. (+)

Sometimes love brings pain and sadness. (+)

It is impossible to fall in love at first sight. (-)

“Head over heels in love” is a negative expression. (-)

We can love only people not things. (-)

You can love studying different subjects. (+)


  1. Completing sentences

I love …                                     I do not love …

My friend loves…                    My friend does not love …





What text have we listened and discussed?

 Is this topic important or not?

What task was the easiest for you?

Which one was the most difficult?              


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
10 травня 2018
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