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розробка завдань для контролю навичок з читання до тематичного тексту ''Healthy lifestyle''.
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Reading comprehension test. (8 form)

Read the text and do the tasks

Healthy lifestyle

Today healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular both with the old and the young. People have become more health-conscious. They say that the greatest wealth is health. And it’s so true. The healthier we are, the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer we live.


A healthy diet is an essential part of staying healthy. We know that we should not stuff ourselves with fast food, sweets, sausages, pastry and fat food. Due to medical research, this type of food shortens our life, it leads to obesity, heart and blood vessels diseases, diabetes, gastric problems and lots of other serious ailments. To prevent all these problems we should enjoy well-balanced home-made meals with a lot of organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grains and seafood. We are what we eat.


Keeping fit and going in for sports is also important for our health. Lack of exercise in our life is a serious problem. In big cities people spend hours sitting in front of computers, TV-sets and other gadgets. We walk less because we mainly use cars and public transport. We certainly don’t have to be professional sportsmen, but we should visit fitness clubs, go jogging, walk much, swim, go cycling or roller-skating or just dance. Doctors say that regular moderate physical activity is necessary for our body because it protects us from strokes and heart diseases, flue and obesity.


We must understand the harm of bad habits for our health. Smoking, drinking or taking drugs mean serious illnesses and even death from lung cancer or liver diseases, for instance. Cigarettes kill about 3 million heavy-smokers every year. Drug addicts die very young. So I think there is no place for bad habits in a healthy way of life.


Taking a proper rest and getting enough sleep, from 8 to 10 hours daily, are also great healthy habits. Sleep is the food for our brain and the rest for our muscles. Moreover we should avoid getting nervous or worried for no reason.

 Healthy way of life concerns our body, mind and soul. Healthy people live longer, they are more successful and they enjoy their life. I believe that it’s not difficult at all to follow these simple rules, and they are worth it.



I.Find the equvalents for the following word-combinations from the text:

-здоровий спосіб життя

-уважними до власного здоров’я

-важлива частина

-солодощі, ковбасні та м’ясні вироби

-жирна їжа

-призводить до ожиріння

-захворювання серця та венозних судин

-проблеми з травленням

-серйозні захворювання

-молочні продукти

-збалансована їжа

-регулярна помірна фізична активність

-ми те що ми їмо

-недостатність руху

-шкідливі звички

-алкоголізм та наркоманія

-слід уникати нервувати

-їжа для мозку

-відпочинок для м’язів

-вони того варті


II.Are the sentences true or false:

1.) Healthy way of life is popular among all generations.

2.) The length of our life doesn’t depend on our health.

3.) Only diet can make us stay healthy.

4.) Eating junk food can lead to different diseases.

5.) Sedentary lifestyle is the main problem of modern society in big sities.

6.) Every person should get rid of bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking or taking drugs.

7.) We should get enough sleep. At least eight hours a day.

8.) Getting enough sleep improves our mental and physical well-being.

9.) The proverb says: Good heals is above possessions.

10.) People prefer not to use transport to get somewhere.


III. Answer the questions:

1.) Why is healthy lifestyle becoming popular?

2.) What is the essential part of becoming healthy?

3.) What does the definition ‘’healthy diet’ ’mean?

4.) Why is fast food  bad for your health?

5.) What does lack of exercise may lead to?

6.) What is the harm of bad habits for your health?

7.) What main rules should we follow to be fit and healthy?












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