Контроль навичок читання з англійської мови для 5 класу

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Контроль навичок читання з англійської мови для 5 класу. Робота містить розробки завдань для перевірки навичок контролю читання. Текст відповідає програмовому змісту матеріалу, тому труднощів у виконанні його не повинно виникати у дітей.
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                                           Two friends

Once upon a time there  lived two mice. One of them lived in a big city. Her name was Minny. Minny’s friend lived in a village. Her name was Maggy. One day Maggy decided to visit Minny. She went to the city by train. She saw many beautiful houses, shops, parks and squares, there were a lot of buses, cars, trams and trolley- buses in the streets. She got to Minny’s house by bus. Maggy was glad to see her friend.

“Do you like to live in the city?” Maggy asked Minny. Minny said, “Oh, of course, I like the city. There is a lot of to eat corn and cheese but there’s a big black cat in the kitchen of every day the house where I live.”

  Then Maggy had an idea, “Let’s buy a TV- set for the cat. He likes to watch TV”. Minny liked the idea. They went to the shop and bought a TV- set.

 Every day the cat sat down to watch TV and the mice came to the kitchen to eat corn and cheese.  


Task 1. Choose a correct variant.

1. Once upon a time there lived…

a) two cats;

b) three mice;

c) two dogs;

d) two mice.


2. One of them lived…

a) in a big village;

b) in a small city;

c) in a big city;

d) in a small village.


3. One day Maggy decided to visit…

a) her mother;

b) her friend;

c) her teacher;

d) her sister.


4. She went to the city…

a) by train;

b) by plain;

c) by car;

d) by ship.


5. Maggy got to Minni’s house…

a) by car;

b) by trolley-bus;

c) by tram;

d) by bus.




6. Minny said it was nice to live…

a) in the village;

b) in the house;

c) in the flat;

d) in the city.


7. There was…

a) a little black cat in the house;

b) a big black dog in the house;

c) a big black cat in the house;

d) a big white cat in the house.


8. They decided to buy…

a) a radio-set;

b) an arm-chair;

c) a TV-set;

d) a sofa.


9. They went…

a) to the shop;

b) to the hospital;

c) to school;

d) to the library.


10. Who likes to watch TV?

a) the cat;

b) the dog;

c) the fox;

d) the goat.


11. The cat sat down to watch TV…

a) in the evening;

b) in the morning;

c) in the afternoon;

d) every day.


12. The mice came to the kitchen to eat…

a) sausage and bread;

b) corn and cheese;

c) fruit and vegetables;

d) ice-cream.


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Адам'юк Олеся
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Адам'юк Олеся
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
17 червня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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