Контроль письма 2 семестр за підручником All Clear

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Контрольна робота з письма. Перевірка сформованости граматичних навичок. За підручником All Clear for Ukraine.

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Name: __________________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct noun form of the verbs in brackets. (з дієслова в дужках зроби іменник за допомогою суффіксів  –ment, -ion

1 I hate watching ______________ on TV. They are so boring! (advertise)

2 ______________ about the future are usually wrong. (predict)

3 I get a lot of ______________ from reading travel books about different countries. (enjoy)

4 At Christmas people often put up ______________ in their houses. (decorate)


2 Choose the correct words and complete the sentences with their negative form. (Обери відповідно до змісту слово та зроби його заперечувальним за допомогою префіксів un-, im-, il-)

1 She’s very ______________ reliable / patient / legal. She never wants to wait for anything.

2 He is always late and he never does what he promises to do. He’s really ______________ happy / reliable / patient.

3 Taking things from shops without paying for them is ______________ friendly / legal / patient .

4 Don’t tell him any secrets. He’s ______________ adventurous / perfect / trustworthy .


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of must /mustn’t or have to / don’t have to

1 We ____________________ go to school today because it’s Sunday!

2 You ____________________have food or drink into the classroom.

3 You ____________________buy a ticket before you get on the train!


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (умовні речення)

1 If I ______________ (have) the time and the money, I would travel around the world.

2 If the weather was better, we ______________ (go) to the beach.

3 If she tried harder, she ______________ (win) the race.


5 Write the sentences with the present simple passive or past simple passive. (Пасивний стан: теперішній чи минулий)

1 Their new film / finished / three months ago


2 The internet / use / hundreds of millions of people / every day


3 How many / films / download / every day?



6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (розкрий дужки у відповідному граматичному часі)

When I was 14 years old, I (1) ______________ (receive) a fantastic birthday present. My parents (2) ______________ (give) me an electronic keyboard. Two years later, I formed a band with three of my friends. We (3) ______________ (be) together now for nearly four years. At the moment, we (4) ______________ (write) songs for our second album. We (5) ______________ (probably finish) the album next month and then we will go on holiday!

16 серпня 2022
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