Контрольна робота 10 клас 'Why go to school?'

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Контрольна робота 10 клас 'Why go to school?' складено за підручником О. Карпюк
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Test “Why go to school?”

Level l

1. Match the words with their translation.

  1. curriculum a)діяльність
  2. knowledge b)забезпечувати
  3. activities с)навчальний план
  4. environment d)знання
  5. to realise е) це очевидно
  6. It is obvious f)середовище,довкілля
  7. a state school g)усвідомити
  8. senior h)набувати
  9. to provide і)досягати
  10. to achieve j)державна школа
  11. junior k) старший
  12. to acquire l)молодший


Level ll

2. Match the definitions with their words below.

  1. ..exams in Britain which they take at the age of 16
  2. ..a person who finished university with a degree
  3. …a school plan
  4. …to get
  5. …exams in Britain which they take at the age of 18
  6. …a degree which you get after four years at university
  7. …a school for older children from 11 to 18
  8. …things you know
  9. …a boss of the school
  10.      …a school where pupils eat, sleep and live
  11. ..a degree you get after 5 or 6 years at university 12…to dislike

  •        a head teacher
  •        a graduate
  •        GCSE exams
  •        A-level exams
  •        a curriculum
  •        knowledge
  •        to acquire
  •        Master's degree
  •        Bachelor's Degree
  •        to have
  •        a boarding school
  •        a secondary school



Level lll

  1. Complete the sentences with Conditional l.

1. If I..... (go) out tonight, I..... (go) to the cinema.

2. If you..... (get) back late, I.....(be) angry.

3. If we..... (not/ see) each other tomorrow, we..... (see) each other next week.

4. If he..... (come), I..... (be) surprised.

5. If we..... (wait) here, we..... (be) late.

6. If we .....(go) on holiday this summer, we..... (go) to Spain.

7. If the weather ..... (not/ improve), we ..... (not/ have) a picnic.

8. If I .....(not/ go) to bed early, I.....(be) tired tomorrow.

9. If we .....(eat) all this cake, we .....(feel) sick.

10. If you .....(not/want) to go out, I.....(cook) dinner at home.

Level lV

Write on the topic "Ukrainian System of Education and my Attitude to it".


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