Контрольна робота, 5 клас

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Подані завдання з контрольної роботи дозволять вчителеві швидко та якісно перевірити знання учнів з граматики.
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Контрольна робота

5 клас






Підготувала Губар Оксана Михайлівна







1. Past Tense - Regular Verbs


1.            I              (walk) to work last week.

2.            He          (study) computers for five years.

3.            They      (arrive) late for the party.

4.            We         (marry) in a church.

5.            It             (end) at 6 pm.

6.            Ellen      (wait) for an hour.

7.            You        (like) the movie. I didn't.

8.            Bob        (need) that book yesterday.

9.            They      (use) my new pen.

10.          The teacher       (help) the students after class.


2. Past Simple Tense - Negative


Type the negative in the boxes below.

eg. I spoke to Alice but I didn't speak to Robert.


1.            They swam on Saturday but they __________ on Sunday.

2.            I went to work on Monday but I __________ to work on Tuesday.

3.            He bought a new car. He __________ a second-hand car.

4.            She learnt French in high school. She __________ French in primary school.

5.            We got up early this morning. We __________ early yesterday.

6.            They did Science at school but they __________ Science at University.

7.            He slept well last night but he __________ well the night before.

8.            I ate spaghetti for dinner but I __________ anything for lunch.

9.            You saw Helen but you __________ Celia.

10.          They lived in Fairfield. They __________ in Cabramatta.



3. Past Simple Tense - Questions


Change the sentences below into questions.

eg. He went to the market yesterday.

Did he go to the market yesterday?


1.            They saw the movie last week. __________ the movie last week?

2.            Anna wrote him a letter. __________ him a letter?

3.            George and Ilsa had dinner at the Maya Restaurant on Friday. __________ dinner at the Maya Restaurant on Friday?

4.            They got up at 7 o'clock to go to work early. __________ at 7 o'clock to go to work early?

5.            He bought a new car last year. __________ a new car last year?

6.            I arrived late for class. __________ late for class?

7.            It rained all night? __________ all night?

8.            We sat near the front. __________ near the front?

9.            He walked to work yesterday. __________  to work yesterday?

10.          She spoke to him about that. __________ to him about that?


6. Put the questions


1) Frank is reading a newspaper in the kitchen now.

2) The bovs are speaking to their teacher in the hall.

3) You are speaking very loudly.

4) Pam and Sam are having lunch in a cafe.

5) James is waiting for vou near the cinema.

6) Daniel is repairing his car in the garage.






9. Correct the mistakes.


  1. The girls is picking up flowers near the river.
    2) The scientists are work on an important project at the moment.
    3) Is you reading this magazine now? 4) I'm not watch this show.
    5) Who is the children waiting for?
    6) What is speaking Anthony about?
    7) Look! Somebody is swiming to our yacht.
    8) Monica and Julia is talking about something over there.
    9) An injured man is lieing beside the car on the road.
    10) Are your cousin sitting at the table outside the cafe?

10. Translate into English


1) Де Том? — Він шукає якийсь журнал у бібліотеці.
2) Що він робить? — Biн намагасться завести машину.
3) Чому діти прикрашають кімнату? — Вони чекають на гостей.
4) Олена ще спить? — Ні, вона снідае на кухні.
5) 3 ким розмовляс ваша сусідка? — Вона розмовляс з листоношею.
6) Кули во ни зараз їдуть? — Вони йдуть на вокзал зустрічати своїх родичів.
7) Що ти готуєш? — Я готую нам каву з бутерброда ми.
8) Що Катя зараз робить у саду? — Вона саджає квіти.
9) Кого вона збирається відвідати у цьому місті? — Вона збирається відвідати свою племінницю.

10) Кому ви телефонуєте? — Я телефоную своему другові. Він чекає на мій дзвінок.


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