Контрольна робота
5 клас
Підготувала Губар Оксана Михайлівна
1. Past Tense - Regular Verbs
1. I (walk) to work last week.
2. He (study) computers for five years.
3. They (arrive) late for the party.
4. We (marry) in a church.
5. It (end) at 6 pm.
6. Ellen (wait) for an hour.
7. You (like) the movie. I didn't.
8. Bob (need) that book yesterday.
9. They (use) my new pen.
10. The teacher (help) the students after class.
2. Past Simple Tense - Negative
Type the negative in the boxes below.
eg. I spoke to Alice but I didn't speak to Robert.
1. They swam on Saturday but they __________ on Sunday.
2. I went to work on Monday but I __________ to work on Tuesday.
3. He bought a new car. He __________ a second-hand car.
4. She learnt French in high school. She __________ French in primary school.
5. We got up early this morning. We __________ early yesterday.
6. They did Science at school but they __________ Science at University.
7. He slept well last night but he __________ well the night before.
8. I ate spaghetti for dinner but I __________ anything for lunch.
9. You saw Helen but you __________ Celia.
10. They lived in Fairfield. They __________ in Cabramatta.
3. Past Simple Tense - Questions
Change the sentences below into questions.
eg. He went to the market yesterday.
Did he go to the market yesterday?
1. They saw the movie last week. __________ the movie last week?
2. Anna wrote him a letter. __________ him a letter?
3. George and Ilsa had dinner at the Maya Restaurant on Friday. __________ dinner at the Maya Restaurant on Friday?
4. They got up at 7 o'clock to go to work early. __________ at 7 o'clock to go to work early?
5. He bought a new car last year. __________ a new car last year?
6. I arrived late for class. __________ late for class?
7. It rained all night? __________ all night?
8. We sat near the front. __________ near the front?
9. He walked to work yesterday. __________ to work yesterday?
10. She spoke to him about that. __________ to him about that?
6. Put the questions
1) Frank is reading a newspaper in the kitchen now.
2) The bovs are speaking to their teacher in the hall.
3) You are speaking very loudly.
4) Pam and Sam are having lunch in a cafe.
5) James is waiting for vou near the cinema.
6) Daniel is repairing his car in the garage.
9. Correct the mistakes.
10. Translate into English
1) Де Том? — Він шукає якийсь журнал у бібліотеці.
2) Що він робить? — Biн намагасться завести машину.
3) Чому діти прикрашають кімнату? — Вони чекають на гостей.
4) Олена ще спить? — Ні, вона снідае на кухні.
5) 3 ким розмовляс ваша сусідка? — Вона розмовляс з листоношею.
6) Кули во ни зараз їдуть? — Вони йдуть на вокзал зустрічати своїх родичів.
7) Що ти готуєш? — Я готую нам каву з бутерброда ми.
8) Що Катя зараз робить у саду? — Вона саджає квіти.
9) Кого вона збирається відвідати у цьому місті? — Вона збирається відвідати свою племінницю.
10) Кому ви телефонуєте? — Я телефоную своему другові. Він чекає на мій дзвінок.