Контрольна робота для 5 класу по темі: «Clothes»
Випиши слова за групами.
Fur-coat, boots, shirt, sweater, trainers, shoes, dress, blouse, T-shirt,
Skirt, jacket, sandals, sweater, raincoat, suit , gloves, fur-hat, scarf, high-boots, sun-dress, jeans, slippers, cap.
Які речі можна носити разом, а які ні ?
Fur-coat and dress
Sandals and coat
Trousers and dress
Jeans and blouse
Sweater and trousers
Hat and T-shirt
Trainers and tracksuit
Sleepers and raincoat
Boots and pajamas
10)Shirt and suit
Дай відповідь на запитання «What is this ?»
Things that you wear on your feet. They keep feet warm inside shoes.
Soft shoes that you wear for sports such as running.
A kind of shirt with short sleeves that you wear in summer.
A short light coat with sleeves.
Light open shoes that you wear in warm weather.
Short trousers which you wear when it is hot.
A piece of material that you wear around your neck.
Напиши переклад словосполучень.
Приміряти спідницю
Знімати пальто
Вибирати костюм
Приміряти плащ
Міняти джинси
Виглядати погано
5.Утвори словосполучення.
Leather sweater
Woolen dress
Silk jeans
Cotton jacket
Flowery blouse
Smart suit
Plain trousers
Dark shoes
Fur skirt
Checked coat