Контрольна робота для 6 класу по темі «Shopping»

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Пропоную контрольну роботу для 6 класу «Shopping» для контролю лексичних знань з даної теми.
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Контрольна робота 6 клас «Shopping»

  1. Read a definition and name the shop.
  1. A shop that sells bread and rolls –
  2. A shop that sells fish –
  3. A shop where  you can buy meat –
  4. A shop where you can buy milk and cottage cheese –
  5. A shop where you can buy vegetables and fruit –                                         
  6. A shop where you can buy clothes and shoes –
  1. Make  the negative sentences.


We buy bread at the dairy.- No, we buy bread at the baker’s.

  1. We buy sugar at the butcher’s.—
  2. We buy potato at the dairy. -
  3. We buy clothes at the confectionery. –
  4. We buy butter at the fishmonger’s.-
  5.  We buy pens and pencils at the greengrocer’s.-
  6. We buy fish at the chemist’s.-
  1. Write the correct words.
  1. Bob always … the shopping on Sundays.
  1. Do            b) does         c) is doing
  1. I ….shopping with my mum yesterday.
  1. Go            b) went         c) is going
  1. She … cold cuts at the deli department now.
  1. Is ordering      b) order       c)ordered
  1. Kim … already … some vegetables.
  1. Buy           b) buys       c) has bought
  1. We usually … a shopping list when we do shopping.
  1. Has            d) had        c) have
  1. My sister … me ice-cream tomorrow.
  1. Buy          b) bought       c) will buy
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.
  1. Maria (   to go  ) shopping last Saturday.
  2. She always (   to ask ) the shop-assistant to help her.
  3. We (   to take ) a shopping list tomorrow.
  4. How much ham … he  already… (  to buy ) ?
  5. A mother … (   to cook  ) dinner now.
  6. The vegetables (   not to be ) fresh there.
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
23 лютого 2019
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