Контрольна робота для 8 класу по темі “Books”

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Контрольна робота для 8 класу по темі “Books” містить завдання для перевірки знання лексики, правила утворення пасивного стану в англійській мові
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Test on the topic “Books” for the 8th form

Task 1. Match the words.

  1. To use e-books                                             a) різні жанри книг
  2. Emotional poems                                          b) включати вигадані оповідання
  3. To read non-fiction                                       c) використовувати електронні книи
  4. To discuss characters of heroes                    d) перекладати детективи
  5. The contents of thefairy-tale                        e) український автор
  6. To contain made-up stories                           f) читати наукову літературу
  7. To find a catalogue                                       g) обговорювати характери героївгероїв
  8. To translate the detectives                            h) емоційні вірші
  9. Different genres of books                              i) знайти каталог
  10. A Ukrainian author                                        j) зміст казки

Task 2. Find the odd word.

  1. Atmosphere, publish, understand, discuss.
  2. Hold the interest, attention read a book, consult a reader.
  3. Poet, novelist, dramatist, poem.
  4. Amusing, interesting, emotional, library.
  5. Detective, novel, drama, fairy-tale.

Task 3. Fill in the gaps.

  1. We use the … to find a book  in the library without the librarian’s help.
  1. catalogue                      b) library                 c) computer
  1. Good books … people to live, to solve their problems.
  1.  translate                        b) write                     c) teach
  1. If you need a book go to the …
  1. canteen                  b)   institute               c) library
  1. … books are the books that give only facts.
  1. poems                      b) adventurous      c) non-fiction           
  1. The librarian asks children to … their hands before they take books to read.
  1. wash                        b) sleep                    c) sing
  1. A writer cannot create (write) an amusing book without …
  1. poet                       b) talent                     c) author

Task 4. Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. It is important when the book has an interesting title and the nice contents.
  2. People can read rare books and magazines and use the Internet in the reading room.
  3. A truthful and amusing book can hold our interest and attention.
  4. A talented author should have a good imagination.
  5. Million books of different genres are published all over the world today.
  6. There are  a lot of different libraries in the cities and villages of Ukraine.


Task 5.  Rewrite sentences into Passive Voice.

Example: I  will buy books in the bookstore. – Books will be  bought by me in the bookstore.

  1. A little girl took an interesting book in the library last weekend.
  2. A librarian told children about rare books yesterday.
  3. Schoolchildren will invite this writer to their concert next week.
  4. The pupils wrote different fairy-tales last month.
  5. People read many interesting books every day.

6. They opened a new school library on Monday.

7. My sister reads English poems at the lessons.

8. They publish millions of books daily.

9. A boy will not translate this horror story into English tomorrow.

10. My classmates always use the atlases at the lessons of Geography.



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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Приймаченко Валентина Василівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
25 березня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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