Контрольна робота "Говоріння" 9 клас

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Контрольна робота складається із завдань для проведення семестрового контролю навчальних досягнень учнів 9 класу. У ній містяться по дві контрольних роботи у двох варіантах на перший та другий семестри.

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Term 1                           Speaking   Comprehension

Variant 1


1.   Use  the  Geographic  Facts   of  the  UK  to  speak  about  the  geographical  position  of  the  country.

             Location:      Western Europe, islands including the northern one sixth

                                of the  island  of  Ireland    between  the  Atlantic   Ocean  and  

                                the North  Sea,  northwest  of  France

            Map references:    Europe

                              Area:    total:  244,820 km2

                                          water:  3,230 km2

                                           note: includes  Rockall  and  Shetland  Islands

                                           land:  241,590 km2

         Land boundaries:     total:  360 km       

         Border countries:     Ireland 360 km

                    Coastline:      12,429 km


2.   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  The  most  important  aspect  of  a  job is  the  money  a  person  earns.  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


3.   Some  people  think  that  the  family  has  the  most  important  influence  on  young adults. Other  people  think  that  friends  have  the  most  important  influence on  young  adults.

Which point of view do you agree with?  Use the examples to support your position.            








Variant 2

1.  Use  the  Geographic Facts  of Ukraine  to  speak  about  the  geographical  position  of  the  country.

                    Location:  Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between     

                                     Poland, Romania, and Moldova in the west and Russia 

                                     In the east

        Map references:  Asia, Europe 

                         Area:   total:  603,700 km2

     Land boundaries:   total:  4,663 km

       Border countries: Belarus 891 km, Hungary 103 km, Moldova 939 km,  

                                     Poland 526 km, Romania (south) 169 km, Romania

                                    (west)  362 km, Russia  1,576 km,  Slovakia 97 km

                  Coastline:    2,782 km


2.  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  The  invention  of  the  Internet  has  had   negative  effects  on  your  civilization.  Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.      


3.  Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others  move  a  number  of  times  throughout  their lives,  looking  for a  better  job,  house,  community,  or  even  climate.  Which  do  you  prefer:  staying  in  one  place  or  moving  in  search  of  another  place?

Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.











Speaking Comprehension

Variant 1


1.  Imagine  that  you  are a  journalist  presenting  the  hit  of  the  week  in  a  musical  news  column  of  a  newspaper.  Speak  about  you  presentation  trying  to  advertise  the  songs  as  well  as possible.

  ______ song’s  name;                            ______what  it’s  about;

 ______ who performs it;                       ______  why  to  listen.

 ______ musical style / genre;


2.   Look at the following list of newspaper columns.  Which of them can be interesting for you? Which would you like to read? Which of them would you ignore?  Explain your choice.

____   Weather news and forecasts.

____   An advice column.

____   Critic reviews of films, plays, restaurants, etc.

____   Editorial opinions.

____   A gossip column.


3.   It  is  generally   agreed  that  society  benefits  from  the work  of  its  members.  Compare  the  contributions  of  artists  to  society  with  the  contributions  of  scientists  to  society.  Which  type  of  contribution  do  you  think  is  valued  more  by  your  society?  Give specific reasons to support you answer.










Variant 2


1.  Imagine  that  you  are  a  journalist  presenting  a  new  CD  in  a  musical  news  column  of  a  newspaper.  Speak  about  your    presentation  trying  to  advertise  the  CD  as  well  as  possible.

_____   general information  about  the   musical  style / genre  of  the  CD;

_____   CD’s   design;                       _____   performers;

_____   songs included;                    _____   why  to  listen.


2.  Look at the following list of newspaper columns. Which of them can be interesting for you?  Which would you like to read? Which of them would you ignore?  Explain your choice.

______   Comic  strips  and  other  entertainment,  such  as  crosswords,  sudoku  and   horoscopes.

______    A sports column   or section.

______    `A humor column or section.

______    A food  column.

______     Advertisements.


3.  Which  would  you  choose:  a  high – paid   job  with   long  hours  that  would  give  you  little  time  with  family  and  friends  or  a  lower – paid  job  with  shorter  hours  that  would  give  you  more  time  with  family  and friends?  Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.










Term 2                    Speaking Comprehension                                 Variant  1


1.  Speak about the   person who has influenced your life the most. Use the following plan:

Para 1 (introduce the person and his / her background.)

Para 2  (  describe  the  person’s  appearance ,  personality  and  character  -    describe  his / her  hair,  age, face,  personality.)                                                                     

Para  3  (  speak   about  the  person’s  behavior  and  relationships  with  his  surrounding.)

Para 4 (your feelings about this person.)


2.  Describe  what  the  weather  is  like  in  your  place at  present  and  what  the  weather  forecast   is  for  the  day.  What  clothes  would  you  suggest  for  going  out  in  this weather  ( e. g. shorts,  a  warm  jacket,  sandals ,  rain  coat, etc.)?  Are  there  activities  you  would  suggest  doing  or  even  postponing  due to  weather  conditions?             


3.   Talk  about    your  family , including  what  they  do  for  a  living,  if  they  are  married  or   not,  and  how  well  you  get  along  with  each  member.
















Speaking Comprehension

Variant 2


1.  Talk  about  the  place  of  natural  interest ,  using  the  plan  below:

Para   1   (   introduce the place and give some background.)

Para  2  (  describe  the  things  to  see  and  activities  to  do  here. )

Para 3   (speak about the surroundings.)

Para  4  (  express  your  opinion  why  you  like  this  place. )


2.  Talk  about  what is  the  weather  like  in  your  hometown  during  different  seasons  of  the  year  ( temperatures,  precipitation,  humidity, etc. )?


3.  Choose  three  people  (  family  member,  friend,  classmate,  roommate  )  with  whom  you  have  a  relationship.  What is your relationship like?    What kind of things do you do together?                                                                                                                  



















Speaking   Comprehension

Variant 1

1.  Look  at  the  photos  and  tell  where  you    have  been  and  what  places   you  would  like  to  visit  and  why?


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2.  If  it  were  your  job  to  decide  what  shows  can  be   on  TV,  how  would    you  choose?  


3.   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  The  best  way  to  travel  is  in  a  group  led  by  a tour  guide.  Use the specific reasons and examples to support your answer.







Variant   2

1.  Look  at  the  photos  and  tell  where  you  have  been  and  what  places  you  would  like  to  visit  and  why?

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2.  If you invent something new, what product would you develop?  Use specific   details to explain why this invention is needed.


3.  Many people visit museums when they travel to new places.  Why do you think people visit museums?  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


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  1. Storozhuk Nataliia Vadymivna
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
29 липня 2018
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