Контрольна робота по темі "Getting to know yourself"

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота побудована згідно матеріалу підручника для поглибленого вивчення англійської мови Л.В. Калініної та І.В. Самойлюкевич "Англійська мова" для 9 класу.
Перегляд файлу

Test 1

Variant I

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Мої батьки завжди бурчать, коли я погано навчаюся в школі.
  2. Ти виглядаєш дуже загадково та стурбовано.
  3. Підлітків дійсно турбує їх зовнішній вигляд.
  4. Заспокойся (сприймай це простіше), це нормально для поведінки підлітка.
  5. Я турбуюся про одяг, який я одягаю.


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.
  1. I’m trying to be considerate of other people’s feelings and never hurt them. 
  2. I was very shy and my parents decided that I should be involved in some sport activities.
  3. I enjoy the parties where you sing and have a great admiration for your poem.
  4.  Last year my daughter wanted her belly button pierced.
  5. The desire to be on equal terms with others explains their hanging out with friends.
  6. To be on the other side of popularity
  7. To have cross words about
  8. To be obsessed by something


  1. Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.

  1. Someone is planting flowers in the garden
  2. She sent him an e-mail letter last Tuesday.
  3. The children were laughing at the clown.
  4. They will finish the building of a new airport soon.
  5. Relatives can visit this patient.


  1. Find mistakes and correct them.
  1. This hat knitted by my mother last year.
  2. The work hasn’t being done yet.
  3. You will have been met at the airport tomorrow.
  4. A new metro station is being in our city at the moment.
  5. Children must be not shown that horror film.
  1. You’ve started a blog. Post the article about the teens’ worries.



                                     Test 1

 Variant II.

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Мої батьки говорять, що я повинен концентруватися на навчанні.
  2. Мій друг завжди приходить на допомогу, коли це потрібно.
  3. Підлітки одягають трендовий одяг, щоб не опинитися по інший бік популярності.
  4.  Я дійсно хвилююся за мого брата.
  5. Підлітки відчувають необхідність зустрічі з однолітками, що мають спільні інтереси і вподобання.


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.
  1. My friend Denis is brainy. He has a good head for Mathes.
  2. According to my star sign, I’m good at creativity.
  3.  You flatter me because you’ve always been considerate of other people.
  4. The opinion of their peers matters a lot for them.
  5. I had more than a few cross words about the length of my skirts.
  6. To have a great admiration for
  7. To slam the door
  8. To bully somebody


  1.      Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.
  1. Somebody was washing your car when it started to rain.
  2. Where did you see that boy before?
  3. Who is making photocopies now?
  4. You must not tell lies to your parents.
  5. By what time will you have prepared the chicken?


  1. Find mistakes and correct them.
  1. Colin was finishing his work before he went to bed.
  2. She washed the dishes and had poured herself a cup of tea.
  3. My parents never stay at this hotel before.
  4. She is wanting to buy some clothes for her little son.
  5. He is working as a computer programmer in our firm from next Monday.
  1. You’ve started a blog. Post the article about the teens’ problems.


5 жовтня 2019
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