Контрольна робота з англійської мови 8 клас за темою: "Education in Ukraine and Abroad"

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота підготовлена за підручником Буренко В.М. Вона містить 2 варіанти по 3 завдання.
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Form  8

Test № 4 Education in  Ukraine and Abroad


1 variant


Task 1  Translate into English.

  1. Есе
  2. Директор школи
  3. Дитячий садок
  4. Хуліганство
  5. Консерваторія

Task 2 Arrange in the correct order the types of British schools and the ages of the children.

  1. secondary school           a. 18
  2. sixth-form college        b. 3-5
  3. university                     c. 16-18
  4. primary school              d. 5-11
  5. technical college           e. 11-16
  6. nursery school              f. practical skills

Task 3  Translate into Ukraine. 

  1. The bell rang and everybody went inside.
  2. In 1976 Rugby School opened its doors for girls, but only in the sixth form.
  3. The pupils of primary schools usually wear school sweatshirts with the names and symbols of their schools.
  4. There are different types of schools in Ukraine.





Form  8

Test № 4 Education in  Ukraine and Abroad


2 variant


Task 1  Translate into English.

  1. Курс
  2. Директорка школи
  3. Початкова школа
  4. Хуліганити
  5. Опонент

Task 2 Arrange in the correct order the types of Ukraine schools and the ages of the children.

  1. university               a.6-10
  2. primary school           b. 17
  3. technical college         c. 11-15
  4. nursery school             d. 16-18
  5. secondary school         e. 3-6

Task 3  Translate into Ukraine.

1.  These schools are very popular because they offer a good academic education. 

2.  British schools offer a variety of extracurricular clubs and different trips.

3.  We can choose any school.

4.  The system of education in Ukraine is considered to be one of the best in the world.

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Буренко В.М.)
22 лютого 2021
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