Семестрова контрольна робота з англійської мови (читання), 9 клас (друга мова)

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Task 1. Choose a correct answer

1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

a). on board ship

b). at the hotel

c). at a party

d). in a cafe

2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish?

a). a watch

b). a ring

c). some money

d). a diamond

3. Where was the young man sent to work?

a). to England

b). to London

c). to New York

d). to Canada

4. When had the young people decided to marry?

a). when he returned home

b). during the journey

c). before he left home

d). on the way back home

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Tuesday, the fifth of May

Reading comprehension

A  Story

   One day some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London. When fish was put on the table one of them, a young man said: “Let’s examine the fish carefully, perhaps we’ll find a diamond in it.” Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly: “Yes, I’m sure we have all heard stories like that. Let me tell you what happened to me once.”

   “When I was a young man”, he began, “I worked for a big company in New York; and I was sent to England to do some work there.  I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would get married when I returned home.

     I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters and postcards to the girl almost every day, but after the first two weeks I didn’t receive any answers. But I didn’t think anything was the matter, and before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her.

  On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me. It was from a friend in New York, who told me that the girl had changed her mind and was going to get married to another man. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea.

  My friend came to the port to meet me, and he invited me to dinner. While we were sitting down at the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?”

  “The diamond!” all the Americans cried.

  “No,” the old man answered, “It was the fish bone.” 


Task 1. Choose a correct answer


  1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

a). on board ship

b). at the hotel

c). at a party

d). in a cafe 

2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish?

     a). a watch

     b). a ring

     c). some money

     d). a diamond

3. Where was the young man sent to work?

     a). to England

     b). to London

     c). to New York

     d). to Canada


4. When had the young people decided to marry?

     a). when he returned home

     b). during the journey

     c). before he left home

     d). on the way back home


5. What did the young man buy for his girl?

     a). a beautiful dress

     b). a fur coat

     c). a gold watch

     d). a diamond ring

6. Why didn’t the girl answer his letters?

     a). she was very ill

     b). she wanted to join him

     c). she wanted to marry another man

     d). she was angry with him

7. How did the young man react to his friend’s news?

    a). he was very happy

    b). he was very lonely

    c). he was very angry

    d). he was very unhappy

8. What did the young man do with the present?

     a). he gave it to another girl

     b). he threw into the sea

     c). he sold it

     d). he lost it in the street

9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

     a). they had soup

     b). they had pudding

     c). they had meat

     d). they had fish

  10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

     a). a fruit stone

     b). a fish bone

     c). an egg shell

     d). a diamond ring

  11. Who came to the port to meet him?

        a). my father

        b). my friend

        c). my sister

        d). my relatives

  12. Who was having dinner at a hotel in London?

        a). some Englishmen

        b). some people

        c). some Americans

        d). some women

Answer:  Task1: 1 b  2 d  3 a  4 a  5 d  6 c  7 c  8 b  9 d  10 b  11 b  12 c


Task 2. Write  is True(T) or False(F).


  1.    One day some Ukrainians were having dinner at a hotel in London.


  1. When fish was put on the table one of them, a young lady said: “Let’s examine the fish carefully, perhaps we’ll find a diamond in it.”
  2. An old man said loudly: “Yes, I’m sure we have all heard stories like that.
  3.    “When I was a young man”, he began, “I worked for a small company in New Jersey;
  4.   I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would get married when I returned home.  
  5.   I stayed in England for two weeks.
  6. I sent presents and jewelry to the girl almost every day, but after the first two weeks I didn’t receive any answers.
  7. And before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond earrings for her.
  8.   On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me.
  9. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea.
  10.   My friend came to the restaurant to meet me, and he invited to dinner.
  11. I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth.
  12. ”The old man answered, “It was the fish scale”. 

Answer:  Task1: 1 F  2 F  3 F 4 F 5 T  6 F  7 F 8 F 9 T  10 T 11 F  12 T 13F


Task 3. Write about your last travel.



5 травня 2020
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