Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 10 класу на тему: "Art"

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови з теми: "Art" для 10 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів допоможе перевірити лексико-граматичні навички учнів.

Перегляд файлу


10 form

I variant


I. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. A famous artist

2. to exhibit modern paintings

3. The national Gallery in London was founded in 1824.

4. They founded their art school and created masterpieces.

5. There is a new exhibition in this museum, isn't there?

6. Almost all old masters are represented there.

7. What gallery would you like to visit?

8. I'd like to visit the National Art Museum.

9. I've never been there before.

10.Their documentary exhibit is dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi's birth.


II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Acto    actors, concerts, guitar, music, musical instrument, musicians, pianist, plays, singers, symphonies

1. A conservatory educates new musicians, actors and ___________.

2. A lot of ___________ are performed by famous musicians in Carnegie hall.

3. Spectators gave a standing ovation because the __________ were excellent in this play.

4. Accordion is a typical and famous Russian traditional __________

5. Each philharmonic orchestra has a lot of ____________.

6. Every child must learn to read ___________ to play an instrument.

7. Have you already heard of the new famous ________ who is playing in town this evening?

8. He usually plays the ___________ when singing at the camp-fire.

9. In the theatre we can see dramas, musicals and ____________.

10.Ludwig van Beethoven wrote a lot of beautiful __________.


III. Complete the sentences with relative pronouns: who, that, where, whose. Put a dash (-) in the gap if the pronoun is not necessary.

1. I didn't buy the picture … was $50.

2. Susan is the girl … lent me some money.

3. A boy … I know has got a pet monkey.

4. Mr Brown is the man … car was stolen.

5. Is there a park near here … we can play tennis?

6. This is the ring … my sister lost.

7. The blue jacket is the one … I want to buy.

8. John is the student … project was given full marks.

9. I don't know anyone … liked that film.

10.This is the hotel … we stayed last year.


IV. Write a report about modern art.


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Кузнецова Марія Олександрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
7 липня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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