Контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу на тему "School and After School Activities" за підручником Оксани Карп’юк

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу на тему "School and After School Activities" за підручником Оксани Карп’юк складається з 4 видів завдань різної складності, які допоможуть систематизувати та узагальнити вивчений матеріал, а також перевірити знання учнів.
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Test №1               After school

I.Translate the words into English

Діяльність-                                           Знімати фільми-

Хор-                                                      Наукова лабораторія-

Просторий-                                          Спортзал-

Подія-                                                   Небезпечний-

Практикувати-                                     Шолом-

Безпека-                                               Актовий зал-

II.Choose “too” or “enough” to complete the sentences

  1. There aren’t ____ teachers in the school.
  2. There are ____ many social networking sites today.
  3. There is ____ much music to download.
  4. Are there ____ computers in the classroom?
  5. There wasn’t ____ time to prepare for the exam.
  6. She spends ____ much time in the internet.

III.Fill in the correct word  (must or mustn’t.)

    1. She ____ drink so much cola and fizzy drinks

    2. You ___ do homework every day.

    3. They ___ eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

    4. He ___ skip lessons.

    5. You ___ put lots of salt in the soup.

    6. We ___ drink a lot of water in the summer

IV.Give answers to questions

    1. What is your favourite subject?

    2. What do you do after school?

    3. Write some rules for the safe use of the Internet.

Test №1                        After school

I.Translate the words into English

Діяльність-                                           Знімати фільми-

Хор-                                                      Наукова лабораторія-

Просторий-                                          Спортзал-

Подія-                                                   Небезпечний-

Практикувати-                                     Шолом-

Безпека-                                               Актовий зал-

II.Choose “too” or “enough” to complete the sentences

  1. There aren’t ____ teachers in the school.
  2. There are ____ many social networking sites today.
  3. There is ____ much music to download.
  4. Are there ____ computers in the classroom?
  5. There wasn’t ____ time to prepare for the exam.
  6. She spends ____ much time in the internet.

III.Fill in the correct word  (must or mustn’t.)

    1. She ____ drink so much cola and fizzy drinks

    2. You ___ do homework every day.

    3. They ___ eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

    4. He ___ skip lessons.

    5. You ___ put lots of salt in the soup.

    6. We ___ drink a lot of water in the summer

IV.Give answers to questions

    1. What is your favourite subject?

    2. What do you do after school?

    3. Write some rules for the safe use of the Internet.

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 січня
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