Контрольна робота з англійської мови. Тема "Я, моя сім'я, друзі" (1 курс)

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Контрольна робота з теми "Я, моя сім'я, друзі" для учнів 1-го курсу закладів професійно - технічного профілю
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Контрольна робота

"Я, моя родина, друзі" 

Task 1. Choose the words to describe character. 

Завдання: оберіть слова для опису характеру. Запишіть слова, які ви обрали 

Tidy, short, attractive, slow, boring, stupid, educated, fragile, independent, young,  unhappy, famous, noble, curious, greedy, bouncy, lonely, modest, thin, smart, attentive,  progressive, small, cheerful, mysterious, strong, fat, slim, wicked, tall, serious, ugly, gloomy,  clever, polite, brave, honest, wise, sad, poor, pleasant, shy, careless, lazy, lovely, firm 

Task 2. Match the names with the characters.  

Завдання: поєднайте характеристику (опис) з персонажем. Правильну відповідь запишіть таким чином 1а), 2 b)..... 


a) Cinderella

1. This character is independent and smart. He is poor,  noble and young. He is strong and honest, brave and free.  He is thin but never gloomy. He helps the poor people. He lives in Sherwood Forest with his friends.

b) Robin Hood

2. This character is adventurous. He is curious and brave.  He is lonely and poor. He is smart and thin. He is a tall,  young man. He likes travelling by sea and lives on a deserted island for a long time.

c) Winnie-the-Pooh

3. This character is very poor. She is fragile, and modest.  She lives in the family but she is lonely. She is never  cheerful because she has a lot of work to do. She is shy and unhappy. She hasn’t got a mother.

d) Robinson Crusoe

4. This character is fat and fluffy. It’s cheerful and bouncy.  It is attractive and pleasant, wise and lovely. It is bulky. It  lives in the Ashdown Forest. Its friends are Tigger, Piglet  and Owl.

e) Little Red Riding Hood

5. This character is small but brave. She is curious and  helpful. She is lovely and pleasant. She is not stupid but  sometimes careless. She is clever and young.


Task 3. Complete each sentence (A—H) with one of the endings (1-8): Завдання: поєднати речення (А - Н) з їхнім закінченнями (1-8) 

Відповідь в зошит записати таким чином: А1, В2, С3.... 

A. Teenagers are greatly worried about  

B. The term first came into prominence 

C. Pop music, ultra-modern clothes, noisy parties and  children's wish to have more freedom become D. According to the older generation teenagers are  E. 'Generation gap' is a popular term used to describe F.Besides they have constant pressure from betters  and elders  

G. The more time adults and children spend together,  the more they talk and discuss different things H. Despite the great changes in the electronic and  technological environment in the last several decades

1. their appearance, relations with friends, parents  and teachers, the way other people treat them. 2. the better they understand each other. 

3. big differences between people of a younger  generation and their elders. 

4. a defined gap does not separate today's generations  as it did in the sixties and seventies. 

5. in Western countries during the 1960s. 

6. lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite and rude. 7. a stumbling-block on the way of mutual  understanding between adults and their offspring. 8. as to how they should act, behave, look and feel.

Task 4. Translate into Ukrainian or into English 

Завдання: перкласти українською або англійською мовою відповідно 

1. Children and their parents have different views on many things, different values and beliefs. 2. Young people of today don’t directly accept the standards of their parents who believe that  they are right because they are older.  

3. Young people have their own ideals.  

They want to make their own mistakes rather than listen to the warning of the adults and repeat  the mistakes of the older generation.  

4. Існування субкультури, специфічної для кожного покоління, є формою протесту молоді.

 5. Іноді діти діляться інформацією та досвідом зі своїми батьками. 

6. Коли люди починають справлятися з різними проблемами, вони стають сильнішими та  досвідченішими. 

Task 5. Завдання для отримання високого балу: написати міні-твір на обрану тему

«Describe your relationship with your best friends» 

«The Generation Gap in My Family»


19 листопада 2021
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