Контрольна робота з англійської мови з теми "Clothes" для учнів 5 класу

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота складається з 4 завдань різних рівнів складності. Мета: визначити рівень володіння учнів лексичними одиницями з теми, вживання дієслова 'to be', складати власний текст на запропоновану тему.

Перегляд файлу

Variant 1

I.Match to make up sentences

1. In summer I prefer wearing

2.In winter I put on

3.In the rainy season I wear

4.When I go to school I wear

5.When I go to the gym I take

6.This is my school

a)a white shirt, blue trousers and a jacket, a tie and a pair of shoes.

b)a sweater.

c)a T-shirt with trousers.

d) uniform.

e)a T-shirt,a tracksuit and trainers.

f)a raincoat and rubber boots.


II.Write the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ to complete the sentences

1.Tom ___ going to unzip a sweater.

2.They ___ going to sew a new dress.

3.I __ going to buy a new dress.

4. She __ going to put on a trendy blouse.

5. Peter and Mark __ going to wear  new trainers.

6. Nick __ going to train in the gym.

III. Match word-combinations with their translations.

1 to zip a sweater

2 to unlace trainers

3 to fasten a belt

4 to sew a button

5 to take off a coat

6 to pull off your socks


a)розшнуровувати кросівки

b)застібати светр

c)застібати ремінь

d)знімати пальто

e)пришивати гудзик

f)знімати носки


IV. Write about a school uniform in Ukraine and your school.



Variant 2

I.Match to make up sentences

1. This is my school

2. When I go to school I wear

3.In the rainy season I wear

4. In winter I put on

5.When I go to the gym I take

6. In summer I prefer wearing

a)a white shirt, blue trousers and a jacket, a tie and a pair of shoes.

b)a sweater.

c)a T-shirt with trousers.

d) uniform.

e)a T-shirt,a tracksuit and trainers.

f)a raincoat and rubber boots.


II.Write the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ to complete the sentences

1.Mary ___ going to zip an anorak.

2.We ___ going to sew a new dress.

3. I __ going to buy a new dress.

4. He __ going to put on a trendy blouse.

5. Peter and Mark __ going to wear  new trainers.

6. Ben __ going to train in the gym.

III. Match word-combinations with their translations.

1 to unlace trainers

2 to zip a sweater

3 to pull off your socks

4 to fasten a belt

5 to take off a coat

6 to sew a button


a)розшнуровувати кросівки

b)застібати светр

c)застібати ремінь

d)знімати пальто

e)пришивати гудзик

f)знімати носки


IV. Write about a school uniform in Ukraine and your school.


13 листопада 2019
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