Контрольна робота з англійської мови за темою "People and relationship" Unit 1

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Робота включає в себе завдання, які спрямовані на перевірку знань з лексики, граматики та навичок письма
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 Варіант 1

Контрольна робота з англійської мови
Тема: People and Relationships
Час виконання: 45 хвилин

1. Grammar usage
   1. I ______ (play) football every Saturday when I was a child.
   2. She ______ (live) in Paris before moving to London.
   3. They ______ (not like) spicy food when they were younger.
   4. We ______ (go) to the same school for ten years.
   5. He ______ (be) very shy, but now he is quite outgoing.

2. Vocabulary

   1. My best friend and I have been ______ since childhood. (friends / friendship)
   2. It's important to ______ your emotions honestly. (express / expressively)
   3. They have a strong ______ based on trust. (relationship / relate)
   4. She is very ______ and always helps others. (kind / kindness)
   5. I ______ my grandmother every summer when I was a child. (visit / used to visit)

3. Reading
                                                           Changes in Friendship

Friendship is an essential part of our lives. When we are children, we often have many friends and spend a lot of time together. We used to play outside, share secrets, and support each other through tough times. However, as we grow older, our lives change. Some friends move away, and we may lose touch.

In my case, I used to be very close to my childhood friend, Anna. We would spend every weekend together, exploring parks and having fun. But when we reached high school, our interests began to differ. Anna became interested in sports, while I focused on academics. Although we still talk occasionally, our friendship is not as strong as it used to be.

This experience taught me that friendships can evolve. It’s important to cherish the memories we have but also to be open to new relationships.

1. What changes occurred in the relationship between the author and their friend, Anna?
2. What values do you think are important for maintaining a friendship?
3. How did the author feel about the evolution of their friendship?
4. What activities did the author and Anna enjoy doing together in their childhood?

4. Writing.

1. Describe a meaningful friendship in your life and explain why it is important to you.
2. Discuss the qualities you think are essential for a good relationship.


 Варіант 2

Контрольна робота з англійської мови
Тема: People and Relationships
Час виконання: 45 хвилин

1. Grammar usage
   1. I don’t play basketball anymore. (used to)
   2. They are not friends now. (used to)
   3. She doesn’t eat meat now. (used to)
   4. We don’t live in the same city anymore. (used to)
   5. He is not shy anymore. (used to)

2.  Vocabulary
   1. Good communication is key to a healthy ______. (relationship / relate)
   2. They have been ______ friends for many years. (close / closely)
   3. Trust is very ______ in any relationship. (important / importance)
   4. I ______ to spend every summer at my uncle's house. (used / use)
   5. She is very ______ and always supports her friends. (supportive / support)

3. Reading
                                                      Family Relationships Over Time

Family relationships are often the most important connections in our lives. When we are young, we used to spend a lot of time with our family members. Family gatherings, holidays, and simple dinners were moments we cherished. However, as we grow older, our lives become busier, and these moments become less frequent.

In my family, we used to have Sunday dinners together every week. My parents would cook, and we would all sit around the table, sharing stories and laughter. But as my siblings and I grew up, we started to have our own commitments. Now, we rarely have the chance to gather as we used to.

Despite these changes, I believe it’s important to maintain family ties. We try to have at least one family gathering every month to catch up and strengthen our bonds. It reminds us of the importance of family and the love that connects us.


 1. What main issues arise in the author's family relationships?
2. How do they try to resolve these issues?
3. What tradition did the author's family have regarding Sunday dinners?
4. Why does the author believe it’s important to maintain family ties?

4. Writing

1. Describe a meaningful friendship in your life and explain why it is important to you.
2. Discuss the qualities you think are essential for a good relationship.

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