Контрольна робота з читання

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Контрольна робота з читання за темою "Свята" для 4 класу кінець 2 семестру. Текст побудований на знайомому мовному матеріалі, завдання до тексту сприяють розвитку навичок критичного мислення.

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Семестрова контрольна робота з читання 4 кл.

Festivals in different countries.

             There are hundreds of amazing celebrations around the world. Every year, in February or March, people in Italy celebrate the Carnival. They wear fantastic costumes and masks and have colourful parades in the streets. There are parties all around the city. People sing and dance in the streets. The biggest party is in St. Mark’s Square.

              In August, thousands of people in Spain celebrate the festival of La Tomatina. The festival starts with fireworks and a parade. Later, people stand in the streets and throw tomatoes at their friends. How many tomatoes do they throw? About 125,000 kilos! It’s great fun!

              In Vietnam in September or October people celebrate the festival of the moon. On this day, children carry beautiful lanterns through the streets. They eat traditional moon cakes. They are made of rice and they’re delicious!


1.Познач речення + або - : (3б)

1. People celebrate the festival of the moon in autumn.

2. In Italy there is the festival of La Tomatina.

3. People eat tomatoes with their friends in Spain.

4. In Vietnam people eat moon cakes.

5. At the moon festival children carry beautiful letters.

6. The Carnival is in March or February.


2. Доповни речення: (2б)

1. The biggest party in Italy people celebrate in _____________________.

2. The festival of La Tomatina starts with _____________ and _________.

3. People throw ____________________ at their friends.

4. The moon cakes are very______________________!


 3. Дай відповіді на запитання: (6б)

1. What do people wear at the Carnival?___________________________

2. What do people do in the streets?______________________________

3. When is the festival of La Tomatina?____________________________

4. How many tomatoes do people throw?__________________________

5. What festival is in Vietnam?___________________________________

6. What are the cakes made of?__________________________________

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  1. Ястребова Анастасія Вікторівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
21 жовтня 2018
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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