Test in writing ( the 5th form).
I. Translate into English.
1. Різдво
2. День Святого Валентина
3. День конституції
4. Першотравень
5. Жіночий день
6. День знань
II Make up 3 sentences about any holidays.
Use the example: We celebrate ___on the ___of ___.
III. Make up questions to the sentences.
1. There is a nice garden near our house.
2. There are some fountains in this park.
3. There are a lot of monuments in our city.
IV. Complete the sentences to make up a story.
My name is___. My surname is___. My birthday is on the __ of ___ .
I am __(a schoolboy/ a schoolgirl). I study at ___ number __ .I am in the ___
Form. I learn such subjects as ___,___,___,___,___ and others. ____is/are easy for me,
But ___is/are difficult. ____is/are important for my future. I usually have ___
Lessons a day. After the lessons I like _____.
I think my school life is _____.