Тема: контрольна робота з письма з теми "Живопис"
Цілі: систематизувати знання учнів з лексики та граматики; удосконалювати навички письма; розвивати довготривалу та оперативну пам’ять; здатність логічно, послідовно викладати думки іноземною мовою; виховувати старанність та чіткість у виконанні завдань.
Обладнання: картки із завданням; дошка.
І.Оголошення теми, мети
-do a writing test
II.Основна частина
2.1. Контрольна робота з письма
1) лексичне завдання
2) лексичне завдання
3) граматичне завдання (фразове дієслово to give)
4) Write an art review.
ІІІ.Заключна частина
3.1.Домашнє завдання
Повторити слова теми.
3.2.Підведення підсумків уроку.
Контрольна робота з письма з теми "Painting"
1.Match the words with their translations.
1. still life a. палітра
2. constructivism b. пейзаж
3. landscape с. мольберт
4. shade d. пастель
5. canvas e. відтінок
6. easel f. полотно
7. palette g. конструктивізм
8. pastel h. натюрморт
2. Сomplete the sentences by choosing the correct word.
In the middle of the nineteenth century Ukrainian art found itself under the strong inspiration / influence of Taras Shevchenko’s art and verse. He created emotionally attractive paintings / images and acquired his own vision of Ukrainian folk / rural life. Lovely Ukrainian natural scenes / sceneries inspired many Ukrainian painters to create poetic landscapes / portraits. Nowadays Ukrainian art probably develops every well-known genre / trend, ranging from Neorealism to Postmodernism.
3. For each space in each sentence, use the verb Give (in the correct tense) with one of the prepositions from the box.
Off In Away Up
1. We wanted to keep Debbie's birthday party a secret, but Hank has a big mouth and …… it…… .
2. Your son is a wonderful student and even helps me …….. worksheets to the whole class at the start of every lesson.
3. I have to …….. all fatty foods if I really want to lose weight.
4. Eventually, one of the wrestlers held the other one until he ….. .
5. I found a box of some strange substance in the river. It ……. a strange odor so I left it where it was and called the police.
6. Hurry to that furniture shop on the high street - they are …… a television with every sofa purchased.
7. If your husband loses his job, you will have to ….. this house and move into an apartment.
8. At the end of the exam, ….. your papers…. to Miss Grant, who will pass from desk to desk.
4. Choose any painting and write an art review. Include the following details:
- Name of the painting - Description of the painting
- Name of the author - Symbols
- Year of creation - Personal impressions
- Some facts from author’s biography - Conclusions
2. give out
3. give up
4. gave in
5. gave off
6. giving away
7. give up
8. give in