Тематична контрольна робота з теми "Family" (3 клас)

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Контрольна робота для учнів 3 класу загальноосвітньої школи з теми "Сім'я" за підручником А.М. Несвіт охоплює містить завдання для перевірки рівня сформованості лексико-граматичних навичок вживання теперішнього неозначеного часу.

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Name _____________________ Form ___________Writing (variant 1)

I. Listen to the numbers and write them.


II. Read the sentences and complete them.

1. My mother works in the hospital. She helps seek people.

She is a_________________________________________________.

2. My uncle works on the bus. He takes children to school every morning. He is a _________________________________________.

3. My aunt works at the bakery. She makes bread.

She is a __________________________________________________.

III. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: This is a driver.-These are drivers.

1. That is a doctor.- Those are____________________.

2. This is a farmer.  - ______________________________________.

3. That is a hen. - _________________________________________.

IV. Choose the correct word and underline it.

Example: Tom’s father get/gets up early.

1. I usually play/plays football on holiday.

2. Ann feed/feeds her cat every day.

3. My granny and grandpa grow/grows vegetables in the garden.

Name _____________________ Form ___________Writing (variant 2)

I. Listen to the numbers and write them.


II. Read the sentences and complete them.

1. My grandma feeds animals. She works in the field every day.

She is a_________________________________________________.

2. My uncle works at school. He teaches.                                                    He is a _________________________________________.

3. My aunt works in the hospital. She helps seek people.

She is a __________________________________________________.

III. Change the sentences as in the example.

Example: This is a driver.-These are drivers.

1. That is a baker.- Those are____________________.

2. This is a teacher.  - ______________________________________.

3. That is a pig. - _________________________________________.

IV. Choose the correct word and underline it.

Example: Tom’s father get/gets up early.

1. We usually play/plays basketball on holiday.

2. Tom feed/feeds his hamster every day.

3. My parents grow/grows vegetables in the garden.

9 грудня 2018
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