Контрольна робота з теми "My House"

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Двохваріантна контрольна робота для 3 класу з теми "My House" за підручником Т.Будної
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Test “My House”


Variant 1


1. Fill in the blanks with the necessary letters.


ho_se                                              sta_rs

do_r                                                cot_age

wa_drobe                                        ga_den

garag_                                             insid_

t_ble                                               windo_

nea_                                                pa_nting


2. Match the words with six colourful lines.


hall                                                 sofa

bedroom                                         chair

study                                               drawers

sitting room                                    flowerbed

kitchen                                            desk

yard                                                 mirror


3. Fill in is, isn’t, are or aren’t.


There _______ a cat in the room.

There _______ men in the yard.

_______ there any chairs in your bedroom?

There _______ a bed in the kitchen.

_______ there a carpet on the floor?

There _______ any pictures in the hall.


4. Describe the room.




This is a _________________________.

The room is ________________________.

There is a ________________________ and a ________________________.

There are three ________________________.

There are four ________________________.









Variant 2


1. Fill in the blanks.



ca_pet                                             favo_rite                                          

fl_or                                                sof_                                               

dra_ers                                            fl_t                                     

flowe_bed                                       outsid_                                           

cha_r                                               to_                                              

pic_ure                                            shel_                                               


2. Match the words with six colourful lines.


sitting room                                    stairs                                               

yard                                                bed                                        

hall                                                 table                                              

kitchen                                           garden                                   

study                                              paintings                                          

bedroom                                         shelves                                                


3. Fill in is, isn’t, are or aren’t.



There _______ women in the room.

_______ there any chairs in your bedroom?

There _______ a wardrobe in the kitchen.

There _______ any books on the table.

_______ there a dog in the yard?

There _______ a garden near the house.


4. Describe the room.




This is a ________________________.

The room isn’t ________________________.

There is a ________________________ and a ________________________.

There are two ________________________.

There are three ________________________.


Rebchak Maryan
30 листопада 2021
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