Контрольна робота з теми : «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»

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Контрольна робота з теми : «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»

Choose and circle the letter of correct answer.

  1. The official name of the country is …
  1. Britain;
  2. Great Britain;
  3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  1. The United Kingdom is country made of …
  1. Three lands;
  2. Four lands;
  3. Five lands.
  1. The Parts of the United Kingdom are…
  1. England, Scotland,Wales and Northern  Ireland.
  2. Britain, Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland.
  3. England,Scotland,Wales and Ireland.
  1. The biggest and the most populous part of the country is …
  1. England;
  2. Scotland;
  3. Wales.
  1. The second biggest city is …

a)Manchester;     b) Liverpul;

c)Birmingham;      d) Leeds.

      6) The highest mountain, Ben Nevis ,is in …

          a) England;         b) Wales;

           c)Northern Ireland;   d) Scotland.

       7) Loch Ness is in …

            a) Scotland;         b) England;

             c) Wales;             d) Northern Ireland.

8) What is the flag of the UK called ?

    a) Maple Leaf.        b) Stars and Stripes.

    c) Tricolour.             d) Union Jack.

9) What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

     a) Belfast             b) Cardiff

      c) Dublin              d) London

10) Where in the UK is the Lake District?

      a) England                  b) Northern Ireland

       c) Scotland                  d) Wales

11) In which town is Hyde Park?

      a) Dublin                                b) London

      c) New York                        d) San Francisco.

12) Where are the Highlands ?

      a) England               b) Ireland

      c) Scotland              d) Wales


2. From the passive variants choose (a,b,c,d) which is similar in meaning to

    the sentence  given in the Active Voice.

  1. John gave Sue a nice present.
  1. John was given a nice present by Sue.
  2. Sue was given a nice present by John.
  3. A nice present was given to John by  Sue.
  4. A nice present was gave to Sue from John.


10) Ben has driven me to the airport.

      a) I was drove to the airport by Ben.

      b) I have been driven to the airport by Ben.

      c) I have been driven to the airport by Ben.

      d) Ben has been driven to the airport by me.


3. Fill in the correct passive form ( Present Passive Voise )

    a) The windows ……………( clean)

     b) The picture …………………( paint )

     c) The pudding ………………..(make)

     d) A new farm ………………..( built )

                e) A book ………………………..( read )


            4. Fill in the correct passive forms ( Past Passive Voice )

                 a) A good blouse …………………..( dress )

                 b) A film ………………………………  ( see )

                  c) A letter …………………………… ( write )

                 d) The article ………………………..( translate )

                  e) She …………………………………( invite )




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