Контрольна робота за темою "Я, моя родина, мої друзі" для 8 класу

Про матеріал
Перевірочна лексико - граматична контрольна робота для 8 класу за темою "Моя сім'я". Завдання спрямовані на перевірку лексики (риси характеру) та перевірку різних часових форм дієслова.
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Test 8 form   « My family»


Task I. Fill in the right words into the sentences. There are two extra words.

 ( 3 points)


( honest, meeting, lazy, won, helpful, caring, keep, chatty)

  1. doesn’t like working hard is …
  2. always tells the truth is…
  3. thinks about what others need is…
  4. She …. an Oscar  3 years ago.
  5. We always … in touch. We’re friends.
  6. shy people don’t like ….. new people.


Task II. Guess and make a word from the letters.

  1. What are your brothers and sisters ?  ( 1st letter)
  2. What’s your mom’s sister? (last letter)
  3. Never lets you down is.. person. (1st letter)
  4. married woman (2nd letter)
  5. My dad’s brother is my … (3d letter)
  6. likes talking to people … (4th letter)


Task III.  Choose the right answer.

      1.A) I was not drink tea.              B) I didn’t drink tea                    C) I not drank tea.

      2.A) My brother had a car.           B) My brother did had a car.      C) My brother was has a car

      3.My granddad …. in the garden now.

         a) worked                                   B) works                                      C) is working

      4. A) He went to the cinema?       B) Did he went to the cinema?    C) Did he go to the cinema?

      5. Every day he…. in the pool.

        A) swam                                      B) swim                                       C) swims

       6.Children …. their breakfast at 9 o’clock every morning.

          A) have                                       B) had                                          C) has


Task IV. make negative and interrogative sentences.

  1. They bought a few books last month.
  2. My friend likes our big city.
  3. He got married last year.
  4. Little children eat candies very often.
  5. The student are reading the text now.
  6. I was in London last year.


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 січня 2019
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