Kyiv (variant I) Reading Comprehension Activity

Про матеріал

Завдання (читання) розроблені на основі текстів про Київ з підручника для 6 класу.

Наявні 2 варіанти,які ідентичні за форматом завдань.

Матеріал розміщено компактно, що зекономить папір і час.

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Reading Comprehension Test

I variant

I Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1 famous/ is / Kyiv/ its / squares/  for /  attractive

2 has / transport / city/ modern/ The / a / system

II Read the text and choose the correct variant:

Mariyinskiy Palace is in an old part of the city on the top of a hill. Mariya Oleksandrivna, the wife of the Tsar Oleksandr II, gave money to build a big park near the palace. That’s why people called this park and the palace “Mariyinskiy”. The park is one of the favourite places of  Kyivites. Children are happy here with their bikes, balls and mini-cars. Elderly people sit on the benches and talk with their friends. Teenagers chat about their friends and school life.

1 Where is Mariyinskiy Palace?

A in a new part of the city

B in an old  part of the city

C in the center of the city

 2 Who gave money to build a park near the palace?

A Mariya Oleksandrivna

B the Tsar Oleksandr II

C Kyivites

3 What are children happy with?

A the benches

B their bikes, balls and mini-cars

C their friends

4 What do elderly people do in the park?

A sit on the benches

B talk with their friends

C sit on the benches and talk with their friends

5 What do teenagers do in the park?

A sit on the benches

B ride their bikes

C chat about their friends and school life

III Complete the table according to the city sights are situated in and translate them:

London sights

Kyiv sights




Trafalgar Square

The Globe Theatre

St. Sophia’s Cathedral

Mariyinskyi Palace

Tower Bridge

St. Paul’s Cathedral


 IV Translate the following sentences into English:

1 Київ відомий своїми привабливими парками і скверами.

2 Місто має добре розвинену транспортну систему.

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
25 жовтня 2018
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