Лексичні завдання по темі " Вибір професії" тренують учнів у вживанні лексики по темі, нагадають учням основні суфікси словотвору. Учні зможуть на практиці застосувати свої знання.
Group up the words from the box into the columns below (ex3, p.23)For some words more than one column is possible. |
Advertising, building, fashion, legal, manufacturing, medical, music, shipping, tourism, teaching
I. Business |
II. Trade |
III. Profession |
IV. Industry |
а) Словотвір. Учитель нагадує учням основні суфікси словотвору
- er |
- ist |
- ian |
-or |
-ent (ant) |
book-keeper, hairdresser, lawyer |
geologisttypistscientist |
electricianmusiciantechnician |
editor,actorconductor |
correspondentaccountantassistant |
When I was a Soldier When I was a soldier, a soldier, a soldier, When I was a soldier, a soldier was I.
When I was a soldier this is what I did. 2. When I was a sailor, a sailor, a sailor… 3. When I was a tailor… 4. When I was a driver…
Politicians |
have todon’t have to |
use their hands. |
Teachers |
wear a uniform. |
Nurses |
make speeches. |
Air hostesses |
work outside. |
Factory workers |
be good at their profession. |
Teachers |
are important because they |
teach children. |
Doctors |
treat people. |
Drivers |
transport people |
Shop assistants |
help us in the shop. |
Writers |
write books. |
Actors |
play in the theatre and films. |
Singers |
sing songs. |
Dancers |
dance. |
Musicians |
compose and play music. |
Spacemen |
fly into space. |
Builders |
build houses. |
Match the jobs with the skills they need1 bricklayer a) a skill to fit and repair electrical things2 carpenter b) a skill to repair cars3 plumber c) a skill to make things using wood4 electrician d) a skill to build walls5 mechanic e) a skill to fit and repair water pipes, bathrooms, etc.Key: 1-d, 2-c, 3-e, 4-a, 5-b