7th form Test on UNIT 2. Doing Chores
1. Translate the words into Ukrainian:
1) teapot
2) to pour
3) to serve
4) a frying pan
5) washing machine
6) a toaster
7) a hairdryer
8) an appliance
2.Translate the words into English:
1) безлад
2) каструля
3) скатертина
4) покращення
5) варити
6) різати
7) смажити
8) засмучуватися
3. Choose the wrong variant.
1) to do … a) the washing up b) the ironing c) the floor
2) to wash … a) dust b) hands c) dishes
3) to cook … a) dinner b) laundry c)fish
4) to water … a) the bathroom b) the plants c) the flowers
4. Choose the correct word.
5. Write the correct variant.