Лексико-граматичний тест з теми "Geographical outlook" Form 8 (до підручника Карп'юк)

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Лексико-граматичний тест з англійської мови за темою "Geographical Outlook" для 8 класу (за підручником Карп'юк О.)

Перегляд файлу

8th form Test on UNIT 4. Geographical Outlook.

1. Translate the words into Ukrainian:                                      

1) an industry       

2) population

3) a climate

4) a compass

5) an island

6) mild

7) to occupy

8) to separate


2. Translate the words into English:

1) рибалка

2) житель

3) моряк

4) населяти

5) промисловий

6) протока

7) оточувати

8) розташований


3. Choose the correct alternative.

1) Bob has visited / has been visited Wales this summer.

2) Many museums have been visited / been visited by Tom.

3) They have seen / have been seen all the places of interests in Manchester.

4) Ann has just returned / has just been returned home from the trip.

5) The report has finished / has been finished by Helen.

6) I have been / has been to three excursions this week.


4. Complete the text with the correct articles.

1) _____ Bermuda Triangle is located in _____ Atlantic Ocean.

2) The longest river of the world is _____ Nile River.

3) The lowest lake of the world is _____ Dead Sea, the deepest lake is _____ Lake Baikal, the longest lake is _____ Tanganyika.

4) _____ Lake Superior is the largest one of _____ Great Lakes.

5) In _____ Atlantic Ocean, _____ American Mediterranean Sea is the combination of the seas of _____ Gulf of Mexico and _____ Caribbean Sea.

6) _____ Victoria Falls in the largest waterfall in the world. _____ Tugela Falls is the world’s second one.  Europe’s highest waterfall is _____ Utigard in Norway.






31 березня 2022
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