Lesson Plan - Weather Phenomenon

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A lesson plan about different weather types with extra activities and tasks for 5th form (Nesvit)
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Lesson plan

Class: 5

Unit: Nature

Topic of the lesson: Weather Phenomenon. Adverbs of Frequency


  • to help learners consolidate and develop their vocabulary on the topic
  • to provide opportunities for developing speaking skills
  • to develop basic skills

Type of the lesson:  combined lesson

The procedure of the lesson

I. Greeting. Organizing

II. Warmer up activity

Find the words and the mystery message “Seasons and Weather”

III. Homework checking/Review material of the previous lesson

IV. Introducing the topic of the lesson

Today we are going to speak about weather phenomenon.

V. Introducing and practising the new material

Task1 – Ex. 1. p. 113 Read the texts and complete them with the given words

yellow          beautiful          different          violet          white

Rainbows are 0) beautiful rays of colour. Sunlight looks 1) __________, but it is really made up of 2) __________ colours: red, orange, 3) __________, green, blue, indigo, and 4) __________. The sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through raindrops.

Key: 0-beautiful, 1-white, 2-different, 3-yellow, 4-violet

tall          bright          faster          white-yellow          dangerous

Lightning is a 0) bright flash of electricity. All thunderstorms produce lightning. Lightning seems to be a 1) __________ colour, but it really depends on the background. They are very 2) __________. Lightning strikes the 3) __________ objects, like trees and buildings. These lightning strikes can causes fire. Thunder is caused by lightning. We usually see lightning before we hear thunder. It happens because light travels 4) __________ than sound!

Key: 0-bright, 1-white-yellow, 2-dangerous, 3-tall, 4-faster

Task2 – Ex. 2. p.114. Talk about the weather phenomenon (in words)

- What is lightning?

It is a bright flash of electricity.

- What is a rainbow?

It is rays of colour.

- What colours are there in a rainbow?

Rainbows include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Task3 – Ex. 3. p.114. Read and order the parts (A-E) to build a text. Say why Tom was the unhappiest boy in the village

Key: 1-C, 2-E, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B

Task4 – Ex. 4. pp. 114-115 Read and choose the correct item

1. It was a beautiful ... day.

a) summer

b) winter

c) autumn

2. Tom was ...

a) very happy

b) not happy

c) the happiest

3. There were ... clouds in the blue sky.

a) one

b) many

c) no

4. The weather was ...

a) sunny

b) windy

c) cool

5. Tom was the unhappiest boy because ...

a) it was Saturday

b) he had to work

c) he was alone

Key: 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A, 5-B

Task5 – Grammar Lab

Adverbs of frequency. Some adverbs tell us how often something is done. These include; always, constantly, continually, frequently, infrequently, intermittently, normally, occasionally, often, periodically, rarely, regularly, seldom, sometimes etc.

eg. I always do my homework on time. - In this sentence always shows us the frequency.
She goes out occasionally. - In this sentence occasionally shows us the frequency.

VI. Evaluating the learners activity and knowledge of the lesson

VII. Summarizing the whole material of the lesson

VIII. Homework giving

Ex. 6. p. 115 Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. Tell him or her about your experience of bad weather one day. Start like this:

Dear Susan,

Last week we had a big snowstorm. When I woke up I looked out of my bedroom window and saw that everything was white...

IX. End-of-lesson activity

“The Weather” worksheet


























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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
7 серпня 2019
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