Lesson plan. Fast food. Real life. Intermediate level

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Розробка уроку Fast Food по підручнику Real life Intermediate level. Урок є комбінованим з використання комунікативних та ігрових технологій з використанням мультимедійних засобів.
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Розробка уроку Fast Food. Real life. Intermediate level


Lesson plan:




Topic: Fast Food


  • revise vocabulary “Food”;
  • develop grammar skill of forming the passive;
  • revise topic “Fast Food”;
  • practice in speaking about food;
  • develop reading skills;
  • find relevant information in a reading text;
  • integrate skills in making sentences;
  • practice in making recipes.






I. Warming up                                                                                            1-2 min.


 T:  -  What’s your favourite food?

      -  Do you like fast food?

      -  How often do you eat fast food?

(Ss’ own answers)


II. Introduction                                                                                             2 min.


Presentation “FOOD”


T:  -   What is healthy food?

      -   What is junk food?

  • What is the snack?
  • What is low/fat food?

   (Ss’ own answers)


T: Let’s divide into 2 teams:                                                                          2-3 min.


 Team 1 should  write healthy products.

 Team 2 should write unhealthy products.


HEALTHY                                  UNHEALTHY

Whole wheat bread Sweets

Salad (fruit, vegetables) Hamburgers

Roast beef Pizza

Brown rice  Ice-cream

Vegetables Chocolate

Fruits Cakes

Milk Fizzy drinks

Fresh water Chips/crisps

Nuts Donuts


III. Reading & Listening Activities                                                          1 min.


Ex. 6 p.53


  1. Pre-Reading Activity


T:  -  Do you like chocolate?

     - What kind of chocolate do you prefer:

 white, dark or milk chocolate?

(Ss’ own answers)


  1.   Skimming:                                                                                                 2 min.


T:  -  Look through the text “The Dark Side of Chocolate” on page 53 and answer the following questions:


          1. When did chocolate first arrive in Europe? (16 century)

     2. Where does most of chocolate we eat today come from? (Africa)


  1. Scanning:                                                                                               5 min.


T:  -   Read  the text  the second time and underline the correct answers.


T:  -   Now listen and check your answers.  (3.1)


  • Read the text with the correct words.


IV. Grammar Practicing:


1. Ex.7 p.53

a) T:  Make your own sentences using prompts in your books.                     3 min.

(Ss’ own answers)


b) Listen to the Ss talking about food and complete your answers. (3.2)      2 min.                                                                    




2. T: Take your seats at the desks and let’s have some grammar practice using your CD –ROMs.                                                                                                     5 min.

(Tests - Self-Assessment ¾  Vocabulary and Grammar 5)

V. Vocabulary and Listening:                                                               


T:  -    How often do you cook at home?                                                         1 min.

  • Do you use prepared food?
  • What kind of food do you prepare?

( Ss’ own answers)


Ex. 8 p.53


T:  -  Look at the cover in your book.                                                           2 min.

      - What kind of recipes does the book contain? (fast food)

      - What dishes can you see in a photo? (a pizza, smoozie)

      -  What are the ingredients, do you think?

      -  Can you cook your favourite snacks?

 (Ss’ own answers)

Ex.9 p.53   -  Ss check the words in blue in the world list and their dictionaries.

                                                                                                                       2-3 min.

(Ss try to explain the meaning of the words)


Pour - (especially of a liquid) flow rapidly in a steady stream.

Mix - combine or put together to form one substance or mass.

Add - put together

Serve -present (food or drink) to someone

Blend - mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together as a mass.

Electric blender -

Peel - remove the outer covering or skin from (a fruit, vegetable, or shrimp).

Chop - cut (something) into small pieces with repeated sharp blows using an ax or knife.

Bowl - a round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid.

Spread - apply (a substance) to an object or surface in an even layer.

Grill - cook (something) using a grill.

Melt - make or become liquefied by heat.

Slice - a thin, broad piece of food, such as bread, meat, or cake, cut from a larger portion.

Grated - reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater


T: -  Try to put the instructions into logical order. Listen and check your answers. (3.3)      


2 min.


                                                                                                         VI. Game Master Chef”


 T:  - Do you like watching TV show “Master Chef”?                                3-5 min.

(Ss own answers)


 T:  - Make your own recipe using the next ingredients from your baskets.

(Ss write down the recipes using the pictures and the examples of the ricepes from their books)(Apendix 1,2)


 T:  - Present your result to the class.

(Ss present their posters)


VII. Summing up                                                                                          1min.


T:  -   What have you practiced today?

  • What skills did you improve?

( Ss own answers)


VIII. Home task                                                                                           1 min.

 T:  - your home task is to do ex. 1, 2, 3 on page 112 (Mini workbook)



































Apendix 1

















Apendix 2





Tkachenko Elena
15 листопада 2020
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