Lesson plan: Music is around us

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План уроку на тему: Музика навколо нас у 8 класі містить цікаві ідеї щодо проведення уроку та детальний опис уроку на згадану тему.
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Plan of the Lesson  in the  8-th Form


                                                                                                 Teacher: Glushchuk L. Y.

Lesson 43.

Date: 21. 02. 2023

Learners: pupils of the  8-th Form


Topic:  Music is around us. Are you into music?


Objectives: by the end of the lesson pupils would be able:

 1) to learn and  practice the vocabulary on the topic: Music is around us;

             2) to speak on the topic: Music is around us;

             3) to discuss music tastes and trends;

             4) to improve their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills;

  5)  to practise reading for gist and specific detail;

              6) to find out and learn more information about music groups, music festivals and

                     the Eurovision Song Contest.

Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing.

Aim:  1) to educate and develop pupils’ interests to Music ;

          2) to introduce new and related vocabulary;

          3) to develop fluency through a range of speaking activities.


Material: a blackboard, a laptop, a book, an exercise-book, some lexical cards on the topic.


I. Beginning of the lesson:                                                                                                  2 minutes

Greeting, checking up the readiness of the form to begin their work at the lesson.

T.: Who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today. My name is  ...  Today is  Tuesday, the  21-st of February. 

     All (the pupils) are present  today.  ( ...  is (are ) absent today.  

T.: What was your hometask for today?              

P.: Our hometask for today was: to do exercise 4 a) on page 150 and make a story about “The Beatles”.      

T.: Are you ready for the lesson?

P.: Yes, we are.


II. Warming up:

1. Phonetic drill.                                                                                                                 3 minutes


T.: Dear pupils, the epigraph of our lesson is:

“Music is the universal language of the world.”

H. Longfellow

T.: I would like you  to read and learn the following quotes by famous people:         

«Music is the Medicine of the mind.” 

John A. Logan


“If music is the Food of Love, play on.”

W. Shakespeare

Music is all around us,

All you have to do is Listen.”

August Rush

T.:     Music is like a language. Music plays an important role in our life. We can’t live without music. People use music to express moods and feelings. Our world would be dull without music.

Music reflects our emotions and feelings. Some music is happy, and another one is sad. Some music is serious and another one makes people smile, laugh or even cry

Music can make us happy, it helps us to rest, to improve our mood, to relax. Music accompanies people all their life: from their birth till their death.

 Babies sleep with their mothers’ lullabies.   Children like singing and listening to children’s songs. Teenagers also sing, listen, dance to music. Adults and old people visit various concerts. We cannot imagine a day without music.

We admire birds singing. We listen to music during our birthday parties and wedding ceremonies.


T.: Now let’s do Exercise 1 on page 149. Listen to the six pieces of music and identify each type:

Music A    - a violin solo

Music B   - a Scottish dance

Music C   - jazz

Music D    - rap

Music E    - an Irish folk song

Music F     - rock’n’roll


T.: Well done, thank you.


2. Brain play.                                                                                                                        3 minutes

T.: Now pupils, let’s make a mind map about Music:

      P1 → P2→ P3 

T.: What can Music be?                         Music

                 - inspiring                            - amusing                         - entertaining

                 - relaxing                            -  quick (slow)                  -  funny (sad)

                 - amazing                             - wonderful                      - fantastic

                 - charming                           - serious                           -  classical

                  - chamber                            - folk                                - modern


T.:  What can we do with music?

      P1 → P2→ P3 

P.: We can …

hear   /   listen to

admire  /    enjoy

prefer   /  like (dislike)

be crazy about

be keen on          be fond of

download        dance to

music (a song)

T.:  Why do we need music?

      P1 → P2→ P3 

P.: …


makes us think about nature / about our life.

makes us admire the beauty of nature.

is as vital for people as eating and drinking because it’s our spiritual food.

takes us into the wonderful world of imagination.

encourages our creativity.

develops our artistic tastes.

forms our best moral qualities.

helps people become better.

can help us improve our mood and forget about everyday problems.

is a good means of relaxation.

gives our brains a break.

reflects people’s ideas and emotions.

inspires people.

T.: Well done, thank you.


III. Review:                                                                                                                         12 minutes


T.: Now let’s revise your  hometask. I want you to do: Ex. 4 a), p. 150 (PB).

       I would like you to do the quiz about The Beatles.

       You can see this English group in the picture.

P1 → P2 ;      P3→ P4  …:    

KEY: 1.b       2. d       3. a      4. b      5.b     6. a     7. a, b      8. b


T.: The  series of cartoons was produced about “The Beatles.” These cartoons used The Beatles’ songs.

T.: Now I would like you to make a story about “The Beatles”.

P1 → P2→ P3 

The Beatles

The name of the group I want to speak is “The Beatles”.

“The Beatles” were a well-known English rock  group from  Liverpool. It was formed in 1960. The group had four members: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, GeorgeHarrison and Ringo StarrJohn , Paul and  George  played the guitars (rhythm, bass, lead), Ringo played the drums.

“The Beatles”  was led by primary songwriters Lennon and McCartney. The real star was John Lennon.  He wrote most of “The Beatles” songs. The band played in clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg to an audience of more than a hundred people. In the early 1960s their enormous popularity and the group’s music grew.

Their first hit was "Love Me Do" in 1962. They had the nickname “the Fab Four” as Beatlemania grew in Britain the next year. By early 1964 they became international stars, leading the "British Invasion" of the United States pop market.

McCartney and Ringo Starr remain musically active.  John Lennon was  killed by a fan in December 1980, and George Harrison died of lung cancer in November 2001.

In 1971 they finally split up. But the music of “The Beatles” didn’t die. It has something special. And their music is still very popular nowadays.

To sum up “The Beatles” are the best-selling band in history. Beatles are also the best-selling music artists in the United States. The group was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988.

I recommend The Beatles” for anyone who likes music with heart, soul and plenty of energy. I advise you to listen to their songs “Yesterday” “All my lovingwith good music, which are very charming and popular even nowadays. They were a brilliant gig.


Beatlemania is a term that describes the intense fan frenzy directed toward the British band.


T.: Well done, thank you.


T.: Now I would like you to ask and answer the questions about “The Beatles”.

Work in pairs, please:

P1 → P2 ;      P3→ P4  …:       

  1. Which city was the group from?       
  2. What were the names of four Beatles?
  1. What was their nickname?
  2. What was their first hit?
  3. When did they sing?
  4. Who wrote most of “The Beatles” songs?
  5. Which of them was killed by a fan?
  6. Do you know any songs of this group? Name them.

T.: Well done, thank you.


IV. Presentation:                                                                                                               4 minutes


T.: Now let’s learn new vocabulary of our lesson:

an overture [´әuvәtjuә] - увертюра             a waltz  [´wo:ls] - вальс

of national importance – національної важливості        

an educator = a person who educates somebody – педагог, вихователь

a graduate [´grӕdӡuit]  = a person who finishes a higher school – випускник ВНЗ

to graduate from [´grӕdӡueit] – to finish a higher school – закінчувати ВНЗ

a Conservatoire [kәn´sә:vәtwa:] = a school where people are trained in music - консерваторія            

Funeral March [´fju:nәrәl] – похоронний марш


T.: Let’s learn also related vocabulary:        

devastated [´devәsteitid] – пригноблений, пригнічений, спустошений                                                cranky [´krӕηki] – слабкий, роздратований усім, незадоволений

an octopus [´oktәpәs] - восьминіг                                            

to bunk off school [´b˄ηk] = to miss lessons  прогулювати уроки

to argue [´a:gju] = to disagree with someone in words - сперечатися


T.: Now let’s read  and repeat the vocabulary on the topic: Music is around us:

       P1 → P2→ P3

T.:  Let’s speak about famous artists in the World of Music.  You can see their portraits on the blackboard.

Let’s do

Exercise 1. Match two parts of the sentences about the famous artists in the world of music:


Exercise 1. Match two parts of the sentences about the famous artists in the world of music:

1. Benjamin Britten

d) was a famous English composer, who was only five when he started to play the piano and compose music. He wrote a very big musical work: the “War Requiem.” His name was so popular that the title of an article in the newspaper was associated with his native country.

2. Johann Sebastian Bach

e) was a German organist and composer, he was one of the greatest and most productive composers in the history of Western music. His music is full of beautiful melodies.      [´dӡәuhӕn sә´bӕstiәn bak]

3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

i) was an Austrian master of music. His father was a respected composer and he taught him playing the violin and the piano. He died at the age of 35.

[´wolfgӕη ӕmә´deis ´mәutsa:t]

 4. Ludwig Van Beethoven  

j) was successful as an outstanding German pianist. He was also a brilliant composer. But he was best known for his overtures, his 9th one was called “Ode to the joy” which is the most popular. [´ludvig  vӕn ´ beit´hәuvәn]

 5. Giuseppe Verdi

c) was an Italian operatic composer. His operas are among those most frequently produced in the world today.

6. Semen Hulak-Artemovsky

f) was a composer, an opera singer, an actor, and a dramatist. He was the first Ukrainian composer of national importance. He wrote many songs and several big musical works based on Ukrainian folk music. His masterpiece is Ukrainian opera “Zaporizhian Cossack beyond the Danube”.

7. Mykhailo Verbytsky

h) was a composer, a conductor, and a Catholic priest. He is best known for composing the Ukrainian national anthem  “Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished”,  to a text by Pavlo Chubynsky.

8. Mykola Lysenko

a) was a composer, a conductor, a pianist, a teacher. He collected and arranged a large number of Ukrainian folk songs. There is the monument to him in front of Kyiv national opera and ballet theatre. 

9. Anatoliy Kos-Anatolsky

g) was a composer and an educator. He was a graduate of Lviv       University and   Conservatoire . His works include: the opera, the ballets, the operetta, the cantatas  and ”The Immortal Testament”, two piano concertos and two violin concertos,  chamber music, piano pieces,  and choral works. He was awarded Shevchenko State Prize.

10. Solomiya Krushelnytska

b) was one of the brightest opera stars of the first half of the 20th century. She  gave voice lessons at Lviv Conservatoire, as a professor. Lviv Opera House is named after her.

11. Frederic Francois Chopin

 l) was a Polish composer. He is one of the masters of piano composition. His waltz is amazing. One of his works that everyone has heard at least once is Funeral March.

12. Franz Josef Haydn


k) was an Austrian composer. He became the principal architect of the classical style of music. He wrote 108 symphonies for 36 weeks starting when he was 27. He had recognised how great a composer Mozart was.

T.: Well done, thank you.



T.: Let’s listen to Chopin’s waltz, please:


V. Practice:                                                                                                                           7 minutes


T.:   Now  we shall listen to the conversation between Stella and Granny and do some exercises

to improve your listening skills.

T.: Now let’s work in pairs               

 Preparation: Do the exercise 4 b) on page 151 before you listen.


T.: Now Let’s listen to the conversation. Do the exercise 4 c) on page 151:


T.: Check your understanding:

      Do the exercise 4c) while you listen.


T.: Now pupils, let’s practice your  knowledge about Music.

I want you to read the text about The Eurovision Song Contest and do the exercise after it, please:


Exercise 2. Read the text and do the exercise after it:

The Eurovision Song Contest

The Eurovision Song Contest,  sometimes popularly called Eurovision is the longest-running annual international TV song competition, held, primarily, among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956. The competition was based upon the existing Sanremo Music Festival held in Italy since 1951.

Each participating country submits an original song to be performed on live television and radio and then casts votes for the other countries’ songs to determine the most popular song in the competition. The contest has been broadcast every year for sixty years, since its inauguration in 1956, and is one of the longest-running television programmes in the world. It is also one of the most watched non-sporting events in the world, with an audience between 100 million and 600 million internationally.

The 2017 Eurovision Song Contest will be held at the International Exhibition Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine. The Semi-Finals will take place on Tuesday 9th May and Thursday 11th May, and the Grand Final will be held on Saturday 13th May.

The Eurovision Song Contest  has its rules. The maximum duration of each song is three minutes. The Eurovision Song Contest gives the singers a chance to perform in front of a huge audience.

Jamala is a Ukrainian singer, composer and actor. She performs music that includes elements of such styles as soul, jazz, funk, folk and electronic. The singer became popular after her participation at The New Wave in 2009. In 2011, she performed her cheerful song Smile in the Ukrainian selection but didn’t win the final. In 2016 Eurovision Song Contest Jamala  performed her own composition1944.  Her song “1944” is dedicated to her great grandmother.  Jamala was the winner of 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. She was awarded a Glass Microphone there.

Jamala wrote her song’s lyrics in 2014. On 14 May 2016, Jamala won the competition with 534 points. Jamala's song was considered by Russian media and lawmakers to be critical of the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the "ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine" in Donbass. After her victory in the Eurovision Song Contest,  she was awarded the title People's Artist of Ukraine by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Ruslana Stepanivna Lyzhychko was a star in her native Ukraine for many years. Ruslana became her homeland's biggest musical export after her victory in the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest. She was born in Lviv in 1973. She attended an experimental music school at the age of four and sang in various bands in her teens before graduating as a conductor and classical pianist from  Lviv Conservatoire.

She was chosen to represent Ukraine at the 2004 Eurovision Song ContestRuslana received 280 points. She became the country's first Eurovision winner. After that she recorded her first English-language album, Wild Dances: Welcome to My World, and toured Germany to support the Ukraine football team at the 2006 international association football competition  FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) World Cup.



Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

Italy       /      member countries   /      musical star  /   three minutes /  television   /

Eurovision winner   / Kyiv /   a Glass Microphone   /  world    /   Lviv Conservatoire    /

composition  /     great grandmother

1. The Eurovision Song Contest is the longest-running annual international TV song competition held among the (1) … of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956.

2. The competition was based upon the existing Sanremo Music Festival held in  (2) … since 1951.

3. Each participating country submits an original song to be performed on live (3) … and radio.

4. Since its inauguration in 1956, the contest is one of the longest-running television programmes in the (4) … .

5.  Jamala is a Ukrainian singer, composer and actor. In 2016 Eurovision Song Contest Jamala  performed her own (5) … , 1944. 

6. Her song “1944” is dedicated to her (6) … .  Jamala was the winner of 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. She was awarded  (7) … there.

7. The 2017 Eurovision Song Contest will be held at the International Exhibition Centre in (8) … , Ukraine. The Grand Final will be held on Saturday 13th May.

8. The Eurovision Song Contest  has its rules. The maximum duration of each song is (9) … . The Eurovision Song Contest gives the singers a chance to perform in front of a huge audience.

9. Ruslana Lyzhychko became her homeland's biggest  (10) … after her victory in the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest.

10. Ruslana Lyzhychko graduated from  (11) … as a conductor and classical pianist.

11. She was chosen to represent Ukraine at the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest.  She became the country’s first (12) … .


1. The Eurovision Song Contest is the longest-running annual international TV song competition held among the (1) member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956.

2. The competition was based upon the existing Sanremo Music Festival held in (2) Italy since 1951.

3. Each participating country submits an original song to be performed on live (3) television and radio.

4. Since its inauguration in 1956, the contest is one of the longest-running television programmes in the  (4) world.

5.  Jamala is a Ukrainian singer, composer and actor. In 2016 Eurovision Song Contest Jamala  performed her own (5) composition, 1944. 

6. Her song “1944” is dedicated to her (6) great grandmother.  Jamala was the winner of 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. She was awarded (7) a Glass Microphone there.

7. The 2017 Eurovision Song Contest will be held at the International Exhibition Centre in (8) Kyiv, Ukraine. The Grand Final will be held on Saturday 13th May.

8. The Eurovision Song Contest  has its rules. The maximum duration of each song is (9) three minutes. The Eurovision Song Contest gives the singers a chance to perform in front of a huge audience.

9. Ruslana Lyzhychko became her homeland's biggest (10) musical star after her victory in the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest.

10. Ruslana Lyzhychko graduated from  (11) Lviv Conservatoire as a conductor and classical pianist.

11. She was chosen to represent Ukraine at the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest.  She became the country's first (12) Eurovision winner.


!!! Physical Warming:                                                                                                        2 minutes


T.:  I think it’s time to rest a bit. If you are ready let’s  listen to music and sing a song, please:                                      Yesterday


Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.


Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.


Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.


Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.


Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.


Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.


Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

T.: Thank you. Did you rest a bit?


VI. Production:                                                                                                                 5 minutes

T.:  Dear pupils, I want you to ask and answer the questions about your attitude to music.


     1. Are you indifferent to music or are you a great music lover?

     2. What kinds of music  can you name?

    3. What kinds of music  are serious and require a special musical education?

4. Have you got enough musical education to understand chamber music?

 5.What kind of music do you like listening to?

     6. Where do you listen to music?

     7. What emotions do you feel when you listen to your favourite music / when you listen to music you don’t like?

     8. Is there any type of music you listen to when you feel happy / anxious?

9.What kinds of music  are enjoyed by teenagers and young people?

10. What kind of music  are you crazy about?

11. What kind of music  makes you dance / think?

12. Can you play any musical instrument?

13. What musical instrument would you like to learn to play?

14. Do you collect records of your favourite musicians and singers?

15. What music / songs do you advise your friends to listen to?

  1.                   I am a great music lover.
  2.                   I can name classical, chamber, folk, modern music.
  3.                   Classical and chamber are serious and require a special musical education.
  4.                   I think I can try to understand chamber music.
  5.                   I like listening to … music by … ..
  6.                   Most of all I listen to music at home, sometimes at school, in the street,  and at the concerts.
  7.                   I feel pleased, delighted, relaxed, satisfied, amused when I listen to my favourite music. I feel nervous, depressed, irritated, disappointed, shocked, upset, sad when I listen to music I don’t like.

8. When I feel happy I listen to quick and loud music. When I feel anxious I listen to slow and quiet (calm) music.

9. Teenagers and young people enjoy … music.

10. I am crazy about … music.

11. Quick and loud music makes me dance. Slow and quiet (calm) music makes me think.

12. Yes, I can. No, I can’t. I can play the …

13. I would  like to learn to play a … .

14. Yes, I do. I collect records of my favourite musicians and singers.

15. I advise my friends to listen to … .



VII. Revision:                                                                                                                     5 minutes

 T.: Now I want you to revise what you have learned at the lesson.

            (Additional Card № 5):


 T.: I want you to learn to make A description of someone you admire.

Exercise 1. Read Lori’s essay and match the information a-e to the paragraphs 1 – 5.



information about his / her early life



examples of his / her achievements



introduction / who you chose and why



conclusion / reasons for admiring this people



what you admire about his / her personality







My musical inspiration

  1. My musical inspiration is the English singer Leona Lewis. One reason I admire her is because she’s got a great voice. She also inspires me because she’s so determined and ambitious.
  2. Leona was born in London. She dreamed of a career in music from an early age. She wrote her first song at the age of twelve and made her first recording when she was only fifteen years old. In 2006, she became the first female winner of the British talent show, The X-Factor she made her first album, Spirit.
  3. Probably her greatest achievement was when she sang at the Olympics closing ceremony in Beijing in 2008 in front of a TV audience of three billion people.
  4. Another reason I admire her is because she is not only a talented and successful singer, she is also a very brave person. She always speaks her mind on important issues such as cancer awareness and vegetarianism.
  5. To sum up, Leona Lewis is my musical inspiration and an inspiration to all young people because she has already achieved so many great things in her career. She has sold millions of albums, she has won many music awards and she has appeared with artists like Take That and  Mariah Carey … and she’s only in her early thirties!


Exercise 2. You are going to write a description of someone you admire.

a     Choose a person who inspires you: your favourite musician, composer or TV personality.

b     Make some notes about:

  • why you chose this person
  • his / her early life
  • his / her main achievements
  • other reasons for admiring him / her.

Phrases to know

Giving reasons

My inspiration is …

One / Another reason I admire him / her is because he / she …

He / She also inspires me because …

Describing biographical details

She was born / grew up in London.

She sang from an early age.

She started playing at the age of six.

Describing personality

She’s in her early / late twenties / thirties.

She is a very determined / brave / talented person.

Describing achievements

In his / her career / life up to now he / she  has …

Probably his / her greatest achievement was when …


To sum up, I admire Leona Lewis because …   In conclusion, I admire this singer because …


VIII. Summary:                                                                                                                 2 minutes

     T: Pupils,  I’m satisfied with your work  at the lesson.

          Did you like the activities?


         Your marks are:


T.:  And now  I offer your hometask. Please, do:

                    Ex.  7, 8 p.  153 -155 (PB);  Learn the information about Ukrainian pop singer Ruslana Lyzhychko. Make a description of someone you admire.


T.: Well, pupils. Thank you for your participation at the lesson.

      You have worked hard.

      Now the lesson is over. Good bye.






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