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Урок англійської мови для 8 класу. Урок систематизації знань, умінь та навичок. Тема уроку: "Великобританія, Лондон." Усі матеріали додані.
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  1. mappa_mutaHyde Park
  2. Trafalgar Square
  3. Piccadilly circus
  4. British Museum
  5. Harrod’s
  6. Buckingham Palace
  7. Westminster Abbey
  8. Big Ben
  9. St. Paul’s Cathedral
  10. Tower of London
  11. Tower of Bridge

                                                                                       12. London Eye




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                                                                               “When a man is tired of London, he  is tired  of                                                       life”

                                                                                                                  Samuel Johnson

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Тема: Great Britain. Welcome to London.

Мета уроку:  

  • узагальнити країнознавчі знання учнів, отримані на уроках англійської мови;
  • розвивати непідготовлену мову учнів;
  • розвивати креативні здібності учнів;
  • виховувати інтерес до вивчення предмета.

Завдання уроку:


  • активізувати пізнавальний інтерес до історичного минулого та сучасності Великої Британії, її мови;
  • систематизувати знання учнів з англійської мови;
  • формувати вміння усного мовлення.


  • розширювати освітній кругозір учнів з англійської історії, географії, літератури;
  • підвищувати пізнавальну цікавість в учнів до мови через ігрову ситуацію.


  • розвивати вміння працювати в колективі та приймати спільне рішення;
  • розвивати позитивні особистісні якості (відповідальність, доброзичливість, почуття взаємодопомоги);
  • розвивати і тренувати увагу, пам'ять, мислення.


  • формувати і підтримувати у учнів зацікавленість історією Великобританії;
  • виховувати почуття дружби та поваги до англомовного народу та доброзичливе ставлення до оточуючих.

Обладнання: карта Великобританії, символіка Англії, Уельсу, Шотландії: малюнки троянди, нарцису, чортополоху, прапори Англії, Уельсу, Шотландії, текст пісні.


I.   Привітання. Greeting.

Teacher. Good morning, dear friends. I am happy to greet you at our English lesson. I am glad to see you happy and healthy today. Now, let sing song and greet each other.

There is something fun

we can do when we meet!

Some are silly,

some  are proper ways to greet.

Stand up tall!

Find a friend

and stick out your right hand.

Firmly shake and look them

in the eye…

Turn your head

from side to side.

Give a silly almost proper

sideways hi!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

It’s a great day!

I’m thankful to be with you!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

I’m happy to feel this way,

to feel this way, feel this way..

There is something fun

we can do when we meet!

Some are silly,

some  are proper ways to greet.

Close you hand

with your knuckles

facing at a friend.

Now you both tap knuckles

as you smile

Turn your head

from side to side.

Give a silly almost proper

sideways hi!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

It’s a great day!

I’m thankful to be with you!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

I’m happy to feel this way,

to feel this way, feel this way…


There is something fun

we can do when we meet!

Some are silly,

some  are proper ways to greet.

To a friend’s right hand

Then, look your thumbs

flutter up

and do the butterfly…

Turn your head

from side to side.

Give a silly almost proper

sideways hi!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

It’s a great day!

I’m thankful to be with you!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

I’m happy to feel this way,

to feel this way, feel this way..


II. Актуалізація опорних знань.

  1. OK. Are you ready for a lesson? It’s perfect!

We continue to speak about UK.

-What’s the official name of Great Britain?

-How many countries consists of?

- What’s the capital the each of them?

 What are the most popular holidays in Great Britain? Name them. (Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Christmas, New Year)

 What is the symbol of England? (the red Rose)

 What is the symbol of Scotland? (the tristle)

 What is the symbol of Wales? (the daffodil)

 What is the symbol of Northern Ireland? (the shamrock)

 What is the national costume of Scotland? (the kilt)

 What is the emblem of Easter? (the rabbit)

  What is the British national drink? (tea)

 What is the national dish of the Britain? (pudding)

Teacher: The second contest is to make up a puzzle. You will be given the puzzles of flags of English-speaking countries. Please, make up the pieces of puzzles. You have 3 minutes for it. Every flag is a point for your team.

(Учні складають пазли з малюнками британських прапорів)


2. Те а с h e r. Fill in the blanks with the I missing words from the box. Read the text and answer the question: "What is the difference between the  United  Kingdom and Great Britain?"

1)    Isles              6)   government

2)    Wales           7)   Northern Ireland

3)    law               8)   self-governing

4)    Scotland       9)   mean

5)    Kingdom


The United Kingdom is made up of such countries as England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and ... , on the other hand, com­prises only England, Scotland and ... It is the   largest   island   of the   British   ... Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic form the second largest island.

The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are not parts of the United ... .They are largely ... with their own ... legislative bodies and systems of... The British ... is, however, responsible for their defence and international rela­tions. The term "Britain" is used infor­mally to ... the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

III. Основна частина уроку.

Do you remember the words of some famous people about London?

Student 1. "I hope to see London before I die" (W. Shakespeare. Henry IV).

Student 2. "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford". (Sam­uel Johnson)

Teacher. But the best way to know London is to visit it.


Те а с h e r. We are going abroad and of course we must fill in application forms. Please, write down your name, surname, age, nationality and home address.

Then take the application forms to the customs.

Application form





Home address...


Teacher. What do you know about the history of London?


Student 1. London

London, the capital of Great Britain, is two thousand years old. It is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest cit­ies in the world. Its population is about 9 million people. It is also a huge port.

London is an old city. It was founded in the first century A.D. by the Romans. The Romans went to England many cen­turies ago. They built a town on the river Thames. The name of the town was Londinium. The Romans built Londinium near the river. The place for the town was very good. Soon the Romans built a bridge over the river Thames.

Londinium got bigger and bigger. The Romans built many roads from Lond­inium to other parts of Britain. The River Thames has always been a part of London's history. In Roman times Londinium was a small town with the Thames River at its center. Now, Lon­don is a very large city and the Thames is still at the center of London.

Student 2. Until the twentieth century most people and goods travelled bet­ween the different parts of London along the Thames. It was quicker and safer to travel along the river than along the roads. The kings built their city of Westminster to the west of the City, because the prevailing wind in Britain is from the west. This wind blew all the smells from the port and the factories in London towards the east. As the city grew, the rich people lived in the West End and the poor people lived in the East End. This is changing now, because the docks and a lot of the industries in the East End have closed. Now Dockland is be­coming a new financial center and a fashionable place to live.


9.   Контроль розуміння прослуханого

1)    Виконання тестового завдання (True or False)

Те а с h е г.

1.    The oldest part of London is West­minster.

2.    Today the City is an international financial center.

3.    London has always been the capital of England.

4.    At first the two cities of London and Westminster were separate.

5.    The rich people lived in the East End.

6.    Now Dockland is becoming a fash­ionable place to live.


2)    Finish the following sentences



Team 1

1. This is a famous building in London. It’s a 600-rooms palace. It’s the London home of the British Royal Family. (Buckingham Palace)

2. The place that is also called the Palace of Westminster. There the laws of British life are debated and passed. The Queen open each new session there. (The Houses of Parliament)

3. In the past it was a palace, a fortress and a prison. Many kings lived there. According to the legend the kingdom will fall without the black birds ravens who live there. (The Tower of London)

4. If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by it. Their special shape and black colour are famous all over the world. It is also called ‘cab’. (Taxi)

5. It stands in Trafalgar Square, has 44m hight. There are four lions near the base. It was built in memory of the legendary admiral. (Nelson Column)


Team 2

1. It`s one of the oldest buildings in London and one of the most important religious centres in GB. Many kings and queens are buried there. The ancient Coronation Chair is in this monastery. (Westminster Abbey)

2. It is situated on the bank of the river Thames and is a part of the Houses of Parliament. Another name is St. Stephen’s Tower. It has a large bell of thirteen tons. (Big Ben)

3. It`s one of the symbols of London. You can have a sightseeing tour by it. It is only one traditional red colour and with two floors. (Double-decker bus)

4. It is a famous museum. You can see the figures of the well-known people there. All the models are made of wax. (Madame Tussaud’s Museum)

5. It is made of white marble and stands in front of Buckingham Palace. It was build to honour the great woman who made much for Britain. (Monument to Queen Victoria)/


          3) Watching the video about London.


After a long walk we are tired. Let's stop at the hotel and share our impressions with our friends.


Dear friends!  Our lesson is coming to the end. Thank you for the interesting lesson and exciting game. London is really a wonderful city. There’s so much to see in London, that it is worth to visit it. In conclusion I’d like to say that we have learned a lot about the British capital and I’m sure that you’ll be able to tell about its sights.

You all really did your best and I am very pleased with your answers.

Go ahead and never stop learning!


X. Домашнє завдання

Write and prepare an oral report about your visit to London

or complete this letter:

Dear friends!

I'm writing from  London,  the c..    . of Great Britain. We're staying in a large  hotel on Trafalgar Square. This is the m...    square of the c...      . London looks like a h...   park with its b...        flowers and g...     trees. Yesterday we met some really friendly j…… people who took us to round London t....    . We visited the St. Paul's Cathedral.  The  b...       of this cathedral is really m....   We saw  the official r...         of the British m....       . It is lo­cated in a very beautiful p....   We were I impressed by great number of p...     and s....      . They m... London.

So we are having a lovely time.

See you when 1 get back. Miss you. Love.







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Перегляд файлу

There is something fun

we can do when we meet!

Some are silly,

some  are proper ways to greet.

Stand up tall!

Find a friend

and stick out your right hand.

Firmly shake and look them

in the eye…

Turn your head

from side to side.

Give a silly almost proper

sideways hi!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

It’s a great day!

I’m thankful to be with you!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

I’m happy to feel this way,

to feel this way, feel this way..

There is something fun

we can do when we meet!

Some are silly,

some  are proper ways to greet.

Close you hand

with your knuckles

facing at a friend.

Now you both tap knuckles

as you smile

Turn your head

from side to side.

Give a silly almost proper

sideways hi!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

It’s a great day!

I’m thankful to be with you!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

I’m happy to feel this way,

to feel this way, feel this way…


There is something fun

we can do when we meet!

Some are silly,

some  are proper ways to greet.

To a friend’s right hand

Then, look your thumbs

flutter up

and do the butterfly…

Turn your head

from side to side.

Give a silly almost proper

sideways hi!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

It’s a great day!

I’m thankful to be with you!

Good morning!

Buenos dias!

What’s up!

I’m happy to feel this way,

to feel this way, feel this way..


Перегляд файлу





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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
19 березня 2021
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