Let`s chat. Social networking sites.

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в 10-А класі

Тема:Let's chat. Social networking sites.

Мета уроку: формування ключових компетенцій(особистісної, соціальної,самоосвітньої)

Практичні задачі:

  • -Удосконалювати коммунікативні навички,актуалізувати вивчений матеріал та навчити учнів оперувати ним, вживаючи в лесико-граматичних структурах ,реченнях,під час діалогичного і монологічного мовлення.
  • -Розвивати вміння аудіювання тексту та ведення обговорення прослухованного.

Освітні задачі:

- розширити знання про види соціальніх мереж, виявити переваги та непереваги користування соціальними мережами.

Розвиваючи задачі:

-розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення , читання, вміння вести обговорення проекту.

Виховні задачі:

- Виховувати позитивне ставлення до життя, підвищувати рівень мотивації учнів.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Оснащення уроку: підручник FULL BLAST4, Тематичні малюнки, тематичні слайди, музичний супровід.

Хід уроку.

  • I.Привітання. Організаційний момент.
  • 1.Greeting/Aims

T: Good afternoon, pupils!
Ss: Good afternoon, teacher.
T: I'm glad to see you.
Ss: We are glad to see you too.
T: I hope you are all fine and are ready to work hard at your English lesson. Today we go on talking about travelling. And the theme of our lesson is… Social networking sites.

T: How do you usually communicate with your friends?

S: I use different means of communication to get in touch with my friends. It depends on what is convenient at the time.

T:Which of the means of communication do you prefer using? Why?

S: I prefer using my mobile phone. That is because I always have it with me, which means I can call anyone anywhere or send SMS. It is convenien

II .Основна частина. The main part.

  • 1.Discussion.

-What do you know about social networking (SN) sites?

-They are an online service and they help people communicate with their friends.

-Are you a member of an SN site?

-Yes, I am because it is very useful and amusing. /

No, I'm not because it is dangerous.

-What do you use it for?

-I use it to keep in touch with people I know, to chat with them, to play online games, to contact old friends and to meet people who share the same interests as me.


A social networking site is a website where individuals can set up an online profile, including personal information, and add links to other profiles. Social networking sites allow users to communicate with friends or other users and share with them ideas, activities, events and interests. Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are the most popular SN sites worldwide. Facebook is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends through private or public messages. Additionally, users can join common invest user groups. MySpace is popular with individuals who are into music and with music groups, who can post their songs on their profile pages and advertise their tour dates. Twitter enables its users to send and read messages called tweets.

  • 2.Reading and understanding of the text.
  • Read the texts A-D. What is each person's opinion about SN sites? Is it positive, negative or both?
  • A. Tanya, 16
  • I spend a lot of my free time on SN sites.

They're great for keeping in touch with my mates and finding old friends, too. The other day, I found a school friend from primary school. I was so pleased to hear her news.

  • SN sites are also useful for helping people out. I saw on a friend's page that one of his friends needed a driving instructor. My uncle is a driving instructor and he's on the same SN site. I introduced them and they were both happy. My parents complain that playing online games with friends is a waste of time, but I totally disagree. You see, I'm really into trivia games, but also word games and chess, which I find amusing and educational. So, I can't see any drawback there.
  • B.Adrian, 16
  • I don't think SN sites are for me. I really don't like having too much information about myself out there on the web. I mean, anyone could find my e-mail and start sending me spam or viruses. There's also cyberbullying which can be very nasty. A friend of mine had to stop using an SN site last month because someone was constantly saying horrible things about her. Also, someone could pretend to be you and commit crimes. Imagine that!
  • C.Ronnie, 15
  • I'm not a big SN site user to be honest. I can't understand why people have to update their status all the time. I don't want to know what someone is buying at the supermarket, or how long they've been waiting in traffic. What do I care? But I find it useful for events. We're putting on a school play at the end of the year, and using an SN site makes it a lot easier. We're organising the tickets these days. It really helps. We've got our own page to advertise the school play, and when it's over we'll upload photos and videos of the highlights.
  • D.Emma, 14
  • I'm a member of an SN site but I'm thinking about deactivating it. For one thing, it's taking up too much of my time. I play virtual games, chat with loads of people and I have hundreds of friends. The more time I spend on SN sites, the less time I have for my real life. I think the final straw is my mum. She is a member of the same SN site as me and I made the mistake of making her one of my friends. She hasn't lost touch with her old school mates and she really enjoys being online. But now she tends to follow my every move. It's so embarrassing! I can't do anything without her knowing.

S: Tanya: positive

Tanya focuses on all the benefits of being a member of a social networking site. She feels that it is a good way to entertain and educate oneself, create and maintain friendships and help other people out.

S: Adrian: negative

Adrian mentions drawbacks such as the sending of viruses to a person's e-mail, cyberbullying and identity theft.

S: Ronnie: positive and negative

Ronnie has mixed feelings about SN sites. He can see their usefulness when organising events but cannot see why people use them to keep other people informed about the irrelevant details of their lives.

S: Emma: negative

Emma mentions some positive aspects such as the fact that she has a lot of friends and chats to a lot of people but she seems to have had enough of being a member of an SN site. She complains of having very little time for her real life and not having enough privacy. Her negative opinion is clear in that she plans

to deactivate the SN site of which she is a member.

3. Comprehension questions:


What does Tanya think of SN sites? That they are great for keeping in touch with her mates and finding old friends.

What does her uncle do? He is a driving instructor.

Are they members of the same SN site? Yes, they are.

What do her parents think of online games? That they are a waste of time.

What kind of online games does she like? She likes Trivia games, word games and chess.

What does she think of online games? She finds them amusing and educational.


Does Adrian like having personal information on the web? No, he doesn't.

What may happen to him if someone finds his e-mail?

They may start sending him spam or viruses.

What does he say about cyberbullyling? That it can be very nasty.

Why did a friend of his have to stop using an SN site? Because someone was constantly saying horrible things about her.


What are Ronnie and his classmates putting on at the end of the year? A school play.

What are they organising these days? The tickets.

What are they using their own webpage for? To advertise the school play.

What will they upload when the school play is over?

Photos and videos of the highlights.

D. Emma

Does Emma have many online friends? Yes, she does. What does she usually do when she is online? She plays virtual games and chats with loads of people.

Does she think that the time she spends on SN sites affects her real life in a negative way? Yes, she does. Does her mum enjoy being online? Yes, she does.

Has her mum lost touch with her old school mates? No, she hasn't.

4.Look at the highlighted words in the texts and choose the correct answer a or b.

1. drawback

a. disadvantage b. advantage

2. nasty

a. boring b. unpleasant

3. constantly

a.rarely b.all the time

4. update

a. give the most recent information b. give false information

5. highlights

a. the best parts of something b. the highest parts of something

6. deactivate

a. make something stop working b. break something

  • 3.Vocabulary.

1.Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with the definitions a-g.

1.Hello, is James there? He rang me earlier but I was busy so I'm calling him back. O

2. I've lost touch with most of my old friends from school. O

3.A: Did you send that e-mail to Roger? O

B: Yes, but I haven't received a reply yet. O

4.Don't forget to drop me a line when you move to Budapest. O

5.I have a lot of cousins and I try to keep in touch with all of them. O

6.Jenny, can I have a word with you after the lesson? O

7.Give me a call whenever you're in town, OK? O

a. stop communicating

b. send a short letter, e-mail or note

c. speak to someone for a short time

d. phone someone because he/she phoned you

e. phone someone

f. continue to communicate

g. get an answer

2. Read the sentences. Which of the phrases in bild have a positive and which a negative meaning? Use these phrases to make your own sentences.

1.I usually buy my sister books because she is crazy about reading.

2.David is keen on sports and tries to go to a football match every week.

3.My parents are tired of listening to me complain about doing the housework.

4.Julie is fond of cooking. That's all she does in her free time.

5.I'm a big fan of jazz music, so I'm definitely getting tickets to the concert.

6.Emma is fed up with her old computer and she wants to get a new one.

7.Ryan is sick of walking to school every day. He wants to learn how to drive.

8.I'm interested in taking up a hobby, but I don't know what.

9.We're all enthusiastic about our trip to Finland. We can't wait.

10. I think my mum is bored with her job. She doesn't seem as excited as she used to be.

  • 4.Listening
  • A.Listen to a phone conversation between Wayne and his dad and answer the questions.
  • -What is Wayne`s dad`s problem?
  • -Do they solve the problem in the end?
  • B.Listen again and write T for True and F for False.

1. Wayne is doing his homework at Paul`s house.

2. Wayne doesn`t want his dad to send the photo to his uncle.

3. Wayne`s dad is in front of the computer but it isn`t turned on.

4. Wayne`s dad has copied the photo from the camera to the computer.

5. Wayne`s dad needs to scroll down the page to see the `attach` button.

6. Wayne`s dad forgot to write a subject for his e-mail.

7. Uncle Fred replied to Wayne`s dad`s e-mail very quickly.

8. Wayne`s dad sent the e-mail to the wrong address.


Wayne Hello, Dad.

Dad Hi, Wayne. Where are you?

Wayne I'm at Paul's house. He's got a new game console and I'm helping him set it up.

Dad Have you done your homework for tomorrow?

Wayne I did it before I left.

Dad Good. Now, I need your help.

Wayne Can it wait till I get home?

Dad It won't take long. I want to send a photo to your uncle Fred.

Wayne Not the one you took of all of us at the weekend in the garden, I hope. It's a horrible picture.

Dad No, it isn't. Just remind me how to do it again.

Wayne OK. Are you in front of the computer?

Dad Yes.

Wayne Is it turned on?

Dad Come on, Wayne. I'm not that silly.

Wayne Yeah? What about the last time you rang me up?

Dad OK, but that was different.

Wayne Whatever you say. Have you copied the picture from the camera to the computer?

Dad Yeah, I remember how to do that. It's in the folder with the other pictures.

Wayne Now you have to create a new e-mail.

Dad Yep, I've done that and I've written a short message to your uncle. I just can't seem to attach the photo to it.

Wayne Can you see the button that says 'attach'?

Dad Nope.

Wayne Scroll down the page a bit.

Dad OK, ermm... Oh yes, there it is. Do I click on it?

Wayne Yes.

Dad OK, done.

Wayne Now find the picture you want in the folder and click 'OK' so you can attach it to the e-mail.

Dad Right, and then I click 'send?

Wayne Yes. Have you written a subject?

Dad Yes, I wrote 'photo'.

Wayne Oooh, that's exciting.

Dad Well, I couldn't think of anything else. OK, that's sent. Thanks Wayne... Wait, I've got an e-mail in my inbox. Has Fred replied already?

Wayne No, it's too soon. Open it and see.

Dad That can't be right. It's the e-mail that I just sent. What went wrong? What do I do now?

Wayne Oh, I can't do this. Listen, Dad. I'll be home in half an hour. We'll try again, then. OK?

Dad OK.

III. Закінчення уроку.

Підведення підсумків уроку. Коментування успіхів дітей на уроці.

  • 1.Summarising.

T: Now we are coming to the end of the lesson. Let's sum up!

T: Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It's very pleasant to work with you.

The mark is….

The mark is….

The mark is….

  • 2.Your hometask is ex. D p.11 to write down a personal webpage.
  • The lesson is over. You are free .

Good bye.


Перегляд файлу


в 10-А класі

Тема:Let’s chat. Social networking sites.

Мета уроку: формування ключових компетенцій(особистісної, соціальної,самоосвітньої)

Практичні задачі:

  • Удосконалювати коммунікативні навички,актуалізувати вивчений матеріал та навчити учнів оперувати ним, вживаючи в лесико-граматичних структурах ,реченнях,під час діалогичного і монологічного мовлення.
  • Розвивати вміння аудіювання тексту та ведення обговорення прослухованного.

Освітні задачі:

- розширити знання про види  соціальніх мереж, виявити переваги та непереваги користування соціальними мережами.

Розвиваючи задачі:

-розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення , читання, вміння вести обговорення проекту.

Виховні задачі:

- Виховувати позитивне ставлення до життя, підвищувати рівень мотивації учнів.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Оснащення уроку: підручник FULL BLAST4, Тематичні малюнки, тематичні слайди, музичний супровід.






Хід уроку.

  1. Привітання. Організаційний момент.


  1. Greeting/Aims

T: Good afternoon, pupils!
Ss: Good afternoon, teacher.
T: I’m glad to see you.
Ss: We are glad to see you too.
T: I hope you are all fine and are ready to work hard at your English lesson. Today we go on talking about travelling. And the theme of our lesson is… Social networking sites.

T: How do you usually communicate with your friends?

S: I use different means of communication to get in touch with my friends. It depends on what is convenient at the time.

T:Which of the means of communication do you prefer using? Why?

S: I prefer using my mobile phone. That is because I always have it with me, which means I can call anyone anywhere or send SMS. It is convenien

II .Основна частина.   The main part.

  1. Discussion.

-What do you know about social networking (SN) sites?

-They are an online service and they help people communicate with their friends.


-Are you a member of an SN site?

-Yes, I am because it is very useful and amusing. /

No, I'm not because it is dangerous.


-What do you use it for?

-I use it to keep in touch with people I know, to chat with them, to play online games, to contact old  friends and to meet people who share the same interests as me.


A social networking site is a website where individuals can set up an online profile, including personal information, and add links to other profiles. Social networking sites allow users to communicate with friends or other users and share with them ideas, activities, events and interests. Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are the most popular SN sites worldwide. Facebook is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends through private or public messages. Additionally, users can join common invest user groups. MySpace is popular with individuals who are into music and with music groups, who can post their songs on their profile pages and advertise their tour dates. Twitter enables its users to send and read messages called tweets.

  1. Reading and understanding of the text.

Read the texts A-D. What is each person’s opinion about SN sites? Is it positive, negative or both?

  1.  Tanya, 16

I spend a lot of my free time on SN sites.

They’re great for keeping in touch with my mates and finding old friends, too. The other day, I found a school friend from primary school. I was so pleased to hear her news.

SN sites are also useful for helping people out. I saw on a friend’s page that one of his friends needed a driving instructor. My uncle is a driving instructor and he’s on the same SN site. I introduced them and they were both happy. My parents complain that playing online games with friends is a waste of time, but I totally disagree. You see, I’m really into trivia games, but also word games and chess, which I find amusing and educational. So, I can’t see any drawback there.

  1. Adrian, 16

I don’t think SN sites are for me. I really don’t like having too much information about myself out there on the web. I mean, anyone could find my e-mail and start sending me spam or viruses. There’s also cyberbullying which can be very nasty. A friend of mine had to stop using an SN site last month because someone was constantly saying horrible things about her. Also, someone could pretend to be you and commit crimes. Imagine that!

  1. Ronnie, 15

I’m not a big SN site user to be honest. I can’t understand why people have to update their status all the time. I don’t want to know what someone is buying at the supermarket, or how long they’ve been waiting in traffic. What do I care? But I find it useful for events. We’re putting on a school play at the end of the year, and using an SN site makes it a lot easier. We’re organising the tickets these days. It really helps. We’ve got our own page to advertise the school play, and when it’s over we’ll upload photos and videos of the highlights.

  1. Emma, 14

I’m a member of an SN site but I’m thinking about deactivating it. For one thing, it’s taking up too much of my time. I play virtual games, chat with loads of people and I have hundreds of friends. The more time I spend on SN sites, the less time I have for my real life. I think the final straw is my mum. She is a member of the same SN site as me and I made the mistake of making her one of my friends. She hasn’t lost touch with her old school mates and she really enjoys being online. But now she tends to follow my every move. It’s so embarrassing! I can’t do anything without her knowing.

S: Tanya: positive

Tanya focuses on all the benefits of being a member of a social networking site. She feels that it is a good way to entertain and educate oneself, create and maintain friendships and help other people out.

S: Adrian: negative

Adrian mentions drawbacks such as the sending of viruses to a person's e-mail, cyberbullying and identity theft.

S: Ronnie: positive and negative

Ronnie has mixed feelings about SN sites. He can see their usefulness when organising events but cannot see why people use them to keep other people informed about the irrelevant details of their lives.

 S:  Emma: negative

Emma mentions some positive aspects such as the fact that she has a lot of friends and chats to a lot of people but she seems to have had enough of being a member of an SN site. She complains of having very little time for her real life and not having enough privacy. Her negative opinion is clear in that she plans

to deactivate the SN site of which she is a member.


3. Comprehension questions:


What does Tanya think of SN sites? That they are great for keeping in touch with her mates and finding old friends.

 What does her uncle do? He is a driving instructor.

Are they members of the same SN site? Yes, they are.

What do her parents think of online games? That they are a waste of time.

What kind of online games does she like? She likes Trivia games, word games and chess.

What does she think of online games? She finds them amusing and educational.


Does Adrian like having personal information on the web? No, he doesn't.

What may happen to him if someone finds his e-mail?

They may start sending him spam or viruses.

What does he say about cyberbullyling? That it can be very nasty.

Why did a friend of his have to stop using an SN site? Because someone was constantly saying horrible things about her.


What are Ronnie and his classmates putting on at the end of the year? A school play.

What are they organising these days? The tickets.

What are they using their own webpage for? To advertise the school play.

What will they upload when the school play is over?

Photos and videos of the highlights.

D. Emma

Does Emma have many online friends? Yes, she does. What does she usually do when she is online? She plays virtual games and chats with loads of people.

Does she think that the time she spends on SN sites affects her real life in a negative way? Yes, she does. Does her mum enjoy being online? Yes, she does.

Has her mum lost touch with her old school mates? No, she hasn’t.

4.Look at the highlighted words in the texts and choose the correct answer a or b.

1. drawback

a. disadvantage       b. advantage

2. nasty

a. boring   b. unpleasant

3. constantly

a.rarely     b.all the time

4. update

a. give the most recent information  b. give false information

5. highlights

a. the best parts of something    b. the highest parts of something

6. deactivate

a. make something stop working    b. break something


  1. Vocabulary.


1.Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with the definitions a-g.

1.Hello, is James there? He rang me earlier but I was busy so I'm calling him back. O

2. I’ve lost touch with most of my old friends from school. O

3.A: Did you send that e-mail to Roger? O

B: Yes, but I haven't received a reply yet. O

4.Don’t forget to drop me a line when you move to Budapest. O

5.I have a lot of cousins and I try to keep in touch with all of them. O

6.Jenny, can I have a word with you after the lesson? O

7.Give me a call whenever you're in town, OK? O

a. stop communicating

b. send a short letter, e-mail or note

c. speak to someone for a short time

d. phone someone because he/she phoned you

e. phone someone

f. continue to communicate

g. get an answer


2. Read the sentences. Which of the phrases in bild have a positive and which a negative meaning? Use these phrases to make your own sentences.

1.I usually buy my sister books because she is crazy about reading.

2.David is keen on sports and tries to go to a football match every week.

3.My parents are tired of listening to me complain about doing the housework.

4.Julie is fond of cooking. That's all she does in her free time.

5.I'm a big fan of jazz music, so I'm definitely getting tickets to the concert.

6.Emma is fed up with her old computer and she wants to get a new one.

7.Ryan is sick of walking to school every day. He wants to learn how to drive.

8.I'm interested in taking up a hobby, but I don't know what.

9.We're all enthusiastic about our trip to Finland. We can't wait.

10. I think my mum is bored with her job. She doesn’t seem as excited as she used to be.


  1. Listening
  1. Listen to a phone conversation between Wayne and his dad and answer the questions.
  • What is Wayne`s  dad`s problem?
  • Do they solve the problem in the end?
  1. Listen again and write T for True and F for False.

 1. Wayne  is doing his homework at Paul`s house.

2. Wayne doesn`t want his dad to send the photo to his uncle.

3. Wayne`s dad is in front of the computer but it isn`t turned on.

4. Wayne`s dad has copied the photo from the camera to the computer.

5. Wayne`s dad needs to scroll down the page to see the `attach` button.

6. Wayne`s dad forgot to write a subject for his e-mail.

7. Uncle Fred replied to Wayne`s dad`s e-mail very quickly.

8. Wayne`s dad  sent the e-mail to the wrong address.




Wayne Hello, Dad.

Dad Hi, Wayne. Where are you?

Wayne I'm at Paul's house. He's got a new game console and I'm helping him set it up.

Dad Have you done your homework for tomorrow?

Wayne I did it before I left.

Dad Good. Now, I need your help.

Wayne Can it wait till I get home?

Dad It won’t take long. I want to send a photo to your uncle Fred.

Wayne Not the one you took of all of us at the weekend in the garden, I hope. It's a horrible picture.

Dad No, it isn’t. Just remind me how to do it again.

Wayne OK. Are you in front of the computer?

Dad Yes.

Wayne Is it turned on?

Dad Come on, Wayne. I’m not that silly.

Wayne Yeah? What about the last time you rang me up?

Dad OK, but that was different.

Wayne Whatever you say. Have you copied the picture from the camera to the computer?

Dad Yeah, I remember how to do that. It's in the folder with the other pictures.

Wayne Now you have to create a new e-mail.

Dad Yep, I've done that and I've written a short message to your uncle. I just can't seem to attach the photo to it.

Wayne Can you see the button that says 'attach'?

Dad Nope.

Wayne Scroll down the page a bit.

Dad OK, ermm... Oh yes, there it is. Do I click on it?

Wayne Yes.

Dad OK, done.

Wayne Now find the picture you want in the folder and click 'OK' so you can attach it to the e-mail.

Dad Right, and then I click 'send?

Wayne Yes. Have you written a subject?

Dad Yes, I wrote 'photo'.

Wayne Oooh, that's exciting.

Dad Well, I couldn't think of anything else. OK, that's sent. Thanks Wayne... Wait, I've got an e-mail in my inbox. Has Fred replied already?

Wayne No, it’s too soon. Open it and see.

Dad That can't be right. It's the e-mail that I just sent. What went wrong? What do I do now?

Wayne Oh, I can't do this. Listen, Dad. I’ll be home in half an hour. We'll try again, then. OK?

Dad OK.



III. Закінчення уроку.

 Підведення підсумків уроку. Коментування успіхів дітей на уроці.



  1. Summarising.


T: Now we are coming to the end of the lesson. Let’s sum up!


T: Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It’s very pleasant to work with you.

 The mark is….

The mark is….

The mark  is….

  1. Your hometask is ex. D p.11 to write down a personal webpage.


The lesson is over. You are free .


Good bye.




























































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