Let`s Take Care of Animals ( year 9)

Про матеріал
Урок доброти для учнів 9 класу до Всесвітнього дня захисту тварин , який відзначається 4 жовтня. Матеріал містить конспект заняття з активними посиланнями на відео та інтерактивні ресурси, які урізноманітнюють урок та розвивають цікавість до вивчення англійської та формують ключові компетентності здобувачів освіти.
Перегляд файлу

Year 9

Subject: Let's Take Care of Animals

T eaching Objectives:

1. help pupils get to know  more about  a World Animal Day and kindness to animals;

2. develop  the 21st century skills;

3. bring up ecological awareness, the feelings of respect and empathy;

4. expand knowledge  about volunteer work.

Teaching Aids and Materials: Power Point presentation, an interactive white board and the internet resources Learning Apps and Kahoot, mobile phones

The Type of the Lesson:  skills class


I The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting

Good morning! I am very pleased to see you in a good mood and I hope that today`s lesson will bring you only positive emotions and will provide you with interesting and useful information

2. Warm up

Now I would like you to memorize some proverbs about animals using Learning Apps. Your task is to match the beginning and the ending of   the each one and after that you have to find the Ukrainian equivalent.


Рис. 2.5.1

II. The  main part of the lesson

So, have a look on the board and the topic of our lesson. Why do you think we are going to talk about kindness to animals?

Remember that the 4th of October is a World Animal Day. That`s why we are to speak about the importance of our proper attitude to them.

First of all, let`s find out  what words are connected with the notion KINDNESS. Write them on the board.






Рис. 2.5.2

Revising vocabulary and discussion

So, think, which of them are connected with animals? Express your thoughts using as many words mentioned above as you can.

A pair work

        Now work in pairs and comment on the quotation. Try to convince your classmates.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\an 7.jpg               C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\an8.jpg

                    Рис.2.5. 3                                                     Рис.2.5. 4

This time compare your answers with the information on the poster and remember what you should do for your pets.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\images (13).jpg


       Watching the video and discussion

Now watch the video about a boy and his work. While watching pay attention to the main information about the place, boy`s duties, animals etc.


Рис .2.5.6

Now be ready for playing Kahoot in order to check your understanding of the video.


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Questions from Kahoot :

  1. The boy Jonathan works in the …
  1. national park;   b) zoo;   c) pets` shop;   d) farm
  1. Who can work in the zoo?
  1. only boys;  b) anybody who likes animals; c) anybody who has pets;

     d) everyone

  1. In the zoo you can see;
  1. only elephants; b) all kinds of animals; c) pets; d) wild animals

4.Jonathan has to wash elephants every day. True or False ?

  1. Teddy and his mother like most of all when…
  1. people feed them;  b) the boy wash them; c) care-takers scratch their backs;

     d) men clean after them

     6.  What vegetable is like a dessert for elephants?

      a) A banana; b) an apple; c) a watermelon; d) a carrot

     7. Jonathan volunteers in the zoo on Thursday. True o False?


  • And what about you, would you like to try a volunteer work or have you ever tried it?


     III. The final part of the lesson

  1.                   Summarizing

To sum up, answer my questions and express your opinion .

  • What impressed you most?
  • What are you planning to do in the future in order to help animals?
  1. Homework

Your task at home will be to write an opinion essay “Why is it so important to treat animals with kindness?”

  1.                   Praising the pupils. Evaluation.
  2.                   Saying “goodbye”
  • So, try to change the world  with your kindness towards animals

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Рис.2.5 .8

23 лютого 2023
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