Тема: Life Events. Plans for the Future. Життєві події. Плани на
Мета: систематизувати знання з теми, активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць у мовленні, вживання майбутнього часу та умовного речення І типу, вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, говоріння та письма, монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; поглибити знання учнів про життєві події та професії, стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію, сприяти розвитку інтелекту учнів, лексичної здогадки, слухової та зорової пам’яті; розвити навички та вміння всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності, вміння працювати в групах.
Виховна мета: виховувати культуру мови, самостійність, відповідальне ставлення до вибору професії та свого майбутнього.
Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, комп’ютер, відео, цікаві вправи, магнітна дошка, м’яч, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку
1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.
Вч.: Hello, children!
Уч. Пісня - вітання.: «Hello, hello, hello. We are glad to meet you. We are glad to greet you.”
Вч.: I’m glad to see you too. How are you today? I hope you are fine.
- Are you in a good mood?
- Are you tired?
- Are you scared?
- Are you nervous?
-Are you sad?
-Are you happy?
Ok! You see all these feelings are present in the life of every person, in our life events and they will be present in the future.
2. Оголошення теми уроку.
So today we have got a final lesson on the topic “Life Events. Plans for the Future”.
3. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.
Вч.: To begin with, look at the screen. You see some useful proverbs:
“No pain – no gain” - Гірка праця, та хліб солодкий. (You should work hard to achieve progress in life).
“Money doesn’t grow on trees” – Гроші не ростуть на деревах. (You should be careful how much money you spend).
“You reap what you sow” – Що посієш, те і пожнеш. (When you become old you’ll see the result of your work).
4. Повторення лексики до теми «Життєві події». Мозковий штурм.
Let’s recall the words for the topic “Life Events”.
be born buy a house get a job
to live in a good place get married
go to university
have children
train to be a…
start school learn to drive
leave home leave school
5. Повторення лексики до теми «Професії». Мозковий штурм.
Let’s recall the words for the topic “Professions”.
P - painter, pilot, police officer
R - receptionist, roofer, reporter
O - optician
F - firefighter, florist, farmer
E - electrician, engineer
S - scientist, shop assistant
S - surgeon, secretary
I - inventor
O - operator
N - nurse
S - singer, soldier
6. Бесіда про плани на майбутнє.
Now I want you to tell me about your plans for the future. I give you a ball and you ask your classmate two questions. Учні задають питання: “What do you want to be in the future?”, “What do you want to do in the future?” один одному, передаючи м’ч.
7. Гра «Крути колесо» - погодження або непогодження учнів з твердженнями на колесі. “Random Wheel”.
Now you can tell us more about your plans for the future using this wheel. So let’s play.
Talking about the future. Say if this is true or false for you and prove your answerRandom wheel
8. Презентація авторського вірша « Plan the Future ». (3 куплети на екрані).
We can use our vocabulary in a poem “Plan the Future”. Let’s recite the poem. Учні декламують вірш по куплету.
Plan the Future
Everybody has got his own future plans
That won’t create him lots of bans.
When people are certainly in agony born,
The life gives them a lot of thorns.
They start school and then it leave,
To go to university they also need.
Everybody wants to have a good profession,
To train to be a good specialist and have in the job satisfaction.
Then it’s time your home and parents leave
To get married, children have and work you need.
If you get a good job, a new house you will buy.
If you move to it, you’ll learn to drive.
Lutsyna Dorofeyeva
9. Аудіювання тексту “My Work”.
You are sitting in 3 groups: “Apple”, “Pear”, “Grapes”. The leaders of groups are…
Now your task is to listen to the text “My Work”. The text is divided into 5 small paragraphs: A, B, C, D, E. They are about 5 professions. Before listening I ask the leaders of the groups come and choose a task for your group.
The Tasks are: I - I. Choose the right answer.
1. Speaker in the text A works…
a) in children’s department b) in pet’s department
c) in men’s department d) in women’s department
2. According to the text B, it is easy to find a job as…
a) a waiter b) a tour guide c) a driver d) a teacher
3. The speaker in the text D most of time fly in…
a) America b) Africa c) Europe d) Asia
4. The speaker in the text E doesn’t like…
a) meals b) rules c) uniform d) colleagues
II. Say if the sentences are True or False.
1. Oxford has thousands of tourists in the spring.
2. Many people hate dentists.
3. The best thing for the speaker in the text D is visiting different places.
4. City Centre is a big restaurant.
III. Fill in the gaps.
A. clothes B. shoes C. hats
2. I work during my ________ when I'm not at university.
A. winter holidays B. spring holidays C. summer holidays
3. It is so important to __________ your teeth.
A. look after B. throw away C. treat
4. The most difficult thing about my job is when the _______ is bad.
A. mood B. weather C. team
Listen to the text twice and do the tasks.
My work
I work on Saturdays and in the school holidays. Saturdays are busy because that’s when everyone goes shopping. Our shop sells clothes and accessories for men, women and children. I work in the children’s department. It can be crazy sometimes, but it’s fun.
I work during my summer holidays when I’m not at university. Oxford has thousands of tourists in the summer, so it’s easy to find a job as a tour guide. I take tourists to visit the university colleges and then we go down to the river. We go along the river on a boat. The tourists love the boat trip, but last summer one tourist fell in the river! I love meeting people from all over the world.
I like my job, but lots of people don’t like coming to see me because they hate dentists. Sometimes it’s very hard work, but it’s great to help people when they have a problem. It’s so important to look after your teeth.
My job is very difficult, but I like it because I love flying. I fly planes that take people to different places on holiday. Most of the time I fly in Europe to places like Spain, Greece and Italy. The most difficult thing about my job is when the weather is bad. Snow and thunderstorms are the worst. The best thing is visiting different places.
I work in a hospital in the city Centre. It’s a very big hospital. I help the doctors with the patients. I give them their medicine and look after them when they feel ill. I love my job but I don’t like the uniform and sometimes I have to work at night.
Учні слухають текст і виконують завдання в групах.
І. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c
II. 1 False 2. True 3. True 4. False
III. 1. clothes 2. summer holidays 3. look after 4. weather
10. Музична пауза.
Now it’s time to have a rest and relax. Close your eyes, listen to calm music and imagine that you are somewhere in a beautiful place: in the forest, in the field, in the garden or on the beach, near the lake or river and think about something pleasant.
Звучить спокійна музика, учні закривають очі, уявляють себе на відпочинку в якомусь гарному місці і думають про щось приємне. Потім вчитель задає питання “Where have you been?”. Діти розповідають, де були.
https://youtu.be/cEo-RqQhKzA?si=rNfcFwZ6y3qWz1Mi Ніжна музика
11. Перевірка завдань.
12. Повторення вивченої граматики – вживання майбутнього часу Future Simple у вигляді відео тесту.
Ok. Let’s continue our work. Now we’ve got a grammar point. We learnt Future Simple. Let’s do a video test.
https://youtu.be/9zI0niPwJ6g Future Simple Test
13. Робота в групах.
Now we’ve got some work in the groups again.
The 1st group has got the task “Solve the Crossword”
Task for the 1st Group Crossword
1 R |
E |
P |
O |
R |
T |
E |
R |
2 S |
E |
C |
R |
E |
T |
A |
R |
Y |
3 D |
O |
C |
T |
O |
R |
4 F |
I |
R |
E |
M |
A |
N |
5 L |
I |
F |
E |
G |
U |
A |
R |
D |
6 D |
E |
N |
T |
I |
S |
T |
7 P |
O |
S |
T |
M |
A |
N |
8 A |
R |
C |
H |
I |
T |
E |
C |
T |
9 P |
I |
L |
O |
T |
10 M |
E |
C |
H |
A |
N |
I |
C |
11 S |
A |
L |
E |
S |
M |
A |
N |
The 2nd group has got the task “Match the parts of the sentences”.
Task for the 2nd Group
Match the parts of the sentences
computer game.
Answers: 1-h, 2-f, 3-i, 4-b, 5-e, 6-c, 7-a, 8-g, 9-d
The 3rd group has got the task “Make a Survey”. Role play. A leader interviews the classmates of the group and then present the results of the survey.
Лідер групи робить опитування, беручи інтерв’ю у своїх членів групи і потім представляє результати опитування.
Task for the 3rd Group
At the age of 15 or 17?
A. after leaving school B. before getting married C. after getting married
4. When are you going to get married?
A. at the age of 20 B. at the age of 25 C. at the age of 30
5. How many children do you want to have?
A. one B. two C. more than two
6. How many countries are you going to visit in the future and what countries?
A. one B. two C. more than two
14. Представлення результатів завдань.
15. Підсумок уроку. Висновок у вигляді «Сінквейн» - “Cinquain”.
Let’s summarize the lesson using “Cinquain”.
16. Домашнє завдання.
Зробити проект на тему: «My Life Events and Plans for the Future».
Life Events
Plans for the Future
Конспект уроку в 6 класі
Підготувала і провела
вч. англійської мови
СЗШ № 33 м. Львова
Дорофеєва Люцина
Григорівна 18.03.24 р.
Львів 2024