My style. Present Progressive

Про матеріал
Матеріал розроблений для підручника Full Blast 2, для дітей 6 класу, 11-12 років з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу

Центр творчості дітей та юнацтва

Прилуцької міської ради Чернігівської області





Конспект заняття гуртка «Англійська мова»

на тему: «My style. Present Progressive”

(п’ятий рік навчання)




підготувала: Кононенко Анна Валентинівна, керівник гуртка «Англійська мова»













м. Прилуки

Aims: -to introduce the topic of the lesson;

           -to introduce vocabulary: items of clothing and accessories;

            -to give students practice in using the vocabulary, structures and functions presented in the lesson by talking about their clothes ;

           -to present and give students practice in using the Present Progressive.

Equipment: laptop, screen, presentation.

Age category of children: 10-11 years.


                                                    Lesson course:

1. Warm-up:

  • Draw students’ attention to the title of the lesson.
  • Help students deduce the meaning of the word style by telling a student: Nice clothes! I like your style  .
  • Ask students to guess what the lesson will be about.

2. Vocabulary:

  • Ask students to name any items of clothing that they already know.
  • Ask students to name any items of clothing that they usually wear in autumn.
  • Ask students to name any items of clothing that they usually wear at home, at school and when they go out with their friends.
  • Memory game.

What items of clothing and accessories are these?

Hat, earrings, belt, skirt, shorts, sandals, top, shirt, boots, leggings, jumper, tracksuit.



  • Ask students to look at the picture and ask them the question:
  1. What items of clothing does Jane usually wear?
  2. What items of clothing is she putting on now?
  3. What items of clothing does Tom usually wear?
  4. What items of clothing is he putting on now?

Чи потрібна шкільна форма: усі за і проти — журнал | «Освіторія»


  • Memory game. “Guess items of clothing”


-         Close your eyes take the item of clothing and guess what it is. (dress, skirt, jeans, jacket, leggings)


3. Grammar:

  • Draw students attention to the table and explain that this is the Present Progressive in the affirmative, negative and questions forms followed by short answers.

  • Have students do the active.
  • Check the answers with the class.


  • Game ’’Pantomime”- Take the cards and show us what are you doing at the moment.



5. Write:

  • Look at the picture and write sentences using the Present Progressive. What are the people doing?


6. Thanks for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.

11 червня 2024
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