Центр творчості дітей та юнацтва
Прилуцької міської ради Чернігівської області
Конспект заняття гуртка «Англійська мова»
на тему: «My style. Present Progressive”
(п’ятий рік навчання)
підготувала: Кононенко Анна Валентинівна, керівник гуртка «Англійська мова»
м. Прилуки
Aims: -to introduce the topic of the lesson;
-to introduce vocabulary: items of clothing and accessories;
-to give students practice in using the vocabulary, structures and functions presented in the lesson by talking about their clothes ;
-to present and give students practice in using the Present Progressive.
Equipment: laptop, screen, presentation.
Age category of children: 10-11 years.
Lesson course:
1. Warm-up:
2. Vocabulary:
What items of clothing and accessories are these?
Hat, earrings, belt, skirt, shorts, sandals, top, shirt, boots, leggings, jumper, tracksuit.
- Close your eyes take the item of clothing and guess what it is. (dress, skirt, jeans, jacket, leggings)
3. Grammar:
5. Write:
6. Thanks for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.