Лінгвістичний брейн-ринг "English is easy!"

Про матеріал
Лінгвістичний брейн-ринг може бути проведений для учнів 10-11 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, студентів І-ІІ курсів вищих навчальних закладів (на базі 9-го класу).Метою брейн-рингу є розвиток інтелектуальних мовленнєвих та творчих здібностей учнів та студентів; повторення та закріплення вивченого матеріалу; формування позитивної мотивації до вивчення іноземної мови та до пізнавальної діяльності.
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Brain Ring “English is easy!” (1-2 курс)


Мета та завдання:


-         розвивати інтелектуальні,  мовленнєві та творчі здібності студентів;

-         повторити та закріпити вивчений матеріал;

-         формувати позитивну мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мови та до пізнавальної діяльності.


Для проведення гри формуються команди зі студентів 1-2 курсу по 6-7 чоловік. На обговорення кожного питання дається 1 хвилина. Бали отримує та команда, яка першою дає правильну відповідь на запитання. Якщо відповідь була неправильною, у команди суперників є можливість на обговорення до кінця першої хвилини.


Під час обдумування гравцями відповідей можна запропонувати запитання вболівальникам та оцінити їх відповіді також,  бали додаються тій команді, за яку вони вболівають.



Хід гри

Teacher. Good morning, dear students and guests! You’re welcome to our intellectual linguistic brain-ring “English is easy”. The aim of our meeting is to show that English is not so difficult, if you learn it and have practice all the time.  It also gives a great opportunity to widen the outlook and encourage students to speak.

Teacher: Before we start our competition we need to form teams. In order to do that, you all were given pieces of paper with names of food, jobs and natural disasters. The students who have pieces with the names of food occupy the table with number one, the students with the names of jobs on your pieces occupy the table under number 2 and those who have natural disasters take the seats at table number 3.

Teacher: Now we have our teams. Chose the captain of your team and we can start. During this contest you will have a chain of different task for which you will gain point.

Our competition is quite unusual, because there is no jury, but we have referees who will help us to count your score and control the time when it needs.


Round. 1. Let’s warm up! The Quickest.

Give as more answers as you can.

1. Where do kangaroos live? (Australia)

2. What colour is the sky?(blue)

 3. What is the national dish of the Ukrainians? (borsch)

4. What is the official language of Great Britain? (English)

5. Name the fastest way of travelling? (plane)

6. What season comes after winter?(spring)

7. When do people usually have breakfast? (in the morning)

8. How many eyes has a man?(two)

 9. Who wrote “Tom Sawyer”? (Mark Twain)

10. What colour is milk?(white)

11. What is the weather like usually in summer?(hot, sunny)

12. What’s the British national drink? (tea)

13. Why do people go to bed? (to sleep)

14. What river does Kyiv stand on? (The Dnipro)

15. What can you do with a book? (to read)

16. What colour is snow? (white)

17. Who wrote the tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’? (W.Shakespeare)

18. What days of the week students don’t study?(Saturday, Sunday)


And the most numbers of correct answers has…


Round 2.  English words in Ukrainian language

We live in Ukraine. Ukrainian is our native language, but more and more English words are being borrowed from the English language into other languages. Your task is to write as many Ukrainian words which were borrowed from English as you can. Time limit is five minutes (football, computer, golf…)

Teacher: The winner in this contest is…..


Round 3. «Draw a picture».

 In order to manage with your next task «Draw a picture» you need to use you memory, listening and painting skills. You’ll be listening to a shot story.  Your task is to draw what’s the story about. While listening you should make a picture.  There is a sheet of paper on your desks. You listen to the sentence and draw. Then we will see who are the best listener and painter.  The team that makes more detailed picture wins. (Maximum 10 points)

The story: 1. There is a big house in the middle of the picture. 2. There are two windows in the house and one door. 3. To the left of the house there is a tree. 4. To the right of the house there are two flowers. 5. One flower is a rose, the second flower is a tulip. 6. Under the tree there is ball, on the tree there is an apple. 7. The sun is in the sky above the house.


Now, show your pictures, please. The winner is … .


Round 4. Guess the word.

Each member of the team chooses a description of the word from different categories and read it.  The other members of the team should guess the word. The categories have different colours.

Natural disasters.

1) a disaster when there is no rain for a long time (drought)

2) a very bad snowstorm (blizzard)

3) a disaster in which snow and ice move quickly down a mountain (avalanche)

4) a lot of water (flood)

5) a disaster in which hills become too wet and the soil moves (land slide)

6) an eruption of hot lava, ash and gases from the Earth crust (volcano eruption)

7) a release of energy caused by tectonic place moving (earthquake)

8) violent wind with a lot of rain which moves quickly in a circle-circular wind (tornado)

9)  uncontrolled fire that happens in wilderness (forest fires)



Ukrainian food

1) salted pork fat with, or without garlic and pepper  (salo)

2) small baked breads, often buttered and topped with garlic and dill (pampushky)

3) cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and minced meat (holubtsi)

4) very thin pancakes(nalysnyky)

5) large stuffed dumplings, can be stuffed with potatoes, meat, berries, cottage cheese (varenyky)

6) fried cheese pancakes, usually served with sour cream, honey, or jam (syrnyky)

7) meat (beef, or pork) aspic, prepared with garlic, onion, bay leaf and black pepper (holodets)

8) cabbage and beets based soup, usually with pork or beef meat, served with sour-cream (borshch)



  1.               works in a school and teaches students
  1.               works in hospital and helps doctors
  1.               flies an airplane
  1.               takes people’s orders in a restaurant and serves them food
  1.               works in a police station and maintains public security
  1.               works in a hospital and treats patients
  1.               drives a taxi
  1.               does the cooking in a restaurant or hotel
  1.               a man who acts in a movie



1) a game for two players. They have rackets. They hit a shuttle-cock over a net. (badminton)

2) a game played on ice field by two teams of six players each.(hockey)

3)  a game in which two teams of five players bounce and pass a ball down a court to score by sinking the ball into a fixed basket. (basketball)

4) a game in which you lose long sticks called clubs to hit a small ball into holes in fine grassy patch. (golf)

5) an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players who try to put the ball in a goal at each end of a field. (football)

6) a game for two players who have sixteen figures which they move on a board. They must trap the opponent’s king to win the game.(chess)

7) an indoor game for two or sometimes four players who hit a small plastic ball across a net. (tennis)

8) a swimming game played with a ball and two goals. (water polo)

9) a sport in which two competitors fight with each other. (boxing)


He laughs best, who laughs last.

Better late than never.

Tastes differ.

There is no smoke without fire.

 Pride goes before a fall.

 It is no use crying over spilt milk.

The early bird catches the warm.

Сміється той, хто сміється останній.

Краще пізно, ніж ніколи.

Немає друзів за смаками.

Немає диму без вогню.

Хто високо літає, низько падає.

 Сльозами горю не допоможеш.

Хто рано встає, тому Бог дає.

Round 5. Proverbs and idioms 

Proverbs are wisdom of the whole nation. Wherever you live, whatever language you speak, most of the proverbs have similar meanings. For example, my home is my castle (Мій дім – моя фортеця), East or West, home is best (В гостях добре, а вдома краще). The same is about the idioms (To kill two hares with one stone. – Вбити двох зайців.). Your task is to find Ukrainian equivalents to the proverbs on your cards. Each team has seven proverbs or idioms: 




The eye is the mirror of the soul.

It is never too late to learn.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

 All in good time.

What is done cannot be undone.

First think, then speak.

Очі – дзеркало душі

Весь вік живи – весь вік вчись

Скажи мені, хто двій друг і я скажу, хто ти.

Ніколи не відкладай на завтра те,що можна зробити сьогодні

Всякому овочу свій час

Що з возу впало, те пропало.

Слово не горобець, вилетить, не спіймаєш».

East or West, home is best.

Appearances are deceitful.

The devil is not so black as he is painted. 

Dont trouble troubles until troubles trouble you.

Custom is a second nature.

So many men, so many minds.

В гостях добре, але вдома краще.

Зовнішність оманлива.

Не такий страшний диявол, як його малюють.

Не буди лихо, доки тихо.


Звичка – друга натура.

Скільки людей, стільки й думок.












Round 6.




Підведення підсумків


Teacher. Now let’s find out what team is the winner. The result of the game is…

My congratulations! And here is the certificate of participation for your group.

Who’s the best participant of your group? He/She gets a personal award.


So, our brain ring has come to the end and we’re thankful to our teams, participants and  guests. Wishing you all the best we say good bye to you. 

Good- bye!





Natural disasters.

1) a disaster when there is no rain for a long time (drought)

2) a very bad snowstorm (blizzard)

3) a disaster in which snow and ice move quickly down a mountain (avalanche)

4) a lot of water (flood)

5) a disaster in which hills become too wet and the soil moves (land slide)

6) an eruption of hot lava, ash and gases from the Earth crust (volcano eruption)

7) a release of energy caused by tectonic place moving (earthquake)

8) violent wind with a lot of rain which moves quickly in a circle-circular wind (tornado)

9)  uncontrolled fire that happens in  wilderness (forest fires)



Natural disasters.

1) a disaster when there is no rain for a long time (drought)

2) a very bad snowstorm (blizzard)

3) a disaster in which snow and ice move quickly down a mountain (avalanche)

4) a lot of water (flood)

5) a disaster in which hills become too wet and the soil moves (land slide)

6) an eruption of hot lava, ash and gases from the Earth crust (volcano eruption)

7) a release of energy caused by tectonic place moving (earthquake)

8) violent wind with a lot of rain which moves quickly in a circle-circular wind (tornado)

9)  uncontrolled fire that happens in  wilderness (forest fires)


Ukrainian food

1) salted pork fat with, or without garlic and pepper  (salo)

2) small baked breads, often buttered and topped with garlic and dill (pampushky)

3) cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and minced meat (holubtsi)

4) very thin pancakes(nalysnyky)

5) large stuffed dumplings, can be stuffed with potatoes, meat, berries, cottage cheese (varenyky)

6) fried cheese pancakes, usually served with sour cream, honey, or jam (syrnyky)

7) meat (beef, or pork) aspic, prepared with garlic, onion, bay leaf and black pepper (holodets)

8) cabbage and beets based soup, usually with pork or beef meat, served with sour-cream (borshch)



Ukrainian food

1) salted pork fat with, or without garlic and pepper  (salo)

2) small baked breads, often buttered and topped with garlic and dill (pampushky)

3) cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and minced meat (holubtsi)

4) very thin pancakes(nalysnyky)

5) large stuffed dumplings, can be stuffed with potatoes, meat, berries, cottage cheese (varenyky)

6) fried cheese pancakes, usually served with sour cream, honey, or jam (syrnyky)

7) meat (beef, or pork) aspic, prepared with garlic, onion, bay leaf and black pepper (holodets)

8) cabbage and beets based soup, usually with pork or beef meat, served with sour-cream (borshch)




1) works in a school and teaches students (teacher)

2) works in hospital and helps doctors (nurse)

3) flies an airplane (pilot)

4) takes people’s orders in a restaurant (waiter)

5) works in a police station (policeman)

6) works in a hospital and treats patients (doctor)

7) drives a taxi (taxi driver)

8) does the cooking in a restaurant or hotel (chef/cook)

9) a man who acts in a movie (actor)





1) works in a school and teaches students (teacher)

2) works in hospital and helps doctors (nurse)

3) flies an airplane (pilot)

4) takes people’s orders in a restaurant (waiter)

5) works in a police station (policeman)

6) works in a hospital and treats patients (doctor)

7) drives a taxi (taxi driver)

8) does the cooking in a restaurant or hotel (chef/cook)

9) a man who acts in a movie (actor)












1) a game for two players. They have rackets. They hit a shuttle-cock over a net. (badminton)

2) a game played on ice field by two teams of six players each.(hockey)

3)  a game in which two teams of five players bounce and pass a ball down a court to score by sinking the ball into a fixed basket. (basketball)

4) a game in which you lose long sticks called clubs to hit a small ball into holes in fine grassy patch. (golf)

5) an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players who try to put the ball in a goal at each end of a field. (football)

6) a game for two players who have sixteen figures which they move on a board. They must trap the opponent’s king to win the game.(chess)

7) an indoor game for two or sometimes four players who hit a small plastic ball across a net. (tennis)

8) a swimming game played with a ball and two goals. (water polo)

9) a sport in which two competitors fight with each other. (boxing)












He laughs best, who laughs last.

Better late than never.

Tastes differ.

There is no smoke without fire.

 Pride goes before a fall.

 It is no use crying over spilt milk.

The early bird catches the warm.

Сміється той, хто сміється останній.

Краще пізно, ніж ніколи.

Немає друзів за смаками.

Немає диму без вогню.

Хто високо літає, низько падає.

 Сльозами горю не допоможеш.

Хто рано встає, тому Бог дає.



The eye is the mirror of the soul.

It is never too late to learn.

A man is known by the company he keeps.


Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

 All in good time.

What is done cannot be undone.

First think, then speak.

Очі – дзеркало душі

Весь вік живи – весь вік вчись

Скажи мені, хто двій друг і я скажу, хто ти.

Ніколи не відкладай на завтра те,що можна зробити сьогодні.

Всякому овочу свій час.

Що з возу впало, те пропало.

Слово не горобець, вилетить, не спіймаєш.

East or West, home is best.

Appearances are deceitful.

The devil is not so black as he is painted. 

Dont trouble troubles until troubles trouble you.

Custom is a second nature.

So many men, so many minds.

В гостях добре, але вдома краще.

Зовнішність оманлива.

Не такий страшний диявол, як його малюють.

Не буди лихо, доки тихо.

Звичка – друга натура.

Скільки людей, стільки й думок.


















Forest fire









1) a game for two players. They have rackets. They hit a shuttle-cock over a net. (badminton)

2) a game played on ice field by two teams of six players each.(hockey)

3)  a game in which two teams of five players bounce and pass a ball down a court to score by sinking the ball into a fixed basket. (basketball)

4) a game in which you lose long sticks called clubs to hit a small ball into holes in fine grassy patch. (golf)

5) an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players who try to put the ball in a goal at each end of a field. (football)

6) a game for two players who have sixteen figures which they move on a board. They must trap the opponent’s king to win the game.(chess)

7) an indoor game for two or sometimes four players who hit a small plastic ball across a net. (tennis)

8) a swimming game played with a ball and two goals. (water polo)

9) a sport in which two competitors fight with each other. (boxing)









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