Розробка уроку "Живопис. Англійські художники. Музеї Лондону""

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Unit.5 The World of Painting

Тема уроку: Музеї і картинні галереї. Англійські художники.

Мета: Розвивати навички монологічного й діалогічного мовлення. Удосконалювати техніку читання. Продовжувати формувати навички писемного мовлення. Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми. Прищеплювати інтерес до витворів мистецтва . Виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини.

Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит,  картки для самостійної роботи, портрети художників, текст для читання.

    1.Підготовка до сприйняття  іншомовного мовлення.

                                            Хід уроку

1. Greeting. How do you do! Glad to see you again. I hope you are all right and ready for our lesson.

2. Aim. Today we are going to talk about English painters and British art galleries.

3. Warning up.

Бесіда в режимі Т – Р1 – Р2- Р3.

1 Are you fond of art?

2 What kind of art are you fond of?

3 Do you like painting? What painting do you prefer?

                                              Substitution      Table

                                       What paintings do you prefer


      Card №1

In painting

I prefer

Oils to watercolors

Landscape painting to genre gaiting

Portraiture to sea-scape

Still life to a battle-piece

Historical painting to a flower-piece

Masterpiece to a surrealistic painting

Icon painting to animal painting

Fresco to cityscape painting


4 Discuss the following statement

 Art is long,  life is short.

Why are people interested in art? Why is art so powerful?

 P1 – P2 – P3 ( «I believe every artist reflects his hopes and ideas in his canvases» )

 T: I agree with you, every masterpiece is a part of an artist’s heart.

  1. Основна частина уроку.
  1. Speaking.


T: Where can you see the works of art?


Substitution table

Card №2


I’d like to visit

the picture gallery

the art museum

the art gallery

the exhibition hall



T: What are the biggest and richest art galleries in the world? Make up sentences, using the table. Note the use of the definite article with the names of museum.

Card №3

The Louvers

The Tate Gallery

The National Gallery

The National Art Museum









T: Do you know what animals guard the art galleries?

    ( Cats defend the works of art from mice and rats.)

T: You know that London is famous for its art galleries. Of all London’s great art collections two should be mentioned , the National Gallery and the Tate Gallery. What do you know about them? You had to prepare short reports. Are you ready?

Check on Homework

P1:The National Gallery….

P2:I’d like to tell you about the Tate Gallery.

Memory game

3.T: Let’s play a memory-game . You will be divided into two teams . Your task is to write on a sheet of paper 6 words  concerning the topic “Painting.” Then change these papers and write as many synonyms to each word as you can. The person who completes the task first, will be the winner.



 Palette-colour scheme, colour scale;

Scenery-landscape, nature etc

Thomas Gainsborough

Joshua Reynolds

John Constable

Joseph Turner

William Hogarth




A great English

An outstanding

A famous

A well-known

An acknowledged 

Seascape painter


Landscape Painter

Historical painter

4.T: No doubt, that among the British painters Tomas Gainsborough, William Hogarth, Joseph Turner and John Constable take special place. What do you know about them? In what genre did they paint? Make sentences using the substitution table.

 5.T: Let’s imagine that you’ve got a brilliant opportunity to visit the National Gallery and the Tate Gallery in London. Some of you will be our guides. Tell us, please, about these artist’s style of  painting.

P1: I’d like to tell you about Thomas Gainsborough (portraitist and a landscape painter) “Duchess de Beauford”

P2: I’m going to speak about Joseph  Turner (The description of nature) “The Snow storm”, “The Shipwreck”

P3: I would like to tell you about William Hogarth (portraiture) “The Graham Children”

P4: I’d like to attract your attention to John Constable (landscape painter)   “The Hay Wain”

6.Group Work

T: Now your task  is to give characteristics to these painters, deviding these strips of

Paper into four groups.


-to know women’s psychology;

-to prefer blue;

-to purest lyricist of English painters;

b) Hogarth

-a keen and critical eye;

-elements of satire and caricature





-sail ,wave, storm


-blues and greens of nature;

-landscape are generally calm;

-pleasant outdoor scenes.

7. Audition

1.Етап слухання тексту

                                               The Two Geniuses

2.Етап перевірки змісту тексту.Decide if these statements are true or false.

Учні самостійно виконують завдання

Закінчив роботу, учні по черзі читають речення

  1. The description of people dominated in Turner’s painting(F)
  2. Gainsborough never painted out-of-doors(T)
  3. Gainsborough adored yellow colours (F)
  4. Constable knew the psychology of women well(F)
  5. Turner is a dreamer of a private world(T)
  6. Hogarth’s sitters were socially  different people of time
  7. Hogarth is well-known for his caricatures(T)
  8. Turner was a representative of Romanticism(T)


Застосовуючи подану інформацію на уроці, учні складають мікродіалоги по темі. Дві-три пари інсценують діалоги.


P1: As we study English we should know some glimpses of  English  painting . As for me  I like works by John Constable. I think he is the best  landscape painter. You can see his pictures not only in the Tate Gallery but in the Louvers too

P2: Frankly speaking in painting Iprefer sea-scapes. I like Joseph Turner’s canvases.

He painted waves, storms , clouds, mists with great skill.

                                         Заключна частина уроку

1Homework. Project Work.

a)прочитати текст вправи №1 ,с.179

b)по інструкціі зробити картину

2 Summarizing

“A painter’s monument is his work,” said S. Maugham. People accept painting differently, but a lot of them nowadays continue to enjoy John Constable’s  landscapes and Gainsborough’s portraits and their pictures appeal to the hearts and minds of people ,to their feeling and ideals.     




   The two geniuses who usually placed head and shoulders above their contemporaries are Constable and Turner. They are so essentially different from each other that it is difficult to compare them. If one wants to understand the essential difference between them , a comparison between their water colours will perhaps show it best.

Yet in noting the difference one is reminded too of the things they had in common. Both were acute observers of nature and both  shared the romantic   passion for light. Where the differed was not in fundamental principles, but in their way of looking at things. For Constable light is the means b which a tree or a cloud may take on some particular significance in the ordinary scale of things. He paints exactly what he sees in the clearest ,freshest tones; so that even today the blues and greens on the pages of his later sketchbooks flash out like pure colour rays reflected in a prism. For Turner light is mysterious and remote. And  as he grew older he became –unlike Constable- a painter of a private world. Even in his later drawings Turner gives his subjects the filmy quality of dreams , transforming a view of town or river into a vision of engulfing light.

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
13 січня 2020
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