Listening comprechension

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Тест для контроля сформованості навичок аудіювання побудований на відео запису " Tsunami hits " від СNN. За лексичним наповненням текст об'єднує навчальний матеріал з теми "Cтихійні лиха". Пізнавальна цінність цього тексту в тому, що крім інформативної сторони, текст показує реалії життя.
Перегляд файлу

Last Friday 11th March, Japan was hit by the worst earthquake it has ever experienced.

Listen to the telephone interview between a CNN reporter and a witness and decide if the sentences below are T or F.


1.  Matt has been living in Japan for 18 years.        ……


2. This wasn’t the first earthquake Matt has ever experienced.                   ……


3. Matt and his wife stayed inside the house during the quake.                   ……


4. The interviewer isn’t sure whether Matt lives in Japan or he’s there momentarily.                ……


5. He lives in the north side of the city.         ……


6. Matt is not near the coast so the tsunami waves aren’t a direct threat to him and his wife.              ……


7. Matt is sure not many people were able to evacuate before the tsunami hit the coast.               ……


8. The epicenter of the quake was in the north of Japan.       ……


9. Although Matt’s wife is Japanese she has lived abroad most of her life.                 ……


10. The weather was great before the quake hit Japan.       ……


11. Matt had just come home when everything happened.                   ……


12. The noise of the buildings creaking is something Matt is not willing to experience again.              ……


13. People who are used to living there realised this was not a common quake when it started.              ……


14. Matt says people will forget this episode quickly.       ……






















Japan’s earthquake / tsunami activity key


1.  Matt has been living in Japan for 18 years.         F


I’ve been living here for eight years now


2. This wasn’t the first earthquake Matt has ever experienced.       T


Quite simply the biggest, longest lasting earthquake I’ve experienced here


3. Matt and his wife stayed inside the house during the quake.       F


My wife and I stood outside and basically held on the outside of the house


4. The interviewer isn’t sure wheter Matt lives in Japan or he’s there momentarily.                  T


You’re saying that you live there or that you’re actually travelling


5. He lives in the north side of the city.          F


I live in the west side of the city


6. Matt is not near the coast so the tsunami waves aren’t a direct threat to him and his wife.                T


We’re very fortuned ‘cause we’re located quite far inland / We’re kind of I would say 10 or 15 miles away from the coast line


7. Matt is sure not many people were able to evacuate before the tsunami hit the coast.                 T


Probably a lot of these people did not have a chance to evacuate for the wave hit


8. The epicentre of the quake was in the north of Japan.         T


We’re going to see a significant number of casualties, especially up in the northern part of the country where the quake had its epicentre


9. Although Matt’s wife is Japanese she has lived abroad most of her life.                   F


My wife is Japanese and she’s lived here most of her life


10. The weather was great before the quake took place.        T


It was a beautiful spring day, it was sunny outside


11. Matt had just come home when everything happened.        T


I’d just come home from a little errand to the grocery store


12. The noise of the buildings creaking is something Matt is not willing to experience again.                T


It’s something I hope I never have to hear again


13. People who are used to living there realised this was not a common quake when it started.                T


People who’ve lived there all their lives they know when this is different and this was very different


14. Matt says people will forget this episode quickly.        F


People are gonna be talking about this for a long time to come






  • Set the following post questions for the first time you shoe the video to your sts:


1. What’s the name of the interviewee?


2. In which part of the video does he say the phrase “A TREMOR TO REMEMBER”? At the beginning, in the middle or at the end?


  • Hand out the worksheet and go through the sentences one by one. Clarify any doubts about the vocabulary.
  • Play the video as many times as necessary for sts to complete the task.
  • Check the answers and provide the evidence.






До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 серпня 2019
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