Презентація "A Trip to London"

Про матеріал
Презентація містить краєзнавчий матеріал про столицю Англії та її визначні місця. Допоможе в легкій і доступній формі ознайомити учнів з Лондоном.
Зміст слайдів
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London is a great industrial, cultural and educational centre.

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London is the biggest city in Europe. People from all over the world come here because of its great culture and spectacular landmarks. There are about 8 mln people in the city. The name of the main river is the Thames. The most popular destination in London is the Buckingham Palace and the The Houses of Parliament. The most popular building in London is Big Ben. THE BUCKINGHAM PALACE BIG BEN THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT

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It is in the centre of London. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson and two fountains there.

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This is the home of the British Government. There are two towers in the Palace of Westminster: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. The Victoria Tower holds the records of both the Houses of Lords and Commons.

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Big Ben, the big clock tower, is the symbol of London.

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Westminster Abbey is a symbol of English traditions and is more than 900 years old. Nearly all the kings and queens of Britain were crowned and buried there.

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This is the Queen’s home. It was built in 1703. There is a great collection of paintings.

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Kensington Palace is best known today as the place where Princess Diana lived up until her death in 1997. It was in fact the official London residence of both Charles and Diana.

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You have to go to Greenwich which is a district of south London. It is believed that the International Prime Meridian passes through the Royal Observatory and is known as the Greenwich Meridian. So when you are in Greenwich you can stand on both hemispheres at the same time.

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London Transport Taxi Tube Cabs are black and spacious. London buses are a quick and cheap way to travel around. Bus Underground or 'the Tube' is the quickest and easiest way of travelling around London.

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13 серпня 2019
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