Listening comprehension task "Schools in the UK"

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Task for the 8th form on the topic “Schools in the UK”.

Генератор QR кодів(teacher’s variant)

Watch the video and read the statements

in English and find true and false sentences.

Переглянути відео, знайти правдиві

та неправдиві речення.


1. This story is about schools in the UK. +

2. When moms and dads bring their children to school it is called the school run. +

3. Many students come to school by bus or by coach. +

4. The lessons usually start at nine o’clock. +

5. Boys and girls are dressed the same. +

6. The students don’t have lockers to keep their books and things. +

7. Teachers and staff needn’t to arrive to school in time. –

8. The students have cookery lessons at school. +

9. Students all over the country study the same program on the main school subjects. +

10. One of the most important subjects is IT. +

11. There are no computers in some English schools. -

12. The teachers can have a rest in the school canteen. -


Task for the 8th form on the topic “British schools”.

Генератор QR кодів 

Watch the video and read the statements

in English and find true and false sentences.

Переглянути відео, знайти правдиві

та неправдиві речення.


1. This story is about schools in the UK.

2. When moms and dads bring their children to school it is called the school run.

3. Many students come to school by bus or by coach.

4. The lessons usually start at nine o’clock.

5. Boys and girls are dressed the same.

6. The students don’t have lockers to keep their books and things.

7. Teachers and staff needn’t to arrive to school in time.

8. The students have cookery lessons at school.

9. Students all over the country study the same program on the main school subjects.

10. One of the most important subjects is IT.

11. There are no computers in some English schools.

12. The teachers can have a rest in the school canteen.


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
20 жовтня 2023
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